Secret weapon?

Listening to Li Mu’s conversation with the cooing bird, Natural Saint Alice was a little puzzled.

What did they make?

She knew that there were hundreds of lower-ranking Chosen ones who did not take the task, but were busy with something in the elven town.

But soon, she knew what the Chosen ones were talking about.

I saw that the teleportation array bloomed with brilliance again, and four or five players gathered around a big man and passed over.

It was a large wooden machine that appeared to be folded.

After the first big guy was shipped, the players shipped three identical guys one after another.

“What is this?”

Alice was slightly stunned.

“This is our secret siege weapon.”

Cuckoo Bird replied as he instructed the players to start assembling…

After a while, four huge machines appeared on the top of the mountain.

It was an upright, sharp-angled machine, and the two characters “Dongfeng” were ridiculously written in Chinese characters on the side.

The main body of the machine is two pillars with fixed horizontal shafts, equipped with wooden winches and pulleys, on the horizontal shaft is a lever perpendicular to the shaft that can rotate freely around the axis, one end of the rod is inserted into a tightly twisted horizontal rope, and the other end is a large wooden basket…

“This… This is like a stone thrower in the human world!

Alice’s voice was very strange.

She is no stranger to trebuchets.

The human society in the world of Segers is somewhat similar to the late Middle Ages on Earth, although there are magic weapons such as magic crystal cannons, but trebuchets, which can be used locally and are easy to make siege weapons.

As a magical world, the trebuchet of the Segers world is generally mixed with magic.

But then again, Alice’s impression of humans is not good, and she does not have a good impression of these things made by humans for war.

But even so, she had to admit that there were still things in human beings that had merit.

Especially when the elves also start a war!

It’s just that to Alice’s surprise, the Chosen ones also made a trebuchet!

Players can certainly do it.

Trebuchet this kind of thing, in fact, does not have much technical content, is the principle of leverage, online production tutorials search a lot.

It’s just that it’s more difficult to make a large one with a long range, but the few players in the Moe Committee who study engineering mechanics are not dry food.

After knowing that this time was to attack the lair of the half-orcs, the players were making all kinds of preparations.

They thought it would be a siege, so a few players proposed to get some big guys out…

In the earliest days, they wanted to come up with artillery directly.

But the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

Even with the help of magic, players found that with their current equipment and resources, they could not make hot weapons, so they chose a relatively simple trebuchet.

Although it turns out that the orcs do not have the ability to build cities, the players’ preparation is not useless.

No, it comes in handy now.

And seeing the formed trebuchet, Demacia’s eyes were round:

“Lie in the groove! Sister Goo, your guild is really smack! It’s really out of the way!

“It’s just a simple application of mechanics, but unfortunately there are too few materials, this kind of estimation is at most five hundred meters away, fortunately, we have high terrain and magic to assist.”

Cuckoo said with some pity.

Demacia: …

Five hundred meters is not close, okay?!

You know, the average range of the heavy stone throwing machine in the Middle Ages of Blue Star is only three hundred meters…

Xuebai are monsters!

And looking at the trebuchet,

The corners of Li Mu’s mouth rose slightly: “Aren’t half-orcs unwilling to fight hard? Then we will destroy their old nest with Dongfeng Express!

“Hey, hey, hey…” The

players smiled at each other.

The corners of Alice’s mouth twitched a little.

These Chosen… The more you look at it, the more you look like a human being!

After placing the trebuchet, the players put heavy objects in the wooden basket, brought in a bag of rubble and put it in a greased hanging bag at the other end of the lever.

“Is there anyone who can attach magic to flames? Preferably with a delayed explosion attribute! No need to delay too long, just a few seconds!

Li Mu asked again.

“I’ll come! I got it! I learned a fire magic before! The kind that can attach to objects for a short time! There is no problem with delayed detonation! Absolutely powerful! Hee-hee… I took Demacia’s house to pack tickets!

Xiao Xian Meow walked forward excitedly while rubbing the fireball…

Demacia: …


Cave tribes.

After changing tactics, the losses of the orcs dropped dramatically, and the elves were trapped on the mountain.

Although the silver swordsmen wandering among the elves were still a big trouble, after the half-orcs were vigilant and targeted, the other party could not do whatever they wanted like before.

Unlike the players, Al is still an 80-year-old child, he cannot be resurrected, and his physical strength is limited.

This made Jushan breathe a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the demon dog that was struggling to support with the support of the half-orc archer, and his heart settled down a lot.

Lord Count… It should be almost ready, right?

However, just when his heart was a little calmer, Giant Mountain suddenly heard an exclamation from the half-orcs.

He subconsciously turned around, and then was shocked to find that four “meteorites” with burning flames suddenly flew on the hillside!

The “meteorite” streaked through a parabola and flew directly towards the cave tribe.

“Get out of the way!”

Giant Mountain hurriedly shouted towards the half-orcs in the tribe.

However, before the “meteorites” could land, they suddenly exploded in midair!

With a roaring loud noise, the “meteorite” fell apart, and large and small rubble mixed with flames splashed around, like a gorgeous fire rain…

The houses of the cave tribes are made of stone and hay, and the tents are made of animal skins, all of which are flammable.

It hadn’t rained in days near the Dark Mountains, and it was dry.

And the rubble wrapped in grease and scattered with flames instantly set fire to the affected houses!

Seeing this scene, the face of the half-orc giant mountain turned green:

“Quick! Fight the fire! Fire!

However, before the orcs could extinguish the fire, four more “meteorites” flew over…


Another house fell into flames.

Not only that, but a “meteorite” exploded near the main tent and almost destroyed the main tent!

Seeing this scene, Jushan was almost scared to pee.

The Night Wanderer can also perfect the altar for summoning the divine messenger in the main tent!

“It’s a genie! It’s those elves! They…… They got a trebuchet!

At this time, the sharp-eyed half-orc shouted.

Cast…… Trebuchet?!

Giant Mountain’s eyes widened.

Isn’t that human equipment?

How did the elves come up with it?

This point has to be mentioned.

The elves are very proud, and they are even more proud of their rich country.

Even if it declined, the pride of the elven race was not lost.

In their opinion, intelligent creatures such as humans and half-orcs are short-lived barbarians, and they will only produce simple inferior products, or some bells and whistles of useless things.

In fact, they have a point. At the peak of the elven

civilization, other intelligent races were indeed still in an uncivilized barbaric state, and the magic equipment of the elven race has always been known for being exquisite and gorgeous, magical and easy to use.

Elf products are popular all over the world!

Of course, almost all elven items will not be used in war…

And in fact… Many civilizations have grown thanks to the study of elves or the help of elves.

Therefore, it is normal for elves to be proud.

What do they think about other races… It is very similar to the attitude of the Celestial Empire towards the West hundreds of years ago on the Blue Star.

And this is also a well-known thing in the Segers Continent.

Elves use human trebuchets, which is unprecedented!

Looking at the tribe that gradually fell into the sea of fire, the eyes of the giant mountain were red.

No way……

Can’t let them go on any longer!

These elves are as cunning and murderous as humans…

If this continues, even if it wins in the end, the cave tribe will be reduced to ruins.

These are the belongings they have accumulated for hundreds of years!

Not to mention, the trebuchet is also a huge threat to the altar in the main tent and to the clansmen in the tribe!

“Charge! Charge! Go and ruin their trebuchet!

Jushan commanded with red eyes.

This time, the half-orcs no longer hesitated.

The few explosions just now have already caused casualties in the half-orc tribe.

The priest’s protective spell could not be blessed on everyone, and this explosion from the sky was enough to pose a threat to those ordinary half-orcs in the tribe…

And the trebuchet is still in constant operation …

If this continues, the entire cave tribe will really turn into a sea of fire!

“Abominable elves! Vile! It’s so despicable! The

orcs gritted their teeth, their red eyes and charged the players again.

Seeing that the half-orcs were completely enraged, the players on the hillside let out a cheer.

“That’s right!”

They also drew their weapons and fought again with the half-orcs who rushed up…

Dogfight, start again.

The swords of the two sides touched, brilliant magic exploded everywhere, shouts and screams rose one after another, and from time to time someone fell, but it was quickly replaced by those behind.

During the melee, the players are still not idle in their hands, and continue to use trebuchets to throw fireballs into the half-orc tribe.

What’s more, someone brought in their biochemical weapons from the teleportation array – buckets of excrement from the player…

“Elven Country” is too real, there are all kinds of food, drink and Lasa, and after the number of players is large, it is natural to build public toilets in the town, and it is not difficult to collect some biochemical weapons.

They packed it in bags, attached bursting delay magic, and threw it in the same way with a trebuchet, smashing into the orc tribes to disgust each other.

In fact…… In the history of Blue Star, many medieval army wars also did this, used to undermine morale.

Don’t say, the effect is not bad!

As soon as the biochemical weapons exploded, many of the half-orcs who were hit were drenched in their faces.

But unlike humans, in the face of such an insult, the half-orcs, who were not smart in mind and generally hot-tempered, were even more angry.

“Bastard! These damn long, shameless ears!

“Aaaaa Kill you! I’m going to kill you! The

half-orcs became even more manic.

“Wow! This is interesting! Change me! Change me!

Seeing that the trebuchet could still play like this, Demacia fell into excitement.

He also did not commit suicide, but volunteered to come to the trebuchet and began to play …

Li Mu: …

Cuckoo Bird: …

Little Salty Meow: …


And with the melee, the casualties of the orcs are also increasing.

But they still haven’t broken through the player’s defenses.

Not only that, the half-orcs who had persisted the longest gradually found that the strength of the elves seemed to be slowly improving…

“They seem to be getting stronger!”

They shouted in horror.

This amazing discovery, like a jar of cold water, was once again poured on the hot-headed half-orc.

News kept spreading among the orcs, and gradually… Once again, they fell into chaos.

And looking at the experience points and contributions that continue to be credited, as well as the more and more equipment accumulated in the rear, the momentum of the players is getting stronger and stronger!

Rushing to the front, there are already many people who have upgraded!

And the equipment picked up has already been piled up into a hill …



Players were excited, shouting, and charging at the orcs who were once again faintly showing signs of defeat!

“Messed up… Utter mess… Isn’t the Night Wanderer’s call good yet?!

Looking at the gradually collapsing formation and the chaotic tribe, the half-orc giant mountain was extremely urgent.

And at this moment, a palpitating energy fluctuation suddenly came from the central tent of the cave tribe…

With the silver light, UU reading A huge magic array suddenly formed in mid-air! The

Dharma Array is engraved with mysterious and sacred patterns, which are inscriptions that belong to the true God…

The chant like a battlefield cry slowly sounded, and a large golden hand suddenly stretched out from the magic formation!

Seeing this scene, Jushan was stunned at first.

And when he saw clearly the lines on the Dharma Array, his anxious expression suddenly turned into shock and joy:

“This… This is…… It’s a summoning formation! Be…… It’s God!

“Divine Messenger?!”

Hearing the exclamation of the chief priest, the half-orcs first made a commotion, and then quickly fell into ecstasy:

“Divine messenger! God has come!

“Lord Divine Dependents succeeded!”

In the cheers of the crowd, the silver light became even more brilliant.

A rough vicissitudes, but with a trace of majesty and divine mighty aura spread out along with the appearance of the golden giant hand, which made all the half-orcs in awe…

However…… As soon as the big golden hand reached halfway, a package of unknown objects was suddenly thrown in the sky.

It crossed a beautiful parabola, not crooked or oblique, and just entered the range of the French array.


A majestic cold snort resounded in the air.

The big golden hand grabbed the thrower and squeezed it fiercely.

“Snap…” The

unknown thing from the hillside was torn apart, and the black and yellow fluid poured the mysterious powerhouse who had not yet drilled out of the teleportation array…

The smell of choking gradually spread…

The air suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

On the hillside, Demacia opened her mouth in surprise, and subconsciously let go of her hand that was still holding the trebuchet…

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