latest URL: The Shadow Legion arrived quickly, players had just taken on the task, the shadow creatures were summoned, and many of them didn’t even have time to get their equipment back…

“How could it be so fast? ”

Eve, who became the god Zero, was a little surprised.

She pinched a shadow creature that hit her eyes to death, looked at the four gray energy pillars in the distance, and frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, she avoided the crowd and came to the Temple of Death in Black Rock City.

Black Rock City has been mobilized, and the priests in the Temple of Death are also busy coming and going, some treating the wounded, some passing on news, and some trying to continue to activate the defensive divine art…

And here, Eve also meets the head of the dwarf temple who has returned from capturing the leader of the dark believers.

The face of this fanatical believer who was once possessed by the god of death Hela was ugly at this moment:

“It’s my fault, I was careless, I didn’t expect that the gods of darkness and shadow would order the believers outside the city with the signal to burn their own beliefs, and as a result, they accidentally exposed the reality of the temple in advance…”


She glanced at the other party, and after noticing the aura of the God of Death that had not completely dissipated on the other party’s body, she stopped talking.

I’m afraid, it wasn’t this temple master who accidentally exposed it, but it was probably deliberately hinted at before the return of Hela, the god of death…

Of course, the poor temple master should not have noticed that he was being hinted at by the true God.

She didn’t even know that the mysterious True God she was facing now was actually the True God Buddha-figure!

As for the reason for Hela’s hint, Eve could think of it more or less.

Since Eve has the true God incarnated here, no matter how the dark believers jump up and down, Eve, the army of shadows they summon, will definitely not be able to sit idly by.

This is determined by the vows of the two true gods.

And the incarnation of a true god can’t fight against the black iron-level shadow monsters summoned by a group of believers?

What your dependents are not afraid of death,

Getting your dependents to shoot and the like is an excuse.

Hela must have seen Eve’s avatar and sensed that this avatar really had demigod-level power, so she made such a decision.

That is to say, for Hela, with Eve’s incarnation here, there is no need to think about anything else.

Directly hinting that his disciples simply lured out the opponent’s hole cards and then forced Eve to play, so as not to dream more at night…

Of course, there may also be Hela who knows that Eve has been making trouble under his banner recently, and slightly expresses her dissatisfaction…

“I didn’t expect to sign the True God Oath, and before leaving, he would pit me. ”

Sensing the dense shadow monsters outside Black Rock City, Eve sighed.

The number of shadow monsters is already thousands, and even if all the players are present, I am afraid that there is no way to deal with it, let alone there are still monsters that are constantly teleporting over.

Therefore…… A stronger presence is bound to strike!

Eve understood.

Hela, this is to let her personally deal with the army of shadows…

And if he really makes a move, then he will completely tear his face with the God of Darkness and Shadow, but relatively speaking, he will also be truly tied to the same chariot as Hela, the God of Death…

There are pros and cons.

On the whole, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages, at least the underground world has Hela’s power blocking the door, and those dark believers can’t find trouble with the underground elves.

However, after killing a shadow monster again, Eve dismissed the idea of going directly to the scene herself.

More precisely… It is to dispel the idea of directly exerting demigod-level power to fight a quick victory.

After killing the shadow monster, she has an extra gray translucent fragment in her hand, which was left behind after the shadow monster died.

This fragment is called the Shadow Gem Fragment, which contains chaotic and cold energy, and is the source of power for the shadow monster, somewhat similar to the magic core of Warcraft.

As soon as Eve’s thoughts moved, this fragment was absorbed by her, and after being filtered by the power of faith, it turned into pure energy and poured into her body.

Sensing the energy entering the body, Eve’s eyes brightened slightly.

“I can use my [Extraction] ability to devour the energy in these shadow fragments, and I can also devour the life force on the shadow monster! ”

“If I can eat all of this group of shadow armies, maybe my divine power will increase a lot!” ”

“But… If you directly exert demigod-level power, the consumption of divine power is too great, and some gains are not worth the loss. ”

“If you want to maximize the results of the battle, it is best not to destroy the Shadow Army in one go, but to fight a war of attrition with them, it is better to let the players on, I can give the players some strengthening…”

“Let the enhanced players hang their breath, let the shadow monsters continue to be summoned, and then send them to death in a steady stream to provide me with power!” ”

Thinking of this, Eve made a decision.

She turned and smiled at the head of the temple of death, and said:

“Don’t worry, leave everything to us! It’s just that I need to set up a teleportation array here. ”

“Teleportation formation? ”

The dwarf temple chief was stunned.

“That’s right, teleport our warriors. ”

Eve laughed.

The temple chief hesitated and nodded.

Although she doesn’t know what happened when she was possessed by the true god, she does know that Hela has made a vow with the mysterious beings behind the elves and has become an ally against the gods of darkness and shadow.

Moreover, before returning, the true god also explained that she could listen to the arrangement of a god named Zero on the other side in this defense battle of Black Rock City.

Until the enemy is completely solved!

The temple master was hesitant at first, but after discovering that this True God Divine Dependant named Zero turned out to be a high-level professional, he became respectful.

The entire dark dwarf tribe of the Deep Rift Cave, the strongest is only the silver superior.

And with the permission of the dark dwarf, Eve directly arranged a teleportation array connecting Rivendell and Black Rock City in front of the Temple of Death in Black Rock City!

After laying out the formation, Eve immediately sent a new system message to the players——


[The teleportation array connecting Black Rock City and Rivendell has been established, and players can teleport to Black Rock City through the teleportation array]

[Black Rock City Battlefield officially opened! ] 】

Then, Eve used her divine power again.

In an instant, all the players on the city wall suddenly felt that their whole bodies were full of power, and the values in their personal columns had been greatly improved, especially in terms of defense, and a layer of faintly visible spell shields appeared on everyone’s bodies!

At the same time, another piece of information appeared in the field of vision of all the players gathered in Black Rock City…


[Unyielding, heroic and fearless! ] The goddess decided to grant battle blessings to all players involved in the defense battle of Black Rock City! 】

[You get a buff: Goddess Blessing]

[Your weapon gets a buff: Goddess’s blessing]

[Effect: All players located in Black Rock City will receive a spell shield, double the body index, and all skill damage will carry a “purification” effect]

[Brave Chosen, for the glory of the goddess and elves, charge! ] 】

Under the astonished gaze of the dwarf temple chief, the elves on the city wall suddenly let out a cheer, and they shouted “Long live” while fighting the shadow monsters that climbed the city wall.

At the same time, the teleportation formation also began to flicker.

Soon, one by one, fully armed elves burst out of it…

They didn’t care about anything, but brandished their weapons, jumped and rushed in the direction of the city wall with a look of excitement.

Dark Dwarf: …

Looking at the imageless elves who rushed to the city wall excitedly, they were stunned.

These…… It is the player who happens to stay in Rivendell and receive the system message.

There are also some players who ambush in the dark forest and intend to attack the shadow army from the outside, and after seeing the shadow monsters like the sea, they also gave up sending them to death, but turned around and rushed to Rivendell, intending to teleport directly to Black Rock City to fight defensive battles.

After finishing the work of laying out the teleportation array, Eve entered the temple accompanied by the head of the Temple of Death.

“Where is the defensive center of the temple? ”

She asked. UU Reading

The head of the dwarf temple hesitated for a moment and said:

“In the apse, but the power stored by the statue has been exhausted, I’m afraid it can’t be activated…”

She did not finish her words, because she saw that Eve had already walked towards the apse of the temple.

And the dwarf temple chief also hurriedly followed.

Eve came to the defensive center of the temple apse that connected the entire Black Rock City.

This is a hexahedron-like block core with wonderful patterns drawn on it.

In the underground world, similar defensive hub cores are common, almost every dungeon will have one, and this hub also has a name – dungeon core.

Under the horrified gaze of the dwarf temple chief, Eve suddenly stretched out her hand and inserted it into the core of the defensive center…

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