latest website: The underground world is always so deep and dark, only the fluorescent stone at the top of the cave brings a little light to the world.

Deep Cave, Black Rock City.

Since a group of strange elves arrived, it has become more and more prosperous.

In the city, a tall elf has become a striking sight.

In fact, it is impossible not to pay attention.

The elves have always been tall, whether male or female, the minimum height will not be less than one meter seven, and all of them are outstanding in appearance, while the tallest of the dark dwarves is no more than one meter five, and the average height is only one meter three.

Black Rock City, which is suitable for dwarves, actually looks smaller and more delicate on the whole, and the elves walk in the city, but set off one side more tall, and the other side is smaller, and the contrast is more obvious…

The dwarves have gradually accepted the elves who frequented Black Rock City on a daily basis.

For ordinary dark dwarves, these elves are much better than other mercenaries in the underground world, they unload their weapons when they enter the city, and they will not gather crowds to make trouble, but on the contrary, they are very polite to the dwarves… This is something that many mercenaries can’t do, but the elves do it very naturally, without dragging mud and water.

And if you happen to be a dwarf forger, you will find that they become more polite, and will even pursue you, worship you, and take the initiative to do all kinds of things for you… Just to ask you to click on the skills of the forging process.

The dwarves’ forging house has long been surrounded by elves, and these elves’ respect for dwarf forging technology and enthusiasm for learning make the dwarves feel flattered and complacent.

Of course, what makes the dwarves happier is the goods brought by the elves.

Tough spider silk, plain wheat, fast-growing rice, sweet potatoes… and all kinds of fruits that the dwarves have never seen before, but that taste great.

These are either underground products that dwarves cannot get, or specialties from the aboveground world, which were moved into Black Rock City by elves in bags, trading ores, magical materials, rare metals and even some forging knowledge with dwarves, causing countless dark dwarves to go crazy.

When Zero came to Black Rock City, what he saw was such a lively picture…

God Zero, or rather… Eve’s avatar.

That’s right,

Zero is Eve’s true god incarnation with the soul storage orb as the core!

It’s just that when she changes her appearance, she retains the characteristics of the elven race.

This time, Eve decided to directly dispatch the avatar, and even labeled the identity of the avatar as a god, which was also considered…

In contact with other true God believers, Eve cannot safely let players do this task, and Eve’s believers are not suitable for it.

The most suitable thing to do, think about it or open a small vest yourself is the safest.

And labeling his vest as a god is also Eve’s order to better lead the player.

The guidance of system missions and NPCs is good, but sometimes Eve does need to take action personally to control the player’s actions more accurately, or to have the most important first communication with other true god forces.

However, as a true god, it is inevitable that the price is too cheap, and a vest is a good choice at this time.

The true God is still the true God who is high and full of power.

It’s just that his subordinates have another fanatical god who issues tasks.

Of course, Eve set up this vest for herself is also the third purple NPC besides Saint Alice and Rose the Queen of Spiders!

When Eve entered Black Rock City with a vest of zero, it did not attract the attention of other players and dwarves.

Wearing black skirt armor and a delicate and sharp long sword behind her back, she swaggered down the street, admiring the customs and customs of Black Rock City.

And everyone, as if they didn’t see her, just still doing their own thing.

Even the pedestrians on those roads unconsciously gave way for her, but did not realize why they had to give way and for whom they made way …

And Eve simply and directly, swaggering, all the way to the dark temple in the center of Black Rock City.

This dark temple can be regarded as a landmark building in the entire Black Rock City.

The architectural style of the entire temple is completely different from that of the dwarf Black Rock City, and it is dignified and atmospheric. The main body of the building is made of stone bricks, carved with exquisite patterns and reliefs, and the tone is black, with a touch of solemnity and solemnity…

In front of the temple, there is also a small fountain, and in the center is a statue of a goddess dressed in a black robe, holding a jewel and a scythe.

This should be the idol of Hela.

Eve said heartily.

She looked at the base of the statue and sure enough saw two lines of dwarven and lingua franca – death is the end and the beginning.

This is the most famous and widely circulated phrase of the Church of Death…

If placed in Eve’s natural deism, it is a bit similar to “may nature be with you”, or “the goddess of life bless you” and so on.

Eve looked at the statue for a moment before shifting her gaze and looking up at the temple that belonged to Hela, the god of death.

In her line of sight, this solemn temple was a little different.

She could “see” that this temple was like a huge light source in the darkness, and it seemed to radiate a huge and incomparable network, shrouding the entire Black Rock City, and there were flickering photons around all the time to gather and concentrate towards the temple…

This is faith energy.

As the true God who has opened up the kingdom of God, Eve is able to see the energy of faith and the network of faith that the world cannot see.

This temple is the center of faith in Black Rock City.

The faith center weaves a huge network of beliefs, absorbing the faith power of the dark dwarves, storing it in the temple, and at the same time feeding back to Hela in the far underworld through the temple, transforming it into his divine power.

If Eve’s guess is correct, there should also be an idol in the temple dedicated to storing faith energy, which is the core of the center.

In fact…… When Eve collects faith energy, it is also such a routine.

The idols that Alice built for her played the function of collecting beliefs, and were also the core and nodes of the belief network.

In addition to collecting beliefs, these gods as nodes of the belief network can also form a true god protection area that radiates an area, that is, the sphere of influence of the true god.

In the sphere of influence of the true God, the communication between believers and the gods, and the prayer and meditation of the faun, priest, or priest, will be more efficient.

In addition, the true god can also use divine power to directly turn this area into his own control through the idol!

Although it is not a god domain, it can also allow the true god to know the area well, or perform the god descent technique, and descend his own dependents…

Of course…… Because of the need to cross borders, this operation will be very expensive for true gods, so generally speaking, no true god will do this.

Except for Eve, who is in the same plane as the temple…

And the totem guardian that Eve killed, the demigod Walker, was actually summoned by the Night Wanderer after using a statue of the Urel god that the cave tribe had prayed for hundreds of years as the core, and using other magical materials to build the true god summoning array.

For this reason, the night wanderer directly consumed the power of faith that the cave tribe had accumulated in the statue for a long time.

However, in addition to these functions, believers can also use similar methods to stimulate the power of faith in the idol, so that the temple has great power, build a large-scale defensive divine art, or perform a fatal offensive divine art!

It is also for this reason that in any city with a temple, when hostile forces attack, they must find a way to destroy the statues in the temple in advance.

Otherwise, you must consider how to defend against the counterattack of the temple, or break the defense of the temple.

If the half-orcs had used the statue to perform defensive divine arts at the last moment, they would not have been chased and killed so badly by the black dragon Myrell, but they would have been able to withdraw more clansmen relatively calmly…

It’s just that UU reading Everything is impossible, and choosing to summon the demigod Walker means that the energy of the statue will be consumed.

When observing the Temple of Death, Eve’s heart was also slightly surprised.

She noticed that the light of the core of faith in the Temple of Death in Black Rock City seemed to be very dim, and the belief network was also shaky…

This situation shows that the statue of the god who stores the power of faith in the Temple of Death may not have accumulated much energy, or it has long been consumed.

Could it be that because of the existence of the Shadow Lord believers, the Church of Death has not completely mastered Black Rock City?

Or did the Church of Death ever use the power of faith in the idol?

Eve frowned slightly.

Suddenly, her heart moved, and she had some guesses.

I saw Eve retract her gaze, and then took a gentle step and stepped into the temple…

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