< p "contnew"> latest website: After signing the True God Oath with Hela, the god of death, Eve once again turned into the form of God Zero and left the temple.

Of course, she did not forget to add a high-level concealment technique to herself.

And it wasn’t until she couldn’t sense Hela’s breath at all that Eve breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the first time since she was reborn as the World Tree that she had truly dealt with other true gods face to face.

Though…… Hela relied only on the body of a fanatic believer to temporarily perform divine possession.

Hela seemed to have known about Eve’s arrival, no matter what the true god of the underworld considered, but at least Eve could sense that the other party still had a certain kindness.

And the vow signed by the two is also satisfactory to both parties…

After that, Eve can be honest and pull Hela’s divine banner without any worries.

Although it is only able to pull the tiger skin, it can actually bring her a great help.

And the dark dwarves of the underground world have also become an ally.

Although Eve certainly can’t count on them to participate in her future war of faith with Ulrell, she can trade with them in the underworld, or fight together against the forces of the gods of darkness and shadow.

According to Hela, Holdel, the god of darkness and shadow, is an even older being.

He also laid out in the underground world earlier, so his power in the underground world was also stronger.

Not to mention that Holdel is also involved with many evil god forces hiding in the underground world.

Holdel is also Eve’s potential enemy.

For Eve, this is also an opportunity to use the power of Hela, the god of death, to stir up trouble in the underground world.

Killing evil gods, devouring the opponent’s divine power, or absorbing the enemy’s life force with the help of war is also part of Eve’s plan.

Even the next war of faith with Uller is essentially for this.

Expanding power is virtual, the most fundamental thing is to strengthen their own strength,

And devouring life force and divine power is the fastest way.

In this respect, Eve and Hela are both win-win, the former devouring life and the latter expanding faith.

As for assisting Hela in perfecting the priesthood, now it is only necessary to focus on the divine blood crystal.

After destroying the cave tribes, the southern part of the Elven Forest has become almost Eve’s back garden.

And as the players explore, from time to time there are lucky ones who pick up divine blood crystals in the forest, in addition to being absorbed by Eve, there are still a lot left…

Eve intends to selectively eliminate the power of the two laws of nature and elves in the divine blood crystal, and finally put down the rebellion of the dark dwarves before handing it over to the Temple of Death.

Hela came only with a consciousness, and it was still up to believers to really fight the enemy.

And if she didn’t want the believers to die too badly, Hela had to let Eve make a move.

As for why Hela didn’t descend a demigod-level Guardian of the Spirit… It’s actually a question of profit and loss.

After all…… It’s just a rebellion in a city, and it hasn’t reached the point where it is necessary to lower the true demigod power, and the divine power consumed by descending a demigod across borders may be far greater than the gain.

Urel originally wanted to take the opportunity to seize life and nature, so he sent the demigod Walker with blood, but Hela did not need to.

So…… The end result is that the players are going to strike again.

“The army of shadow creatures… It is said that the monster was born in the dark place where the abyss and the underworld meet, but unexpectedly, it was collected by Holdel, the god of darkness and shadow. ”

Eve mused as she walked.

“However, the overall strength of the dark dwarves is not strong, and they are all of the black iron rank, and it is estimated that there should be many shadow creatures that can be summoned in this rank!” This level is within the player’s ability to fight! ”

The abyss is the collective name of a group of chaotic planes at the bottom of the Segers universe, where the laws are chaotic and are the home of demons and evil gods, and it is said that the underworld was originally a layer of abyss planes, but was purified by the original god of death to turn into a normal plane.

But even so, the underworld is connected to the abyss, and the beginning is the dark place, giving birth to a creature between chaos and order, that is, the shadow monster.

However, if you want to summon this kind of monster across borders, you must do the preliminary work and portray a complete summoning formation.

The Temple of Death’s control over Black Rock City is still very strong, and although Hela’s consciousness of descending is not good at combat, it is more than enough to identify traitors, so it is not a problem for the believers of Death to eliminate the dark believers in the city.

The problem is outside the city.

The power of faith accumulated in the Temple of Death has been exhausted with the arrival of Hela, so theoretically, the ability of Black Rock City to resist external attacks has been greatly reduced.

Dark believers will definitely not put their eggs in a basket, they will inevitably summon shadow creatures outside the city to attack the city, and the army of shadow creatures besieging the city is the object that players need to fight against.

The fluctuations of divine power when the two met just now must not be covered, Hela will definitely start immediately, and it is estimated that Black Rock City will soon fall into chaos, so he will also speed up.

Thinking of this, Eve dispersed the advanced concealment technique, and quickened her pace, walking towards the place that had been agreed upon with Xiao Xian Meow in advance.


Deep Rift, Black Rock City, Dwarf Bar.

Xiao Xian Meow and the others sat bored at the bar, drinking light ale while chatting and waiting.

This is the place where God Zero made an appointment with them when he finally left…

And while a few people were chatting about all kinds of gossip on Blue Star, making the dark believers who were secretly spying on them confused, the door of the bar was pushed open.

Divine Companion Zero walked in.

Seeing the elf girl in black skirt armor, several players’ eyes lit up and quickly came over:

“Master Zero, how are the negotiations? ”

“Miss Zero, how is it? ”

Their eyes were filled with a hint of expectation.

You know, this is a plot in progress!

Zero first looked around the bar, then walked over to a table and chairs and sat down.

And several players quickly followed and sat next to her…

I saw that the Divine Dependant Zero groaned for a moment, and then snapped his fingers.

In the surprised gaze of Xiao Xian Meow, a soundproof BUFF appeared on their personal status bar.

They know that this is NPC using soundproofing magic.

“After the negotiations, the Temple of Death accepted our friendship, and they will soon launch a search for the dark believers hiding in the city. ”

Zero said lightly.

“That… What do we need to do? ”

Fried tomatoes with tomatoes asked expectantly.

Zero glanced at him, nodded and said:

“Of course, the Church of Death also applied to us for rescue, informing the other Chosen Ones that they were ready to prepare for a big war to fight. ”

Big…… War!

The eyes of the three players lit up.

It is worthy of being a hidden main quest, and there is a big war to fight when you come up!

They still remember the previous war with the half-orcs, which made the first test players a wave of fat!

“Miss Zero, what exactly do you want to fight? ”

Demacia asked excitedly.

“The Temple of Death has received news that the Dark Cultists will be summoning an army of shadow creatures outside the city to attack the city, and your mission is to resist and defeat them! ”

The Divine Dependant said with a serious expression.

And as soon as her words fell, a new system message suddenly appeared in the vision of the three players——


[Hidden main story: The faith of the dark dwarf is completed]

[You get 3,000 experience points, 300 contribution points]

Before a few people could rejoice, suddenly, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and a group of heavily armed dwarf guards suddenly rushed in.

This sudden change startled several players.

They subconsciously wanted to touch their weapons, but found that their equipment seemed to be still at the gate of Black Rock City…

However, the dwarven guard did not pay attention to them, but said solemnly in the eyes of the crowd of surprised, frightened, or dazed:

“On the orders of the Temple Master, hunt down the Dark Believers! ”

After speaking, Eve clearly saw that the faces of several dark dwarves changed slightly.

As if they had already confirmed it, the dwarf guards did not hesitate, went straight to a few dwarves who were ready to sneak away, and tied them up one after another…

The tavern suddenly fell into chaos.

Looking at this scene, the eyes of several players were surprised and curious.

Similar things began to play out all over Black Rock City.

After all, the true god is a true god, and Hela’s god possession strength is not strong, but the ability to distinguish between enemies and friends is still there.

There was no need for the player to make a move, and the dark believers hiding in Black Rock City were arrested one by one by the dark dwarf guards…

At this time, the entire earth shook slightly, and a faint spatial fluctuation came from afar.

“Here we go…”

The god said lightly, raised a glass of ale and drank it.

After speaking, another new system message appeared in the player’s field of vision…

This time it’s a full server notification –


[Players “Little Salty Meow”, “Demacia” and “Fried Tomatoes with Tomatoes” trigger the hidden main quest: Shadow Army]

[Plot description: The heroic and witty Chosen “Little Salty Meow”, “Demacia”, “Fried Tomatoes with Tomatoes” have seen through the conspiracy of the gods of darkness and shadow to plague Black Rock City…]

[With the tacit consent of the goddess, they informed the Shinigami Temple in Black Rock City of the information under the leadership of the goddess “Zero”, and gained the friendship of the Shinigami Church for the elven race…]

[The Church of Death has begun to search for dark believers, Black Rock City is about to fall into chaos, and dark believers are about to summon an army of shadows to attack Black Rock City…]

[Now… It’s time to show the friendship of the elves. 】


[Hidden main quest “Shadow Army” opens——]

[Mission Objective: Assist the Church of Death, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Resist and defeat the shadow army of dark believers]

【Mission time: unlimited】

【Number of missions: unlimited】

【Mission Level: 15+】

[Mission rewards: experience points, perfect resurrection, contribution]

[Mission tip 1: Shadow creatures fear light and fire, but are more resistant to darkness]

[Mission tip 2: Unity is strong. There are many shadow creatures, so please team up with other players to play]

[Mission tip 3: The risk of death in this mission is extremely high, please try to ensure that you have obtained the perfect number of resurrections before the battle]

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