The improved favorability system is like a bowl of water thrown into an oil pan, which immediately causes players to boil.

Some people are happy, and at the same time others are unhappy.

While not used to it, there are even players clamoring on the official website to quit.

Of course…… In the end, it’s just talk.

Although the improved favorability and reputation ratings are harsh, the system generally gives players more bonuses than penalties.

In fact, players who can earn huge bonuses under the new favorability system are a minority of the few.

The value of NPC favorability is -100 to +100, and only Li Mu has been in contact with NPC favorability above 40.

The score of the prestige evaluation is 0 to 100, and Li Mu is the only one who can achieve a full score among 1200 players.

Li Mu is an example, in fact, the overall evaluation of players can reach 30 points are very few.

So…… For most players, everyone’s starting point is still similar, at least most people will not open too much gap because of this.

However, those players with higher prestige do enjoy higher bonuses and move up faster.

Therefore, how to improve NPCs’ good impression of themselves and how to enhance their reputation has also become the direction of players’ efforts.

However, as they explored further, players discovered that the starting point of everyone’s reputation comprehensive evaluation was not actually 0.

The game system periodically evaluates the player’s overall reputation and comes up with an average score.

This average score is the player’s initial reputation evaluation, similar to an NPC’s overall impression of the Chosen.

Even if you don’t do anything, you can get an average prestige rating.

At present, the overall rating of players is 5 points, neutral.

On this basis, according to the overall favor of the player and NPCs, it will be added or subtracted.

The lowest is 0, cold.

This finding is a relief for players who are not used to brushing favors.

At least…… As long as they don’t make demons, they can still enjoy the average reputation evaluation of players.

This means that even if a player enjoys a higher bonus, they won’t be too far behind as an average.

Of course, those who die are really miserable.

Not only are you unlucky, but also enjoy the white eyes of other players.

After all…… No one likes to drag their feet.

Humans are very adaptable creatures.

Players, on the other hand, are more receptive.

After the initial discomfort, gradually players also accepted the system of prestige comprehensive scoring.

And those with high ratings have also become the targets of major guilds.

Just the benefit of drawing equipment with rare special effects with a high probability is enough to make most players boil.

While players are accustomed to comprehensive prestige ratings, Eve has also issued a new main quest.

Unlike the previous single mission, this time there are three main quests, namely [Develop Forces], [Explore Rivendell] and [Explore the Underworld].

Under each main line, there are many side lines at the same time, and some side lines are also fixed in the form of daily tasks and can be claimed every day.

Players can repeat different tasks according to their needs and preferences.

The main tasks of [Development Forces], including [Crop Planting], [Livestock Breeding], [Resource Collection], [Main City Construction] and other side lines, many of which are daily tasks…

And the daily task of building the chosen city has also been classified as a branch of [Main City Construction].

In response to many of the extra main daily quests, Eve also selected some indigenous elves as new daily quest NPCs as new daily quest NPCs, and let them be responsible for the distribution of tasks.

And the NPC of [Livestock Breeding] is the black dragon Myrell.

Although the Elven Forest is rich in products, it can’t stand the players being too edible.

Whether it is for the sake of ecological balance or the perception of believers, the development of aquaculture is necessary.

After knowing the goal of this mission, Little Black Dragon’s eyes lit up and he was instantly excited.

It swore to Eve that it would make the players do a good job.

Well…… As long as it is done, it can occasionally fight the tooth sacrifice.

The emergence of the [Development Forces] series of missions immediately aroused the interest of many living players who do not like to fight and kill.

At the same time, because the missions in this series are safe, it has also become the first choice for players with lower levels.

Many of the quests in this side quest involve developing gameplay, which these players love.

For a time, many players chose to stay in the Elven Forest and devote themselves to the cause of development and construction.

In particular, the “Moe Committee”, which has a large number of life players, is the most.

After completing the human caravan mission, Little Ham Meow obtained some seeds of suspected crops, and some interested druid players took it and began cultivation.

Some players began to travel to various places in the Elven Forest with the assistance of the black dragon Myrell to find the cubs of Warcraft, especially those that grew fast, had a lot of meat, and were easy to feed… They intend to explore the aquaculture industry.

And so on and so forth…

The main story of “Development Forces” attracts players in the life department, while “Explore Rivendell” and “Explore the Underworld” attract players who love adventure and combat.

This segment of players has the largest number of 1,200 players.

They took on the task and began their own adventure.

Among them, the main line of [Exploring Rivendell] can be divided into [Ancient Book Search], [Mineral Exploration] and other branch lines.

[Explore the Underworld] has branch lines such as [Map Drawing] and [Monster Detection].

Because there are no daily tasks in the side stories of these two main quests, Eve does not arrange NPCs for these tasks, but directly relies on the game system to receive them.

Of course, the more important reason is that these tasks involve the expansion of power, and the early expansion comes with risks, so Eve must personally control it.

As players explore, Rivendell and the underground world gradually unravel a mysterious corner.

The first is Rivendell.

As the manufacturing capital of the elven civilization thousands of years ago, there should theoretically be a lot of elf relics here.

Unfortunately, though, Rivendell seems to have gone through human raids.

As players explore, they find that there aren’t many useful things they can find.

At least…… Almost all the places that can be explored on the surface have been hollowed out.

However, as players explore further, they gradually find new ground.

Rivendell was built in a valley, and when it was split in half by an unknown power thousands of years ago, part of the city was buried by rocks.

A thousand years have passed, and this part of the city has long been buried underground.

While exploring, players are pleased to find that these areas have not been raided by humans.

As they explored, they found a large amount of abandoned equipment, which was buried deep in the ruins, and players speculated that it may have been destroyed so that it was not taken by human adventurers.

In addition, gradually players also discovered more elven crafts, and even some ancient forging equipment, tools, etc…

Although most of them were damaged after a thousand years, some appeared to be intact and were all shipped back by players.

Use what you can, and sacrifice what you can’t to the goddess to reclaim your contribution.

In the process of exploring, players finally encounter the monsters living here.

Unlike what players imagined, they thought that Rivendell connected to the underground world, and there should also be many strange underground creatures.

But in fact, there is only one kind of monster that players encounter –


This is a spider covered in black armor, with a tough, metal-like shell and a fluffy leg covered with steel needles.

They come in different sizes, with small ones the size of a basin and about the same strength as goblins.

The big ones are almost adults, and they have hideous sickle-like teeth, and their strength has even reached the black iron level.

They are entrenched in the depths of Rivendell, and the deeper they go, the more they encounter.

After identification, players learned that this spider is called the crypt spider, which is an underground creature with dark attributes, with extremely sticky spider silk and sharp fangs, and the larger spider is also highly poisonous.

They feed on other weak underground creatures or ores, and the entire skeleton is mineralized and extremely strong.

Unlike goblins, goblins are barely half intelligent creatures, but these spiders are complete monsters.

In addition to the hard shell, their actions are all instinctive.

However, because the shells are hard, players have encountered a lot of difficulties when cleaning them up.

Ordinary physical attacks, almost ineffective against them.

Fortunately, after groping, players found that these spiders are afraid of light and fire.

Then, players find a good way to eliminate them.

That is to lure them into the cave dug in advance, then throw a light to temporarily disable them first, and then throw fireballs down after the player jumps out of the cave.

Burn them.

However, this method can only be used for small spiders.

For those large spiders, there is no way.

Large spiders are fast, have stingers, and although they are afraid of light and fire, they also have a certain patience and tenacity.

They also drive spiders to charge…

A large spider usually attracts more than a dozen small spiders.

When encountering them, unless the players are numerous, they can only run…

And as players continue to explore Rivendell, they encounter more and more spiders.

This makes players have to wonder if the reason why humans did not explore deeply is because of the existence of crypt spiders.

However, this still did not dampen their enthusiasm.

Because, killing spiders will also gain a lot of experience points!

There are experience points, and there are treasures!

Rivendell has become a complete playground for adventure players.

However, unlike Rivendell, where the exploration mission is in full swing, the exploration of the underground world has encountered setbacks.

Rivendell has a huge cave that connects to the underworld.

It’s also the starting point for players to explore the underworld.

And as soon as the players entered the cave, they encountered a big trouble…

They came across a giant spider that was five or six meters wide!

All attacks are ineffective against the opponent, even if it is a fireball technique, it only leaves a few marks on its carapace…

It has wind-like speed and powerful attacks, making it easy to catch up and kill heavily armed players.

Even the squad of the box lunch was completely destroyed by it when it attacked…

Players speculate that this goal-guarding spider is likely to have the strength of silver!

Not only that, this giant crypt spider also has three large spider subordinates, and there are hundreds of small spiders…

Players are not their opponents at all.

“It seems that I can only ask the black dragon Myrell to make another move. ”

In the end, the players had to hit the little black dragon with their ideas.

However, when they found the black dragon who led a group of players everywhere in the Elven Forest to find the lair of Warcraft to rob the cubs, the little black dragon refused…

“Crypt spiders? How many meters big? ”

Myrel’s face changed.

“Don’t go! Don’t go! I’m not going! I’m going to send you to death!” ”

It shook its head and flew away.

The always proud black dragon… Unexpectedly provoked.

Leaving only a group of players with wide eyes and small eyes.

That big guy underground… Even the black dragon is afraid?

Shouldn’t it?

I feel that it is not as powerful as the two fool dragons…

However, UU reading books Little Black Dragon is unwilling, and players have no choice.

At last…… They had no choice but to temporarily abandon the exploration of the underground world and continue to explore Rivendell in depth.

And the box lunch, also led his own team, no longer went to the cave, but went deep into the ruins of the elves.

This time, he took on the side mission of [Vein Exploration].

It’s just different from before, this time… There is an extra little tail behind him.

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