First of all, in the darkness lit up were eight huge blood moons, flashing scarlet light, hanging high in the air…

No, that’s not the moon.

That’s four pairs of blood-red eyes!

Indifference, ferocity, madness, anger… Exactly in line of sight with the players.

For a moment, several players only felt an icy chill dripping from head to toe, and their brains were blank.

“Groove! ”

“Groove! ”

“What the hell?! ”

Several people were stunned.

Suddenly, the giant eyes moved, and with a loud bang, a huge black shadow enveloped their small bodies.

A shocking coercion struck, and several players subconsciously snorted, unexpectedly feeling that their body movements were a little sluggish.

They raised their heads and looked at the terrifying existence that came to them in shock-

The huge body covered the sky, the hideous metal-like spider legs flashed with cold light, and the insect armor with barbs was like a steel plate shining with cold light…

This is a super giant crypt spider that is tens of meters in size!

In front of it, players feel so small, like ants on the soles of their feet in a previous life.

Even in the face of the black dragon Myrell, they have never felt this way!

And under it, an endless number of small, numerous large and several giant crypt spiders began to gather.

They huddle around super-giant spiders, as if they are guarding their own dominance…

All the spiders stared coldly at the players.

Their movements are in unison, and their eyes are cold, which makes people feel creepy.

“Really… It’s really big…”

“Run! ”

Several players were shocked,

Turned around and fled.

Seeing the players flee, the super-giant crypt spider let out an angry roar again:

“Shhhhh——!!!h ”

Its voice, with an irrepressible anger.

If you pay close attention, you can see that its carapace has a layer of burnt marks…

That was left by the explosion just now.

And with its command, countless spider armies instantly chased the players!

The super giant spider also moved its huge slender spider legs and followed.

As it moved and collided, the entire mine began to collapse, and the ground shook as if it had suffered an earthquake…

And the magic array drawn by the players was also torn apart by the collapse of the mine.

“Groove! The French Formation is ruined! Come on! ”

“How come there is such a big guy? This body size is too buggy, right? ”

“Don’t say it, run away! ”

Several players came to the patio and began to climb desperately.

However, under the shock of coercion, their speed is still too slow.

The army of spiders quickly chased after them and drowned them …

“Shhhhh——!!!h ”

The supergiant’s spider let out a roar again.

At the same time, the entire Rivendell began to vibrate.

“What’s going on? Earthquake? ”

“I seem to have heard something just now…”

All players exploring in Rivendell are on alert.

Then, they were surprised to find countless crypt spiders rushing out from everywhere.

These crypt spiders, with red eyes, began to frantically attack the players, startling them as if they were dead.

“What’s the situation? ”

“What’s crazy about these spiders? ”

“No, there are too many! Retreat outside the ruins first…”

Players who explore the various ruined buildings are caught in chaos and begin to retreat under the threat of the Spider Sea.

“Shhhhh——!!!h ”

And at this time, everyone heard an angry roar again.

Players retreated from the depths of the ruins to the surface of Rivendell.

And at this time, the whole earth shook even more violently…

Suddenly, someone saw Bento and his squad members coming out of a mine in embarrassment and frantically running away…

The players were slightly stunned.

As the player squad with the strongest combat effectiveness in the full server, they are still the first to see the box lunch so embarrassed.

“Bento boss? What happened to you?”

The players were curious.

“Run! The big spider is coming! ”

The elven warrior player who escaped with the box lunch shouted.

Big spiders?

The other players were stunned.

Did you encounter the giant spider guarding the underground cave again?

“Rivendell also has a gatekeeper spider? ”

They asked.

“No, it’s bigger! ”

The elven warrior turned around and dropped a sentence and ran faster.


How big is bigger?

The players were stunned.

They still wanted to ask something, but they saw that the surface of the ground suddenly tore apart, and along with scattered rubble, a metal spider leg tens of meters long stretched out…

“Groove! ”

“Groove!! ”

Looking at the spider legs that were tens of meters long, they invariably uttered the classic tone words of the Celestial Empire people…

With the spider legs, countless small crypt spiders emerged from the cracks in the ground.

They gathered on the ground, densely packed, and soon the number broke a hundred, and then a thousand in an instant…

As…… A swarm of locusts.

It’s almost won’t fly.

At the same moment, the ground trembled again, and a shocking figure broke through the ground!

It was a huge crypt spider tens of meters high…

Its appearance is somewhat similar to ordinary crypt spiders, but its belly is larger, its appearance is more hideous, the carapace on its body flashes with a metallic luster, and its eight red eyes are like a blood moon hanging high…

Looking at that huge figure, the players were stunned.

This is a big spider, it’s just oversized, right?

Compared with this guy, the spider guarding the underground cave is a younger brother!

They snorted, and then ran away with the same.

While running, they also sighed:

“This is the real boss, right? Is the gatekeeper of the underground world just an elite monster? ”

“The plan can’t be a mistake, right? This difficulty is not like a black iron level! ”

“It can’t be a player who provoked it in advance, right? ”

Only, spiders move faster…

“Shhhhh——!!!h ”

With a sharp roar, all the crypt spiders chased the players!

“Not good! They’re so fast! ”

“Too many of them! ”

“Ah! I was caught! ”

For a time, there were screams (pseudo) from players everywhere in Rivendell.

And the super giant crypt spider also followed, raising its slender spider legs to pierce the fleeing players, stabbing one by one.

“This boss is also too powerful, right? ”

“I’m going… It’s this kind of bug again! Can’t the official come to a normal point? ”

“Hahahaha! Take a look! Take a look! It’s in a sugar gourd! Hahaha…”

“Laughing fart, don’t look at it! Escaped! Or you’ll be skewed in a moment! ”

The players were in chaos.


“Finally led out, as I guessed, it is indeed the mother of crypt spiders! ”

Looking at the super giant crypt spider in front of her, Eve, who constantly switches perspectives in the player’s field of vision, is overjoyed.

“Probably… The strength of the peak of gold, and… There are about 20,000 subordinates! However, the vast majority are small crypt spiders, and their strength is only apprentice-level. ”

After the players’ temptation, he has roughly figured out the strength of the other party.

The golden rank is a watershed.

Reaching the golden rank is a truly high-level existence.

And for Warcraft, reaching the golden rank also means opening wisdom!

“This spider… I must take it! With it, I have a whole community of crypt spiders! It is also possible to obtain a disciple of the Golden Rank! ”

Eve was moved.

“In addition, if I subdue the Crypt Spider Mother Queen, I can also give some benefits to the players… If I’m not mistaken, there have long been beta players clamoring on forums asking when the mount system will be opened. Hehe, I don’t know if spiders like them or not? ”

Eve smiled in her heart.

He glanced at the players who were chaotic and excitedly taking screenshots, waved his hand, and released a new mission:



[Players “Box Lunch”, “Hulu”, “I am Invincible”, “Optimist”, “Chopin” trigger hidden bosses! ] 】

[Hidden boss mission opens——]

【Task Description:】

[As one of the most mysterious swarm thinking species in the Segers world, crypt spiders have always lived underground. 】

[They have occupied Rivendell for thousands of years and are powerful enemies that the elves need to face to completely regain this great city…]

[However, as a special species of collective thinking, as long as the spider mother queen is controlled, the elf family has the hope of controlling the entire crypt spider community, and then quickly controlling the entire Rivendell! ] 】

[Now, the spider mother emperor sleeping in the depths of the ruins has been awakened…]

[It’s time to strike! ] 】

[Mission object: Spider Queen (Level 100/Golden Upper Position)]

[Mission objective: defeat and subdue the Spider Mother Queen]

[Mission Rewards: Mount system, 3 perfect resurrections, a lot of experience points and contribution]

[Mission prompt: The spider mother queen is powerful, UU reads books Only by summoning the avatar of the goddess can you successfully defeat and subdue it! 】

[Brave Chosen, for the honor of the goddess and elven race, fight! ] 】


【Emergency System Notification:】

[Players “Box Lunch”, “Hulu”, “I am Invincible”, “Optimist”, “Chopin” trigger sacrificial system vulnerabilities]

[The sacrificial patch has been patched, and the sacrificial system will no longer support live sacrifices]

“Spider Mother Queen? Mount system? Sacrificial loophole? ”

Looking at a series of new news, players were stunned.

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