“I must have had a brain twitch to follow them.” The

nightingale marched forward with several younger siblings, escorted by the players.

Thinking of the symbol drawn by the elven mage just now, the nightingale’s heart was full of doubt and curiosity.

Can’t go wrong… You can’t go wrong!

That symbol, she had seen the elders of the clan draw it many times!

It was the former mother goddess of the Elven race, the symbol of the great world tree that controlled nature, life and elven authority!

However, if the nightingale knows well, the World Tree fell a thousand years ago….

And it was the fall of the World Tree that led to the decline of the elves.

In the memory of the nightingale, the elders of the family are always obsessed with the glory of the past, and at the same time full of nostalgia and devotion to the mother god.

It’s just that, as a new-generation elf, the nightingale doesn’t have much feeling for the fallen world tree.

Since she was born, she has been adrift herself.

For her, the World Tree is just a legendary being, a historical symbol.

Only now… Someone actually told her that the World Tree had returned?

If it was said by other races, the nightingale would not believe it, but it was the elves who told her!

Although these elves gave her a strange feeling, they seemed to have no reason to lie to themselves.

Is it true?

If this is true, then the current situation of the elven race may really change….

Although Nightingale had no faith, she also knew how important the belief in the true God was for an intelligent race from the Segers world.

Faith brings shelter!

It’s just that…… What if the World Tree returns?

The silver civilization in its heyday thousands of years ago could be defeated by the gods, and now the elven race has long declined, can the World Tree really change everything?

In the Nightingale’s view, if the elven race itself does not change, even if the true god returns, I am afraid it will be just another cycle.

After all…… The elves are too pedantic and stubborn, stubborn to the point of ridiculousness!

With the attitude of doubt, Nightingale chose to follow the players to see….

Accompanied by Xiao Xian Meow and the others, Nightingale and the others came to a hidden teleportation array.

The materials of this magic array looked very new, as if they had just been built, and they did not look perfect, and there was a strange female elf on the side who was constantly adjusting.

“Sister Goo, how much longer? Xiao

Xian Meow asked.

“Soon, the magic power here is a little disordered, I have to add a few more runes to stabilize the magic formation. The

female elf said while adjusting the magic formation.

Teleportation formations….

The nightingale thought thoughtfully.

Seeing the contemplative elf girl, Xiao Xian Meow smiled and said, “This magic array is connected to the ancient castle of the black dragon Myrell, and when you get there,

you will be able to determine that what I said is true and false. The

distance between the two teleportation arrays is also limited.

With the existing technology and materials of the players, they can only build medium-distance teleportation formations.

The maximum teleportation range of the medium-distance teleportation formation is no more than 100 kilometers, so Rivendell’s magic array can only be connected to the Black Dragon Castle near the cave tribe.

And now the connection order of several teleportation arrays that players have is: Elven Town – Jade Cold Jade – Black Dragon Castle – Rivendell, in a sense, it is like four maps in an online game.

In addition, the operation of the teleportation magic array is also consumable, and its operation relies on the magic power in the air and the magic power of a small amount of magic stones on the magic array.

When teleportation is initiated, the consumption of the magic array will increase, and this consumption will be proportional to the mass of the transmitted substance and will also be affected by its energy.

Of course, given the extremely high attainment of the Elven Race’s magic array, the consumption of the teleportation array they drew was very small.

And as long as the magic power of the magic stone has not been exhausted, the magic array can continue to be used.

And the Flame Clan has a lot of magic stones, and after raiding the Cave Tribe, players have found more in the big tent of the half-orcs, so the current consumption of the teleportation array is nothing to them.

Black Dragon’s Castle?

The nightingale’s heart jumped.

If she remembered correctly, it was the vicinity of the half-orc tribe!

Wait a minute…… Is what they say true?

After a moment, the cuckoo bird finally stabilized the magic of the magic array and activated it:

“Okay, it’s time to start.

She stood up from in front of the formation.

“Shall we go?

Little Xianmeow smiled sweetly at the nightingale and stepped into the formation first.

The nightingale hesitated, and beckoned his younger siblings to follow.

With a flash of light in front of him, the nightingale felt as if he had passed through an invisible barrier, and the air around it suddenly changed from the cold and humid in the ruins to a refreshing and dry.

Before she could see the surrounding scene clearly, a lively noise came:

“Haha! The French Formation was successfully activated!

“The new map is on! The new map is open! Walk around! “Wait

! Don’t go over yet, someone teleported over!” What


The nightingale was slightly stunned.

Soon, the light dispersed and the nightingale’s vision returned to normal.

“Jing… Genie?! So much?! The

nightingale couldn’t help but exclaim.

She found herself standing in an ancient castle, and the hall was crowded with elves of all kinds, looking to be at least a hundred.

And at the door of the hall a little farther away, you can still see a long queue, with no end in sight….


Lots of elves!

This…… At least there must be a small clan down, right?

And they have all kinds of hair colors!

The nightingale opened its mouth wide in surprise, feeling as if he was dreaming….

And seeing the nightingale, the players who were lining up in the hall waiting to enter the Rivendell “map” were all dazzled:

“It’s the NPC sister in the live broadcast!” It seems to be called a nightingale!

“New NPCs!

“Wow! And a couple of pokemon!

“Hiss… Cute…”

“I heard that the young lady is a thief, and her techniques are very powerful…”

“I’ll go, talent! There are new skills to learn!

“Hello, Miss Nightingale!

They began to greet the Nightingale and others warmly, startling them.

And so on….

How do they know their names?

And so on….

If they haven’t seen them themselves, they know they are thieves?

The nightingale was stunned.

At the same time, she couldn’t help but feel her face hot….

Seriously, even a nightingale does not think that a thief is a commendable profession….

Being excitedly shouted by a group of people is tantamount to a public execution….

“Miss Rogue, look here! I’m a hunter class, I should be able to turn into a thief too!

“Miss Rogue! Hello!

The players were still greeting happily.

Nightingale: ……


It’s a shame!

She shrunk her neck, protected her younger siblings, and subconsciously took a step back.

“Don’t be afraid, this is our companion.

At this time, a deep and powerful voice sounded behind her.

The nightingale felt a big warm hand on her shoulder, which was reassuring.

She turned around and found that the bento was looking at her calmly, his eyes comforting.


The nightingale took a breath of cool air….

They…… It turns out that they have gathered so many clansmen?

And seeing that the box lunch protected the nightingale several people, the other players hurriedly coaxed:

“Lie in the groove! Boxed lunch guy, are you hooking up? “I didn’t expect you to be such a person…”


The number one master of the full server actually did this to NPCs…”

Box lunch: ……

Listening to the players’ ridicule, his face turned a little dark, and he subconsciously let go of his hand.


He said.

Seeing the power of the box lunch, several players who ridiculed him shrunk their necks and smiled.

Nightingale: ……

“Let’s go! Let’s get one, everyone! We’re doing the job!

Xiao Xian Meow said while squeezing the crowd.

“The hidden mission is not over yet, huh? “Envy…”


Don’t say it, don’t say it, go to the new map.

The other elves let out a sigh and made way.

Most of the people no longer paid attention to the nightingale and entered the formation excitedly.

However, some remained, and began to enthusiastically surround the nightingale and the others:

“Hello, Miss Nightingale! My name is Demacia, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Do you lack a guide?

“That… I’ll show you the way, will you teach me the thief skills?

“Miss Nightingale! Hello! Make a friend! Nightingale

: .

The elves have always been proud and elegant, and even in their dealings with their clansmen, they are often polite.

And these guys ….

Well, now the nightingale believes, they are definitely companions of the box lunch and did not run.

She sighed and turned her head to look out the window of the castle.

At this look, the nightingale’s eyes widened instantly.

She saw…

The once cave tribes under the hillside have

been reduced to ruins…

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