In a small garden in the Chosen City, Li Mu was doing the daily task of taking care of the elf little loli Xiaozhengtai.

This was given to him by Alice.

In the beginning, this task was just to help Al bring his sisters.

But with the return of the nightingale, her younger siblings joined in.

These young elves would learn from Alice and Firosir for half a day each day, followed by two hours of exercise.

And when exercising, it is the chosen ones who are responsible for taking care of the children.

For players, this is a slack of slack.

Because they can completely take care of the children while also cultivating and cultivating by the way, or can they brush NPCs by the way… Especially the favor of the little ones.

Unfortunately, this task is not available to anyone.

Only players who have the trust of the Holy Lady will be assigned this task by her.

And as one of the few players who brushed Alice’s favor to 80, only Li Mu and Cuckoo Bird could receive this task.

And Alice is a purple-framed NPC unique to the full server, and her quest reward richness is second only to the goddess.

So…… This is almost the experience point and contribution of the white pick.

In fact, not only Alice, but now that the NPC with the favorability display has been opened, all the favorability that Li Mu has dealt with has been brushed very high by him.

Even if he has only seen the nightingale a few times, he has a favorability rating of 40.

As for Alice, Basaka, and the young elves he often brings, many favorites have exceeded 60.

As long as Eve is a believer, the favor display for players will be open.

Although the younger siblings of Al and Nightingale are young, after the brothers and sisters accept the faith, they also become Eve’s believers, so the good feelings will also be displayed.

Of course, they are only shallow believers and cannot send tasks.


Even if he couldn’t send a task, Little Loli Xiaozhengta’s good impression also stimulated the interest of players.

For most creatures, the cuteness of cubs is a few streets away from adulthood.

As an elf with outstanding appearance, his appearance when he was a child was even more cute.

The pure big eyes, pink and tender skin, coupled with exquisite and lovely facial features, are simply like a god-given doll, and like a little angel who came out of a fairy tale, it unconsciously arouses people’s desire to protect…

As a result, the little guys’ popularity among players almost soared, and soon surpassed Alice and became the existence second only to the goddess Eve.

Many players have come to join in the fun, using various tricks to try to please the little ones, in order to make them laugh, and then sweetly call themselves brothers and sisters.

Well…… Take a screenshot by the way, record a video, and then post it on the forum, and upload it to the video network to show off.

Of course, there are also funny guys who want to coax the little guy to say something weird…

However, those players were quickly chased away by Li Mu and Cuckoo Bird, who took care of the children.

Preventing young elves from being taught strange knowledge by players is also one of their mission requirements.

However, unlike the human bear children who have no heart and lungs and are easy to deceive, the little ones are very vigilant.

If you can’t patiently sink your heart to communicate, it will be difficult to gain their friendship.

And what players lack the most is patience…

Unless there is a big benefit.

But unfortunately, except for some life players, the attraction of the little ones to them is only limited to the level of mascots.

After all, not everyone is as beautiful and good-looking as the goddess-sama, and can also provide a huge reward.

So…… Many people give up after the initial interest.

Of course, Li Mu was not among them.

He was one of the first players to gain the trust of his children.

For this, other players also nicknamed him “Friends of NPCs”.

In fact, there are many players who envy Li Mu’s relationship with NPCs.

However, most people don’t have the character to really deal with NPCs on an equal footing.

Or rather… Although swiping good feelings can bring benefits to players, it is also limited.

Having this time to brush up on good feelings, they prefer to fight more monsters and do more tasks.

In addition to some private tasks, in fact, as long as the good impression with NPCs is above the positive number, it is enough to take their tasks.

For most players, the cost of the time it takes to gain higher NPC favor is not directly proportional to the gain.

Of course, there are some introverted players who are really not very sociable and don’t know how to deal with NPCs.

Not to mention NPCs, these players are very troubled by interpersonal communication problems in reality…

In addition, it is the elves who are too straightforward.

Even if they accept the gift of the “mission system” of the mother god, they are serious when issuing tasks, believing that the task system is sacred and cannot be completely based on their own preferences, but relatively fair and just…

In fact, this kind of thing is also very common on Blue Star.

Sometimes the leader is just a sentence, the people below will make up a lot of brains, do a lot of actually the leader does not care, or even say unnecessary extra work, sometimes the result is even the opposite …


Just when the time agreed by Li Mu and Alice to bring the baby was about to expire, suddenly, a heart-rending howl that made him familiar came from afar:

“Brother Shepherd! Did you see that? New equipment! There are dozens of sets, my mother! ”

Li Mu turned around and saw Demacia walking over with a sad face.

He muttered for a moment, informing Cuckoo Bird in the friends column to help take over work, then looked at Demacia and asked:

“See, what’s wrong? ”

Demacia shook his head and sighed as he said:

“It’s over, I just swore on the official website a while ago that there would be absolutely no new equipment in the short term, and the result was an instant slap in the face…”

Li Mu: …

“Who told you to have to beat your face and fat to play equipment assessment? ”

He shook his head.

“Who knew the equipment was updated so quickly! Ay…… It seems that I want a liver again, and I was going to save my contribution for a defensive gold suit to resist beatings. ”

Demacia was heartbroken.

After speaking, he looked at Li Mu suspiciously:

“By the way, Brother Mu, aren’t you in a hurry to exchange the liver mission for new equipment? How do I feel that since doing the main quest of the half-orc, you have very little liver. ”

“Or… Let’s go to Rivendell to explore, shall we? Now a lot of people are running over there. ”

“Now the web is full of Rivendell’s exploration videos. Not…… By the way, I remember a few days ago you said that you have been in a tight hand recently, or let’s explore it together, and you will also make a video to earn extra money? ”

He said with some expectation.

Li Mu shook his head and replied:

“I’m well equipped. ”

“What a lot! Brother Mu, didn’t you look at the system? The new black iron median of the purple epic has been added! The equipment score has doubled several times compared to the purple and black ones! ”

Demacia muttered.

After speaking, he was a little puzzled:

“Besides, I feel that you are not busy, every day for Alice to take the child… I heard that yesterday you went to find the new Nightingale sister. You’re brushing favors, right? But is it necessary to brush prestige so high? ”

Li Mu: …

He thought about it, scratched his head and said:

“It’s not what you think, it’s still useful… I think it’s just that the official hasn’t fully played the role of favorability. ”

“The theme of “Elven Country” is the rise of the elven race, and it is not only us who represent the elven race, but also NPCs! And the main point of this game is a sense of substitution, so I think our relationship with NPCs is still very important. ”

“Believe me, the official will start on the good feeling sooner or later, brush the good feeling early, and there will definitely be no loss later.” When there are more players in the future, it may be difficult to brush. ”

Demacia listened and shook his head:

“Brother Mu, to be honest, I don’t think the role of good feelings is very big. My reputation value is still 0 now, but haven’t I also successfully accepted the task? ”

“Besides, you should also be upgraded and upgraded, recently you are too salty, even I am level 18, I have surpassed you by level 2!” ”

“And… Equipment! There is new equipment, we must not update it? ”

Demacia said excitedly pointing to the system exchange interface.

“I already have the equipment. ”

Li Mu shook his head.

He pulled out a rough staff and showed off his apparently modified robe:

“I picked up the equipment of the half-orc high priest before, and I brought back his staff and priestly robes, oh… Modified it, put it on. ”

Demacia: …

“I’ll take a go, it turns out that the one who picked up the half-orc boss equipment is Brother Mu, you!” ”

His eyes widened.

Li Mu nodded, UU read the book and said:

“The system has been identified, and they are all white ordinary level silver lower level equipment. Although there are no special effects, the score is similar to that of gold and black. So until better equipment comes along, I’m not going to redeem it. ”

Demacia: …

“Damn, why didn’t I think of picking up the boss’s equipment in the first place! ”

He was heartbroken and envious.

And during the conversation between the two, a system message suddenly floated through the field of vision of all players——


[Announcement: “Elven Country” will be updated the next day, which is expected to take 10 minutes, please prepare for offline in advance. ] 】

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