The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 684: Feel cold

There are more than 8,000 Song people living in the inner city of Wangxiangcheng. No, they are not so much Song people as they are Sairis people, because these people are the descendants of the immigrants that year and have never returned to the distant homeland.

The Serris is the collective name for the children wandering outside the central empire in the east. This name was first used in the Roman Empire.

Long before the Roman Empire was silent, business travelers and adventurers from the East had contact with the Roman Empire, and Seris was the name of the mysterious empire in the East.

This name has been spread to the present, no matter how many power alternations and dynasties change in the Central Plains, the black-haired and black-eyed Seris people will always come from the Seris country.

"The minions of'Yan Mo' live in the shadow of the boundary between Yin and Yang. It needs Song people's dreams as food." Li Xuanbai was stared at by the beast-like vertical pupils, but still maintained an elegant posture.

Even if no one appreciates this elegance in the dark, it seems that this nobility has been carved into Li Xuanbai's bones.

"Dreamland?" The demon hunter grinned with a grin: "Maybe I can help a little bit."

"You have the ability to kill people like a dream?" Mrs. Li gently filled the tea cup of the warrior opposite, and the faint aroma of tea filled the darkness: "His father also invited a stranger who could kill like a dream, but unfortunately Those wronged souls are in the millions, they cannot be killed, and they cannot be killed."

"Isn't it effective at all?" Xu Yichen put the tea cup in front of his nose, letting the fragrance of tea linger in the nasal cavity. On the boundary of the Far South, this was the moment he felt that he was closest to his hometown.

In the Jixia Academy, there were no other drinks to choose from except tea, which made many people accustomed to the happy water or coffee in the fat house remember very deeply.

"Master Yong Ye has said that the seal used to seal'Yan Mo' has not completely expired. Those evil spirits who ran out to cause chaos are just icebergs." Mrs. Li shook her head: "The strangers back then were in dreams. After killing for seven days and seven nights, I didn't see any loss of the wronged soul, and finally recovered from exhaustion. It is said that before returning to Songtu, he died of a severe illness on the ship."

"The number of millions..." The demon hunter was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Work hard, there will always be a day of killing."

"I heard that you still have a companion?" Mrs. Li felt that the young man in front of her had a spirit of not hitting the south wall and not looking back, which was worthy of encouragement, but she didn't believe that the other party was really capable of solving the threat of'Yan Mo', so she moved directly Topic: "I'll let Mei Er lead someone to pick them up later. It's not safe to be outside during the day."

"Why is it not safe during the day?" Xu Yichen didn't want to continue to talk about history. He wanted to know more secrets of Wangxiangcheng, such as: "Why do you always live in a dark room where you can't see your fingers during the day? Then why did Wangxiangcheng? To expel outsiders?"

"Mrs. Wang told me." The vertical pupils in the dark strayed into fluorescence, locked firmly on Li Xuanbai's body.

"The evil spirits controlled by'Yan Mo' can't appear in pure darkness. They can only make chaos in the shadows intertwined by light and entities." Li Xuan slowly stretched out an arm, knowing that the young man in front of her could see: "In such a pure and dark environment, they cannot shelter."

"The people of Wangxiangcheng are accustomed to activities in the dark. During the day, they rest in a dark room." Li Xuanbai retracted his arm: "We are not without any countermeasures. At night, we have magical tools that can create objects that do not produce shadows. The light source serves as illumination."

Xu Yichen remembered the weird instrument that the young soldier had touched before. It was used to make a light source.

"Moreover, after living here for so long, we have also obtained some self-protection technology, which can cause some harm to those wronged souls, although it cannot be completely eliminated, it is enough for emergency use." Li Xuan said quietly: "'Yan Mo' feeds on the dreams of the Song people, but it never refuses to come from outsiders. The more people there are, the more active it will be, and the more evil spirits will be released."

"So, where did you use the self-protection technology from?" Xu Yichen still maintained a poker face: "I don't know, who are the outsiders who went out from the outer city gate before?"

"Do you have an edict from your majesty?" Li Xuanbai chuckled softly: "If not, as the lord of a city, I don't need to answer your question. Seeing that we have the same root and the same face, we better keep it A mutually beneficial relationship."

"Tell me about your troubles?" Li Xuanbai, as the lord of a city, has his own demeanor: "We Song people are outside to help each other, and no one wants to bully us."

"We got a very precious item by chance. For some reason, this news was scattered." Xu Yichen didn't have a good grasp of diplomatic rhetoric, so he had to tell Li Xuanbai directly, and there was no comment.

"We don't know how many people interested in this item will gather before the local support fleet arrives." Xu Yichen introduced his current situation at a glance: "Now there is a Vatican behind us. The troops are chasing. If nothing happens, they will arrive at Wangxiang City in six to thirty hours."

"How many people are there and how strong are there?" Li Xuanbai picked up his tea cup and savored the only special product from his homeland.

"In the early stage, there were no more than three hundred transcendents, five battleships." According to his own observation, the demon hunter said: "In seven days, it can mobilize about five hundred transcendents, not more than 18 battleships."

"Puff!" Li Xuanbai almost didn't choke to death, and had to cough to hide his embarrassment.

"It is expected that in the next three to five days there will be other forces ~ The total number should not exceed the extraordinary people used by the church." Xu Yichen roughly estimated the number of players in other countries, and those who were too far away could not make it. , And the strength is too bad: "If the time is delayed a little longer, it does not rule out that the number of extraordinary people will increase."

"Haha." I don't know why, Madam Li suddenly felt the nightmare of looking at Xiangcheng. "Yan Mo" didn't seem to be a major event anymore, and the pressure on her body suddenly decreased.

This is probably to live to grow old and learn to grow old, right?

Li Xuanbai thought of the old city lord who had passed away. Father, maybe we will meet soon...

"Can I know what treasure you got?" Li Xuanbai felt that the young man in front of him didn't seem to be joking, so the only reason was that the young man really got something amazing.

"No comment." Xu Yichen's expression remained unchanged and answered Li Xuanbai's question in four words.

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