Chapter Two Hundred

“Damn it!”

He smashed the screen with a fierce punch, and the teammate next to him trembled distressedly.

Raccoon City is shrouded in electromagnetic fog, not only blocking Xu Long’s war satellites, but also Sanlian Pharmaceutical’s own communication devices.

This kind of thing they are using now is exchanged from the main god, and it is expensive for a set of 6,000 points.

“Captain, what should I do now?”

“Immediately launch the atomized serum, you can’t make him cheap!”

Captain Yohan snorted, and then asked, “How is the situation at the umbrella company? Can you get the Goddess of Night out now?”

“The people over there are very cooperative, it seems that they are the chess pieces left by the bed beauty of the Rising Sun team.”

“The guy who went to bed Meiye, he seems to have guessed that I will deflate!”

Yohan was in a very upset mood, and he had fought with Bed Mei so many times, no one could do anything about the other party.

But never expected that both of them would suffer a loss in the hands of an unknown team.

“Captain, what is that tree? The growth rate is so fast that it took less than a day to reach a depth of more than 5,000 meters. If it continues, at most six hours, the base will be covered by trees. The root wraps up.”

“I don’t know what it is, but there is no doubt that this is the method of the Lieyang team!”

Captain Yohan looked solemn, this Lieyang team was too terrifying, and various methods were emerging one after another.

Obviously, they haven’t officially met yet, but they have already pushed the Rising Sun and the Redeemers into desperation.

Such a terrifying Samsara squad should have been famous for the four god-tier temples. Why has he never heard of it?

“Tell the people at the umbrella company to immediately drop the goddess of the night. You pack up your things and we will leave immediately after the sprayed serum is launched.”

The beauty of sex is also very decisive, and so is Yohan.

A shady person who can hide in the dark will never show up, and if he can’t beat him, he will never rush upwards rashly.

This is not counseling, but a strategic heart!

An upgraded monster that looked like a cat kept rubbing against Xu Long’s feet, occasionally rolling.

However, this thing is completely incompatible with cuteness and cuteness, and even a little scary.


It seems that something has been discovered, and the cute monster suddenly pricked its ears.

“What’s wrong?”

The baby’s expression was very nervous, and it was so exciting every day.

Almost thirty hours have passed since they came out of the ground, and she and Xu Long have been standing here all the time.

The originally flat and smooth ground had broken into pieces, and an extremely huge tree quickly grew out.

Before seeing this tree, the doll would never believe that a tree could grow so fast.

In less than a day, it grew from a single seed to a hundred meters away.

It’s terrible!

“Oh oh oh!”

After being puzzled for almost ten seconds, the surrounding monsters began to scream non-stop, then convulsed all over, slowly losing their vitality.

“What’s the matter? They…they…”

The baby was full of horror, and the monster who had just acted like a baby just now died out in less than a minute?

“This is T virus serum, which can remove the T virus in their bodies. The enemy will atomize the concentrated serum so that it can be spread through the air.”

After seeing the monsters, Xu Long knew what was going on.

Although Disordered Upgraded Potion is very strong, it is essentially a variant of T virus.

After the T virus disappears, Xu Long’s genes alone cannot continue to support their survival.

Unless Xu Long’s body is successfully transformed, and the flesh and blood cells contain extremely powerful vitality, he can only stare.

Fortunately, these monsters are cannon fodder, and Xu Long doesn’t care at all.

“Ah this…”

Wawa was stunned again, and she felt that her brain was not enough.

Obviously, they didn’t even see the opponent’s face, but they had already fought each other for several rounds.

Regardless of whether it is your own boss or the enemy of the Rising Sun Team and the Redeemer Team, every move is ruining the world, even if there are ten or eight A-level powerhouses.

“He won’t be an S-rank strong!”

An idea came to the baby’s heart, and it was immediately denied.

All beings below S-level are equal, so it is impossible for super-powerfuls to appear in the same world as A-level and below Samsara.

But having said that, when the boss reaches the A-level limit and is ready to transform, it is estimated that he will have to face those S-level powerhouses.

After all, the boss is invincible, and all kinds of methods are not what ordinary A-level can have.

If this is the case…

The baby looked at Xu Long, and her little heart thumped.

The high-energy rays that could shoot her alive in a few minutes, Xu Long had been standing like this for more than a day, and there was no reaction at all.

How powerful is his physique!

Thinking of this, little stars began to appear in the doll’s eyes.

“Master, found a few suspicious people, suspected Samsara.”

At this moment, the voice of the Flame Queen suddenly sounded.

Xu Long clicked on the earphone, and immediately a projection appeared in front of his eyes.

A group of seven people marched together, surrounded by a dense group of zombies.

These zombies have been upgraded many times and are very fierce.

The speed and power are far beyond ordinary humans.

However, in front of these seven people, it turned out to be as vulnerable as a chicken in a slaughterhouse.

With a wave of hands, they died in pieces, and they couldn’t even slow down their progress.

“This should be one of the Samsara team.”

Xu Long nodded, feeling a little confused, “What are they doing in Africa? It looks like they are looking for something.”

“Master, there is also a branch of the umbrella company in Africa, and the source of the T virus is in Africa.”

“The source of the T virus? The Sun Ladder?”

Hearing the words of the Flame Queen, Xu Long immediately remembered the relevant information.

All tragedies come from the kind of flowers called the Sun Ladder. No one can imagine that there is an extremely terrifying crisis hidden under the beautiful and beautiful appearance, and even the billions of human beings on the entire earth have been ruined.

“Wait! The Sun Ladder? Africa?”

A thought suddenly appeared in his heart, even Xu Long’s temperament couldn’t help being frightened.

Huge vitality, terrible upgrade…

Is this really what a flower can have?

Xu Long thought of the Inferno Demon Dragon, the blood flowing from its body could turn into a monster like the Inferno Beast, and it would continue to evolve with external stimuli.

If the solar ladder is not the source of the T virus, but just a carrier…

Then everything is explained!

The Samsara squad must have come to the same conclusion, and then abandoned everything to go to Africa.

“I thought about it now.”

Xu Long snorted, “Closely monitor the movement over there, forget it, just give them a shot to avoid accidents.”


Upon receiving Xu Long’s order, the Flame Queen immediately began to adjust the angle and charge the particle cannon and laser cannon.

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