Rivendell, the cave entrance to the underworld.

The inside is dark and deep, and there is no bottom in sight.

Occasionally, you can hear the sound of crackling, and you can see a pair of lantern-like eyes shining red in the deep darkness…

The bento team came to the vicinity of the cave and cautiously looked at the underground world through the entrance.

They couldn’t see the deeper scene, but they could see the wandering crypt spiders.

These spiders are very small, which is larger than the basin.

But players know that behind these crypt spiders, there is a big guy…

It is a terrifying giant crypt spider, and in the eyes of players, it is definitely a boss guarding the gate!

That spider is extremely powerful, and no attack will have any effect on it.

At the same time, it is very vigilant, whenever a player tries to avoid it and sneak into the underground world, it will be discovered and caught in advance, turning into an elf meal.

After that, players don’t dare to move forward.

Some big guys speculate that this may be a mission boss later in the game, not something that players can deal with now.

Players speculate that, perhaps… Rivendell also has other passages to the underworld!

This is another reason why players quickly abandoned entering the underground through the entrance to the underground world, choosing instead to explore Rivendell deeply…

Look for other possible entrances!

Even the box lunch team, in addition to exploring the veins, another goal is to try to see if they can find another way to the underground world.

However, now the bento has returned with his team.

As soon as they arrived here, they took out the paint they carried with them to draw the sacrificial formation and began to draw the sacrificial formation on the ground.

It’s just that unlike the previous formation, this time they drew a very large array, with a radius of forty meters, and it took a lot of paint for this…

They decided to make big news.

Since the sacrificial Dharma Array was able to swallow metal products…

Even if the spider boss whose whole body exoskeleton is metal, can it be swallowed?

“The box lunch is amazing! I sacrificed the boss through the sacrificial law array, why didn’t I think of this method! ”

One player said excitedly.

“So you’re not the captain, the box lunch boss is!” ”

Another player laughed.

“But… Can it really work? If it doesn’t work, we’ll be hunted down by the spider boss again. ”

Of course, there are still players who are skeptical.

The bento pondered for a moment and replied:

“You can give it a try, we will give all the valuable equipment and items to the nightingale and let her leave first with her.” ”

This is the longest sentence he has ever said, and it can be seen that he also attaches great importance to this experiment.

Seeing the insistence of the box lunch, the other team members no longer questioned, but took action.

Soon, all the players took off their equipment, leaving only simple underwear.

Unlike in the early days, with the return of the Flame Clan Elves, players have other clothes besides equipment.

Although it’s just simple underwear, at least players won’t run naked anymore…

Because it turns out that the favor of elf NPCs drops the fastest when the player runs naked.

And Nightingale was stunned when she watched the players hand over their equipment to her:

“Wait… What are you going to do? Sacrifice? Are you going to sacrifice the Great Spider? To whom is the sacrifice given? ”

They actually planned to sacrifice the big spider?!

Sacrifice living creatures… Which evil god did they know?!

They…… Isn’t it the messenger of the Mother God?

“Goddess, of course! ”

One player replied.

“Female… Mother Goddess? ”

The nightingale was stunned.

“Wait… You guys wouldn’t be serious, would you? In this way, you will receive the wrath of the true God! ”

She quickly said nervously.

“Don’t worry, no, no! I am a druid, I still know a lot about the growth and development of plants, the body of the goddess-sama is the world tree, it is recovering, these spiders are rich in mineral elements, in addition to nutrient-rich organic matter, it is a good fertilizer. Offering it to the goddess has a positive effect on the restoration of his old man’s home! ”

One player said with a smile.


Be…… Is that so?

She was a little stunned.

Sounds, feels like no problem.

But…… It always feels like something is wrong.

And at this time, the players are ready.

“You’re far away. ”

Boxed lunches to the nightingale road.

The nightingale nodded subconsciously and moved away from where the players were.

And it wasn’t until she walked away that she suddenly reacted:

“Wait! The mother god is not an evil god! ”

It’s just that players can’t hear it anymore.

“Lord T go and lure the monster out, lure the big guy out, gourd you are ready to pray, druid ready to control. ”

Seeing that the nightingale was far away, the box lunch ordered.

Listening to his words, the elf tank warriors in the team nodded and stepped forward with a serious expression.

The rest of the players looked nervous.

The gourd looked excited, and he knelt in front of the Dharma Array, holding his breath, ready to recite the sacrifice at any time.

Soon, the elven warrior player came to the entrance of the cave.

I saw that he took a deep breath and roared loudly:

“Spider Sun Thief! Grandpa is here! ”

After roaring, he picked up another stone, aimed at a giant figure in the cave, and smashed it fiercely.

With a “click”, the stone fell on the spider’s body.

For a while, countless scarlet eyes looked over, including a pair of “red lanterns” as large as copper bells…

With the sound of crackling, all the spiders poured into their nests and rushed towards him.

The giant spider that was smashed also let out a low neighing and followed.

Seeing all this, the elven warrior’s scalp was numb, and he turned around and ran.

And the spiders also followed, quite a feeling that they would not stop if they didn’t catch him…

That’s Warcraft’s predatory instinct!

And seeing the monster being led out, all the players looked excited and their hearts beat wildly.

The elven warrior looked solemn.

He ran to the center of the sacrificial formation and stopped.

And the Crypt Spiders moved quickly, and they quickly followed, surrounding the elven warriors.

Even the giant spider, UU reading www.uukanshu.com followed.

In the shocked sight of the players, the elf warrior player was torn and bitten by the spider, and the scene was bloody…

At the same time, the spiders also noticed the gourd on the other side of the formation and began to rush towards him!

Seeing the crypt spiders rushing towards the gourd, the druid players hiding on the side instantly unleashed a control spell that had been prepared long ago, weakening their movement.

The gourd, on the other hand, took a deep breath, knelt down and prayed quickly in front of the sacrificial formation:

“Praise Mother Nature, praise the goddess of life, praise the great elven lord – Eve Eukterahir! Beautiful and honorable goddess, we have found a good sacrifice and want to sacrifice it to you! ”

After speaking, the entire Dharma Array suddenly bloomed with brilliance!

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