This time, the psychological cues of the night wanderer were not empty again!

I saw that Hulu’s eyes widened, and his gaze began to gradually become empty.

That’s a sign of imminent success at psychological hints!

The Night Wanderer is satisfied:

“Immune to psychic magic, but psychological cues can, which indicates that there is something wrong with their souls!” Probably the soul is protected in some way!

However, just when he thought that his psychological cue was about to succeed, Hulu rolled his eyes and tilted his head limply to the side.

Night Wanderer: …

“What’s the situation?”

He was slightly stunned.

Listening to the sound of even breathing, the night wanderer’s expression became wonderful.

“Sleep… Asleep?

How can you fall asleep in this situation?!

He didn’t cast a sleep spell!

The night wanderer’s expression sank.

He snorted coldly and punched the gourd’s jaw.

However, the other party still did not respond…

Not pretending to sleep, but really “asleep”.

The night wanderer’s brows gradually furrowed.

He looked at the other players again, and several of them smiled sarcastically at him.

Seeing that several people were not afraid, nor did they have the slightest surprise at the “sleeping” elves, the night wanderer’s heart moved.

“Tell me, what’s wrong with him?”

He looked at several players.

“What else, it’s disconnected.”

One of them said nonchalantly.

Fall…… Disconnected?

What does that mean?

Night wanderers are confused.

However, he had already determined that the other elves seemed to know something.

So, he decisively gave them another psychological hint:

“Tell me, who is the power behind you? What exactly is the conspiracy?

However, what made him angry but not surprising was that after being exposed to psychological cues, the remaining few people also rolled their eyes and “slept” over…

The night wanderer’s expression was ugly.

“Not immune to psychological cues… But does it seem that there is some kind of self-preservation ability, and when it is hinted, it will fall into a strange sleep in advance?

“Being able to exert this ability on every elf, it seems… The other party’s attainment in the soul is quite superb! It is very likely that it is the god of death! A

glimmer of realization rose in the heart of the night wanderer.

With a wave of his hand, he was about to completely erase a few sleeping elves, but suddenly stopped.

He smelled a very tempting fragrance…

The night wanderer raised his eyebrows, followed the scent, and found that the source was a wound on the arm of the boxed lunch.

“Blood? Is there anything special?

The night wanderer’s gaze became very deep in an instant.

The blood tribe is inseparable from blood, and every once in a while it needs to suck the blood of other beings to maintain its state.

And high-quality blood is the supreme pursuit of every blood clan!

He licked the corner of his mouth, came to the side of the box lunch, stretched out his slender fingers to stain a trace of blood, and sent it into his mouth.

With the blood intake, the night wanderer’s eyes instantly brightened.

His expression became extremely intoxicated in an instant:

“What mellow blood!”

At this moment, his gaze towards the elves changed again.

“Although the blood of the silver race is said to be extremely mellow and delicious, but… I didn’t expect that the blood of these elves would be so good, even if it was the fine wine treasured by the dukes, right?

“Such high-quality blood … What exactly are the identities of these elves? Not only that… I also seem to smell the breath of life.

The night wanderer’s gaze gradually became hot.

At this moment, the genie in his eyes is no longer just a genie,

It’s still the best ingredients! No, it’s a superior blood slave!

After a slight hesitation, he took out a small red ring from his arms and chanted the incantation in his heart.

And with his spell, I saw a light bloom on the body of the boxed lunch, and then the body slowly disappeared!

“It’s a pity that the space ring place is too small, and it can only fit one person.”

The night wanderer felt sorry in his heart.

This ring is his storage ring, and it also has a magic that supports the survival of creatures, allowing the creatures in it to stay alive for 24 hours.

The Night Wanderer has decided to capture an elf as his long-term blood slave!

As for the rest…

He looked at the elves who had fallen to the ground and shook his head regretfully.

There’s no way to bring more people.

However, it cannot be wasted!

The Night Wanderer came to a player, lifted him up, and then opened his mouth and bit the opponent’s neck!

Yin Hong’s blood mouth, the night wanderer’s expression became extremely satisfied and intoxicated.

He felt that he had never tasted such delicious blood in his life!

And the blood entrance, he could even feel that his bottleneck was faintly loosened!

What amazing blood!

The night wanderer’s eyes grew brighter.

“Is it delicious?”

He nodded.


When it was so delicious!

However, he quickly reacted, and his expression suddenly became terrified.

Who is it?!

The Night Wanderer quickly let go of his mouth and jumped up from the spot.

When he raised his head, he saw an unfamiliar figure appear in front of him.

It was a woman in a black robe, with dark gray hair, and red eyes like him.

However, unlike the vertical pupils of the night wanderer, the other party’s eyes are human.

And the moment he saw the other party, the night wanderer recognized the identity of the woman:

“The god of death!”

His expression was extremely serious.

As the god of winter and hunting, the night wanderer’s perception of divine power is extremely clear.

The other party did not cover up the breath of the god of death on his body in the slightest, and he was undoubtedly a true god!

Moreover…… Very strong!

The night wanderer’s perception has always been keen, but he does not perceive the approach of the other party!

Advanced Professionals!

She is a high-level professional like herself!

Not only that, if I fight her, I am afraid that I will lose!

Various thoughts flashed through the night wanderer’s mind, and he quickly gave up the idea of fighting.

His vigilant expression changed and turned into a spring breeze-like smile.

I saw him salute gracefully to the Grim Reaper:

“Good afternoon, respect to the beautiful lady.” The

Death Seeker seemed surprised by his greeting, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Her gaze swept around the ground, UU read a book her voice was cold:

“Did the gods take the initiative to attack and kill the dependents of other true gods to provoke a war between true gods?”

Listening to her words, the night wanderer’s eyelids jumped.


There is a true God behind these elves!

And…… Sure enough, it’s the Grim Reaper!

It seems that the real god’s guess is good, and the god of death really made a move!

No…… Wrong!

Suddenly, the night wanderer’s heart moved, and his eyes gradually narrowed.


She was actually inducing me by saying this!

Those elves did not have the breath of death on their bodies, but on the contrary, there was a smell of life!

This true God… I’m afraid it’s not the true God!

As if opening a window, the night wanderer suddenly felt that he had discovered the truth…

His eyes suddenly brightened, but a glimmer of realization rose in his heart:

From God! It must be from God!

Migrating elves… Strange temples… The newborn true God…

It must be!

The Grim Reaper has cultivated a subordinate god related to the priesthood of life in the Elven Forest!

Only in this way can we explain why elves have a great change in temperament!

And the dependents of the Grim Reaper are actually covering for each other!

I am afraid that this subordinate god has not yet mastered the priesthood, or even has not mastered the complete life priesthood at all.

Counterpart…… Must still be in a rather weak state!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide.

And the purpose of the Grim Reaper … It’s also clear.

According to His Majesty the True God, the priesthood of the underworld is incomplete, and I am afraid that he wants to use this to perfect his priesthood!

In an instant, the night wanderer figured everything out.

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