Elven Forest.

The black dragon Myrrel lay bored in his nest, looked at the two players grilling on the side, and said lazily:

“Hurry up! Lord Myrell is already hungry.

Its nest is no longer the same pit had been carved in the first place.

Instead, Xiao Xian Meow used the power of wealth to gather guild members to build a small fortress for it that was warm in winter and cool in summer.

Considering the habits of the black dragon, the players made the dragon’s nest look like a castle, at least… It looks like this from the outside.

And inside, it’s covered with shiny ornaments.

These decorations were all deducted from the equipment exchanged by Xiao Xian Meow from the contribution mall with the contribution degree he received, so that many players even cried out to destroy the heavenly objects…

By the way, money is power.

However, regardless of the quality of the equipment provided by the mall, the special effects are indeed gorgeous.

Although it is not a real treasure, its shining luster is enough to enter the eyes of the black dragon.

At least, barely replacing gems and gold coins makes sense.

Myrell expressed considerable satisfaction, and it was a lot easier to see these strange long ears.


Although these guys are cruel and evil, if they can be accepted as dependents, they are a good choice.

At least, they’re much more capable than the humble half-orcs!

Those guys don’t put honey in their roasts!


Lord Mailyl is definitely not for barbecue!

The little black dragon shook his head and thought. It glanced

at the two players who were grilling and continued to urge:

“Hurry up! Whoever bakes it first, Lord Mailyl will reward him with a mouthful of saliva!

Hearing these words, the eyes of the two players lit up, and the movements in their hands became faster.

Looking at the two players who were working harder and harder, the black dragon Mailyl was very satisfied.

It raised its head proudly and looked glaring.

These greedy and pathetic fellows, Lord Mailyl can buy with just a mouthful of saliva!

Lord Myrrel is really smart and great!

What Little Black Dragon didn’t know was… The worthless dragon saliva in its eyes is actually a good magic material.

For mages, dragon saliva is quite precious.

Ever since some players collected the Black Dragon’s saliva and exchanged it for amazing benefits from the elven mages of the Flame Clan, Myrell’s saliva has become a sought-after item.

Just grill it and you can exchange it for ambergris!

How easy it is to grill meat!

This is simply a benefit picked up for nothing! As a result, more

and more players licked their faces to grill the little black dragon, roasting until night, and almost raised Myriel as a pig.

And gradually, the players became emboldened, and someone asked Milesel if he could provide some dragon blood or something…

Of course, the player who asked was kicked by Mailel on the spot.

That’s it!

Want Lord Myrell’s blood?


When Xiao Xian Meow came to the black dragon, Myrell was feasting.

She looked at Myrell’s figure, burst out laughing, and said:

“Rimeier, have you been fat in the past two days?”

The black dragon Myrell flicked his tail, glanced at Xiao Xian Meow, and said lazily:

“Call me Lord Myrell!”

However, having said that, it was not angry at Xiao Xian Meow for calling it by its name.

These days, Xiao Xian Meow’s efforts were not in vain, and he was finally barely acquainted with Little Black Dragon.

At least, ordinary dialogue is no problem.

Coupled with the fact that the dragon’s nest was also prepared by Xiao Xian Meow, and even those sparkling little objects were provided by Xiao Xian Meow, the black dragon Myrell was quite polite to her.

Listening to Myrell’s words, a smile appeared in Xiao Xianmeow’s eyes.

She took out a large homemade brush from behind her, walked to Milesel’s side and brushed the scales on its body.

Feeling the regular brushing of Xiao Xian Meow’s strength, Black Dragon Myrell narrowed his eyes comfortably.


This treatment is really comfortable…

Sometimes, it’s almost forgetting that it’s a captive!


Although these strange long ears are cruel and evil, the level of serving dragons is incomparable to that of humble half-orcs!

Mailrell enjoyed it.

Looking at its happy expression, Xiao Xian Meow smiled while brushing its back:

“Then… Lord Miles, how did you think about it?

Hearing these words, Myrell’s expression gradually became cold.

It snorted and raised its proud dragon head:

“Lord Myrell is a righteous dragon, no matter how you tempt me, I will not become a dependant of the evil god!”


Enjoy to enjoy.

But if you really think that it is easy to get on a thief’s ship in this way, it is impossible!

It’s a righteous dragon!

For the words of the black dragon, Xiao Xian Meow was not angry, but continued to brush the skin while saying:

“But… You have been with us for so many days, from your observations, are we really evil?

Listening to Xiao Xian Meow’s words, the black dragon Myrell fell silent.

Are long-eared people really evil?

Through observations these days, honestly…

It’s also a little uncertain.

Except for the first day of fighting, it had never seen these strange guys fall into bloodthirsty and madness again.

Not only that, they are like hardworking little bees, busy in the small town, building their own homes.

In addition, the long-eared ones are also quite harmonious, and Mailyl has never even seen the long-eared ones fighting!

You know, this is common in the half-orc tribe.

Of course…… It doesn’t know that this is because once a player PK destroyed a house, Eve banned players from PKING in the main city.

“I want to… At least compared to the half-orcs, we are far from evil.

Seeing Myrell’s silence, Xiao Xian Meow continued.

Hearing this, Myrell was immediately dissatisfied:

“This is just your statement. In my opinion, UU reads www.uukanshu.com they are indeed not as smart and capable as you, but they are honest and honest! I don’t believe they’re really as evil as you say!

Listening to the words of the black dragon, Xiao Xian Meow was a little helpless.

This dragon… It’s really stubborn.

Just as she was thinking about how to continue persuading, suddenly, the black dragon Myrell stood up from the lair.

Xiao Xianmeow was startled and quickly retreated.

I saw that the little black dragon suddenly became very impatient, its eyes were red, it kept panting, and it seemed to fall into a rage.

“That… You, what’s wrong?

Xiao Xian Meow asked cautiously.

Black Dragon Mailyl did not answer.

It jumped out of the nest where it had been lying for days, and roared up to the sky:

“Who is it? Moved the treasure of Lord Mirrell!

Moved by someone!

Its treasure left in the castle was moved!

Just now, it sensed that all the magic it left behind to protect the treasure had been destroyed!

I saw Myriel take a deep breath and chant the dragon language in his mouth.

A necklace hanging around its neck slowly rose.

This necklace is a magic tool given to it by its adoptive father, and it is also the back hand left by it, able to monitor its treasure!

I saw that the necklace bloomed with a faint halo, and the picture in the castle was transformed in front of Myrell.

In the picture…

One by one, the orcs are constantly moving their long-cherished gold and silver treasures out of the castle.

Mindrell: …

In an instant, the little black dragon exploded in anger:

“Damn it!”

“These meanness! Inferior! Shameless! Cunning! Evil bastards! ”

“Rua——! Lord Milesll must eat you! ”

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