Chapter 213: Potion was robbed

In addition to the six powerful skills of incantation, teleportation, mental blast, air dance, world king fist, and vitality bomb, the remaining martial arts are too complicated, and Xu Long decided to streamline it.

In the past, Xu Long’s strength and Realm were not enough, but now it is different. After the first transformation of the soul, it is fully capable of doing this.

The martial arts that use weapons are all condensed into one type, as are all martial arts.

As for Movement Technique, does he need that thing?

Entering the Soul Refining Tower for the second time only consumed less than two million points. The Flame Queen exchanged some precious materials, and then Xu Long returned to the Great Wastelander world with 20 million points.

Xu Long is now a local tyrant, a super local tyrant with serious abilities.

If you are rich and willful, you can buy two things, use one and throw one away.

“Dage, what to eat?”

Xu Long opened the refrigerator and took out an elbow.

Xu Hu doesn’t know anything now, he eats whatever he feeds him.


Seeing that elbow, the rice bucket howled very uncomfortably.

This is its food, it must be unhappy to be robbed.

“Come on, give you half!”

Xu Hu seems to like the rice bucket very much, and he directly separates the elbow from the middle and eats while pushing the dog.

Let the Flame Queen give Xu Hu an identity, and Xu Long leaned on the sofa to watch TV.

The matter of adapting to society is taught by the Flame Queen, and Xu Long doesn’t have to do anything.

“I am back.”

A crisp and sweet voice rang from the door, it was Haitang who had finished school.

“This is?”

Xu Hu looked at Haitang, pondered for a long time, and asked tentatively: “Is this a niece?”

“No, it’s younger brothers and sisters!”

Xu Long hugged Haitang, “Called Dage!”


Begonia smiled sweetly, making Xu Hu a little confused.

Loli development? Start in three years? Childhood sweetheart? From childhood to childhood?

Too much information was received in a short period of time, and Xu Hu’s mind was messed up.

“After I destroyed the Inferno Star, I brought her out of the illusory world. Because she didn’t have a body, she was randomly placed on the child.”

Xu Long explained.

“That’s it!”

Xu Hu nodded, waking up from the start of three years and the development of Loli.

As an S-level powerhouse, Xu Hu’s learning speed is horribly fast.

In less than three days, he was able to live like a normal person.

Ever since, Xu Hu didn’t want to disturb the two-person world of Xu Long and Haitang, so he bought a house upstairs.

My little days are very fulfilling every day, I accompany Haitang at night, and study martial arts with Xu Hu during the day.

With the help of this S-rank super powerhouse, Xu Long made rapid progress and successfully refined and simplified all martial arts.

There is only one move left in the fist and sole technique, that is, Kang Long has regrets.

Relying on the powerful soul power, this palm can be large or small, offensive or defensive, and varied.

The only way to use weapons is one sword. Xu Long was named Shanhe Po.

With one sword, the mountains and rivers are broken!

Similar to Kang Long’s regret, this sword can also be far and near, long and short.

The long one reaches 100 meters, the short one is only three inches.

In fact, when it comes to this Realm, there are not so many bells and whistles.

Because every attack will not waste a bit of strength.

Every time I attack, I go all out.

This is the power of soul transformation, and its power alone has surpassed physical transformation.

There is no process in the transformation of the soul, it is either passed or unable to pass, while the transformation of the body has a gradual stage.

The first stage of soul transformation is to be able to confront the strong who began the physical transformation.

At the second stage, it can be crushed.

When it enters the clear minded, Deva-integrated Realm, even if the S-level powerhouse who has completed the physical transformation, Xu Long can also compete.

This is the power of Wu Xiu and the significance of inheritance.

Fighting in the world, respect martial arts!

The power of a mortal can kill the gods!

This is Wu Xiu!

Even if the world collapsed, Wu Xiu who still refused to give in!

According to the agreement with Wang Situ, the gene enhancer trade will be conducted on the 15th of every month.

“Master, something went wrong, the medicine was robbed.”

The Flame Queen’s voice sounded, causing Xu Long to frown.

There was such a huge error in this first transaction, it seemed that Wang Situ was not very reliable.

“If you lose it, you will lose it. Temporarily terminate the transaction and see how Wang Situ handles it.”

Xu Long said, and continued to lean on the sofa to watch TV.

After waiting for less than half a minute, the phone rang.

Xu Long opened it and saw that it was Wang Situ.

“Sorry, it’s my fault, it was calculated. Ten A-level masters, I didn’t expect the other party to be able to play so much!”

Wang Situ’s breath was thick and rushing, and he should have been seriously injured.

“Don’t die, I’ll be there in ten seconds.”

Xu Long turned his hand off and began to feel his breath.

Wang Situ had a very good attitude, at least he knew that he was wrong, and he had the courage to admit his mistakes.

Xu Long admired him for this, so he decided to give him a chance.

By the way, he also wanted to know who actually dared to hit his idea.


With a fierce punch on the body, Wang Situ directly flew out.


Wang Situ looked at the person in front of him, with anger and grief in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that the apprentice who grew up would count on himself and even put him to death in collaboration with outsiders.

“Master, you are too pedantic, and you can only stay in this small sea fairy city, and never think of a bright future.”

The speaker was a young man, 15 or 16 years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, very handsome.

However, his handsome appearance cannot conceal his greedy heart. For profit, he betrayed the master who brought him up.

“Hehe, Wang Situ, are you very sad? But daddy is very happy, so happy that I almost can’t sleep!”

A vicious voice sounded, Wang Situ turned his head and found that it was Hong Chao.

“Do you know how I’ve been living for more than half a month? I can’t survive, I can’t die! All this is thanks to you! If you didn’t harm me with that scum, how could I suffer like this? ”

Hong Chao had a hideous face, and his facial features were distorted like a ghost.

Although the strength of the rice bucket is average, it is also the Sun Wolf King. The power of the pure sun in the body is the same as that of Xu Long, extremely powerful, and extremely stubborn.

Even his A-level pro-uncle can’t completely get rid of this force.

In the end, it was the S-level supernatural powers of the Authority who took the action personally to free him from the pain.

After knowing the cause and effect of the incident, the Hong family was furious, and then there was this scene.

The Hong family bought out Wang Situ’s apprentice, and then got news of the gene booster.

He assaulted Wang Situ and snatched all the potions.

“You take the blame!”

Wang Situ took a bite, his face full of disdain.

It’s really shameful to be counted by such waste and thrown to grandma’s house.

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