Silver…… Silver Dragon?

Looking at Myrell’s pitch-black dragon scales and skull armor, Belus was a little stunned.

This black dragon… It can’t be a brain problem, right?

Does it also want to preach justice?

A black dragon preaching justice?

And…… Does it even say that it still knows the true God?

The Eternal Lord is on top, and this is simply the biggest joke he has ever heard!

What age is it, this young dragon looks at its body size and can only be three hundred years old, and there has been no true god walking on the mainland for a thousand years…

Besides, how could a true god be interested in a young dragon? How can it be a legendary dragon, right? also

gives, also provides the service of dependents…

Hehe. How can

the messengers of true God be more proud than the other, how can they stoop to serve it?

Who does it think it is?

Despair Dragon Nidhogg?!

It is worthy of being the most despicable and shameless black dragon, who does not blush when he lies.

Bellus let out a sneer.

However, he also knew that with the strength of the caravan, there was really no way to confront this black dragon.

This time they didn’t bring any killer skills, if they really fight, the caravan will lose!

He took a deep look at Mailell and said with anger:

“We can give up all the goods and leave here, but… Your Excellency Black Dragon, don’t go too far. Otherwise, I will let my men destroy all the goods… Including those elves!

“You dare to threaten me?”

Myrell’s face suddenly became gloomy.

Hearing the unkind voice of the black dragon, the players in the live broadcast room also became happy:

“Poof… Dare to threaten stupid Erhei.

“I don’t know that Silly Erhei hates people threatening it the most? That’s a that eats soft and doesn’t eat hard.

“It’s cold, it’s cold, give the old mage an incense in advance.”

“Do you really want the black dragon to sweep away? Wouldn’t that dragon breath destroy all the equipment?

“Can’t you promise them first? For example, promise first, and then turn your face after you get the benefits…”

“Agree, stab them again while they’re leaving!” It would be nice if you could fool around with your equipment! It can also reduce their strength.

“This method is good, and I heard that this task does not seem to reward the number of resurrections, in case of death, it will be a loss.”

“Cut… Is Sister Meow worse than those few contributions?

“Sister Meow is not bad, what about the others?”

“What you said sounds good, what if the human caravan doesn’t believe it?”

“Stupid! Let Sister Meow say it! The black dragon’s credit is not enough, can’t the elves?

“I’m going… Your hearts are so dark!

“Black? It’s called strategy! Call the Raiders! We’re gamers!

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Xiao Xianmeow’s eyes flashed, and his heart moved.

“Hey! Mailell!

She suddenly leaned into the black dragon’s ear and whispered a few words.

Belus saw that after the elf whispered a few words, the black dragon’s eyes lit up slightly, and his expression was not so angry.

This made him even more strange.

This elf and the black dragon… What exactly is the relationship?

However, he gradually saw that the black dragon was not actually the dominant one, and the real dominant one was probably the elf!

Maybe it’s not dominant, but she can really influence the black dragon’s decision!

This…… Head black dragon, what the hell is going on?

How could it listen to an elf?

Could it be that the elves subdued the black dragon?

This…… Impossible, right?

Bellus became more and more confused.

However, since he discovered that this black dragon was actually under the influence of the elves, the worries in Belus’s heart immediately dissipated a lot…

Because elves never kill enemies!

He believes that

As long as the caravan meets the other party’s conditions, the elves will definitely convince the black dragon to let them go! Suffer a loss, suffer a loss, and have a chance to get it back later!

And at this time, Belus also heard the voice of the black dragon coming again:

“That… All right! Mindrell changed his mind, the previous one does not count! Doesn’t count!

“You leave treasure and elves, but you must hand over all your weapons and equipment!” Well…… You only have one chance! ”

“Rua~! This is what Milesel’s friends fought for you!

Bellus: …

I even want their equipment!

This greedy evil bastard!

He looked angrily at Myrell.

And the black dragon also glared back, uncompromising:

“Myrell’s temper is not good! You only have one chance! Well, that’s still for my friend’s sake!

After a moment, Belus reluctantly gave up:

“Well… You guys do what you say!

When he said this, he did not look at the black dragon, but at Xiao Xian Meow.

The black dragon of silver superior strength… It’s really not what they can resist now.

However, the cunning black dragon is not credible… But if it’s

an elf, it’s different.

Elves are good and kind, and they do what they say!

Thinking of this, Berus was also slightly relieved.


Fortunately, this black dragon has an elven companion!

If it was really a crazy young black dragon, I am afraid that their caravan would be completely destroyed today…

Although I don’t know how they got mixed up, it seems that this elf can still affect the black dragon to some extent…

In fact, it is also right to think that only under the influence of the elves, this black dragon will say what to pursue justice, right?

As long as they get the promise of the elves, they will be safe.

Seemingly…… After going back this time, I will reflect with the above, and equip the traveling caravan with some hole cards against a more powerful existence.

This setback should be a lesson.

He Belus will definitely find the field!

And seeing the gaze cast by Belus, Xiao Xian Meow was slightly stunned.

However, she quickly understood, rolled her eyes, and said with a smile:

“Uh-huh, we do what we say!”

Hearing the promise of the elf, UU read the book Belus completely relieved.

He took a deep look at the black dragon and beckoned the other caravan members and mercenaries to start unequipping…

This time, he made a note.

But sooner or later, he will make this black dragon and the elf pay!

And seeing the humans begin to take off their equipment, the players in the live broadcast room were stunned:

“I’ll go… Really took off…”

“Who just came up with the idea? It really did!

“Hahahahaha… This group of human NPCs is also too straightforward, right? They actually took it off!

“What about IQ? Paid taxes?

“Are they stupid? How much strength is there if the equipment is taken off?

“The villain NPC IQ is too low! Bad reviews!

“Believe in verbal promises? If I did, I would ask to swear to the true God!

“Poof… You forgot, in his opinion, the elves no longer have a true god, how to swear?

“And it’s not bad for them to get rid of it, right? Anyway, he will be killed by the black dragon in seconds…”

“Then he will believe what Sister Meow said!”

“Because we’re elves!”

“So the credit of the elves is so high?! Whatever NPC says, you will believe it…”

“You just found out! It’s always been like this! After all, this is a character!

“Hiss… When you say that, I suddenly have some bold ideas…” ”

You said that if the identity of the elves can be seen in the future, if we go to the human town to do something…” ”

Eh, hey…” “Hey

, he

Don’t disgrace the elves anymore! The

live broadcast room is full of joviality.

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