The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1807 What he said is true


Cheng Chumo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhao Chen with a wave of his hand: The King of Silla is not dead yet, and I have already sent a letter to the emperor in his name.

The content is probably that Silla suffered from war, and I hope the court can help Silla recover after the war.

In return, Silla is willing to become a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, pay tribute to the Tang suzerainty every year, and the Tang army can be stationed in Silla.

I am constructing the capital of Silla on a large scale. It is His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, at the request of the King of Silla.

Where is the meaning of self-reliance?

But... Qin Huaiyu felt that something was wrong. Sooner or later, news of the foolish king of Silla would spread.

How can things be as simple as Zhao Chen said.

Then, is this your escape route...

Of course. Zhao Chen directly confirmed Qin Huaiyu's words.

It's just not now. Zhao Chen added.

Where's the army over there?

What are you going to do? Qin Huaiyu asked another very serious question.

Datang Frontier Army!

If Xu Shiji was removed from the position of commander-in-chief of the Tang Dynasty's border army, it would be even worse if the new commander-in-chief did not obey Zhao Chen's orders.

Border Army? Zhao Chen glanced at Qin Huaiyu and said with a smile: You and Cheng Er are just a little bit different in terms of qualifications, but it doesn't matter.

After Commander Xu is demoted, you two will probably be the commander of this large army.

What nonsense are you talking about? What relationship does Cheng Er and I have with you? The courtiers will not know, so how can they agree. Qin Huaiyu didn't believe Zhao Chen's statement at all.

He even felt that Zhao Chen must have misjudged this time.

There was no way the imperial court would hand over the army to him and Cheng Chumo.

Isn't this more inclined to Zhao Chen than when Xu Shiji was in command?

If you don’t believe it, how about we make a bet? Zhao Chen looked at Qin Huaiyu with a smile.

As soon as he heard Zhao Chen say that he wanted to bet with him, Qin Huaiyu immediately became alert.

Back when he was at Chang'an Academy, many people bet with Zhao Chen.

But among the students from the emperor to the academy, which one can beat Zhao Chen once?

Even if you were full of confidence before, who wouldn't lose in the end and almost lose your pants?

But Qin Huaiyu still didn't quite believe Zhao Chen's judgment.

It's normal for you to have doubts, but I only have one thing to tell you: I am not independent and will not be independent. After Zhao Chen said that, he grabbed his panda cub back and walked outside leisurely.

Wei Zheng felt very tired.

He had been away from the capital for almost two months, and today he finally saw the gate of the capital of Silla.

When he saw the city gate, for a moment, he thought he was back in Chang'an.

A straight cement road stretches from the city gate to an invisible part of the city.

The streets are clean and tidy, with no trace of domestic garbage to be found.

The shops on both sides kept shouting, and many of them had things Wei Zheng had never seen before.

Children chased and fought in the street, laughing and laughing.

Where are the tragic scenes I heard on the road.

This little brother, I would like to ask, how to get to the palace? Wei Zheng got down from the carriage and sat in the carriage along the way. He also wanted to get down and take a walk.

I found a young man on the roadside and asked for the direction of the palace.

Going straight ahead is the palace, but apart from the guards, the palace has no owner.

Where are you going, sir? The young man pointed the way and asked Wei Zheng a strange question.

There is no one living in the palace, so where do His Majesty the King of Silla and His Royal Highness the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty live? Wei Zheng was a little surprised and asked quickly.

His Majesty the King lives in the other courtyard in the western suburbs, and His Highness the King of Han lives in the Tianquan Mountain Courtyard in the north of the city. Sir, do you know His Highness the King of Han? The young man looked at Wei Zheng strangely.

Thank you, brother. Wei Zheng did not answer, but smiled and cupped his hands, and then continued walking north.

The further we go, the more lively the capital of Silla becomes.

Businessmen, craftsmen, scholars, farmers, laborers, and officials are all walking on this street.

When I saw who was coming, I didn’t see anyone push aside to avoid them.

Even when an official passed by, only a few people who were with him bowed their hands and saluted him.

Others walked by slowly and naturally.

Although there were many people on the street, there were no conflicts.

In just one cup of tea, Wei Zheng saw two groups of people dressed as government officials walking slowly down the street.

Old gentleman, do you need help? When the yamen officer passed by, he saw Wei Zheng standing there blankly, and someone immediately came over to ask.

The officer's expression was gentle and his tone was warm, without any sense of superiority.

This was a feeling Wei Zheng had never felt before.

I want to see His Highness the King of Han. Wei Zheng stated his purpose.

The yamen servant turned to say something to the other yamen servant behind him, then turned back and said with a smile: Old sir, I will ask my companion to send you there, but His Highness the King of Han may not have time to send you there. You see...

You guys will send me there? Wei Zheng was stunned again: Don't you have anything else to do?

I think the government officials in other cities are...

The old gentleman has just arrived at our place. Ever since His Highness the King of Han Dynasty came to live here, our place has been different from other places.

His Highness requires us, as government officials, that whenever the people in the city encounter trouble, we must do our best to solve it.

Otherwise, never think about wearing the clothes of a yamen servant again in this life. The yamen servant explained with a smile.

When he said this, not only did he not feel unhappy because he thought the order was too strict, but he looked full of admiration.

His Royal Highness the King of Han is the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty. Why do you still listen to him so much? Wei Zheng walked forward slowly and asked the government officials who saw him off.

Of course, listen. Although His Highness the King of Han is His Highness the Tang Dynasty, we the people of the Silla Capital have long regarded him as our own Highness.

The old gentleman doesn't know that since His Highness the King of Han entered the city, he not only helped us rebuild our houses, but also distributed enough food rations to each of our households.

We also repaired roads and water canals, which are the rice fields outside the city. Many times there is no water. His Highness the King of Han also helped us get the cart. I know that the cart is the treasure of the Tang Dynasty. And ah……

We, the people of the royal capital of Silla, are all grateful for His Highness's kindness. As soon as the officer mentioned Zhao Chen, he couldn't stop talking.

Wei Zheng's head was buzzing when he heard it.

In just such a short period of time, the people of the Silla Capital have respected Zhao Chen so much?

Brother, I want to ask one more question. If the King of Han wants to stay with you forever, you...

His Royal Highness the King of Han will stay here forever. Is what the old gentleman said true? Before Wei Zheng could finish his words, the Yamen servant grabbed Wei Zheng's hand with surprise on his face.

Wei Zheng's face twitched, and he realized that he shouldn't have asked such a stupid question.

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