The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 632: Ecological pollution

"Fish, fish! Catch it!" The centaur looked around on the raft, and the raft was almost surrounded by a large number of fish schools around the raft.

Xu Yichen didn't know what kind of fish it was, but these big fishes that almost held up the raft obviously met the criteria of a New Huaxia people for ‘good fish’.

Round and shiny scales, flexible and powerful fish tails, and important, plump midsections.

This thing is simply meant to be eaten!

The big fish more than half a meter long kept leaping over the dragon gate in front of the demon hunter, and finally Xu Yichen, who couldn't help himself, reached for five fish.

It's too easy, the density of the fish school allows anyone to easily catch a few.

Before these fish had a chance to jump on the raft, Xu Yichen grabbed the tail and threw the fish to death on the raft.

"Do you know how to grill fish?" The centaur asked very expectantly: "I like grilled fish the most!"

Xu Yichen gave Haorna a white look, which looked down from a higher dimension, full of superiority.

The demon hunter cut open the belly of the fish with a dagger. The orange-red fish flesh is embellished with fat and has a marble-like texture. Even with the picky eyes of the people of the food empire, they are very satisfied with the meat quality of this fish.

But in the next second, Xu Yichen's knife was frozen in midair.

The cut fish hadn't died yet, a sac that was originally hidden in the fish's belly was cut by a knife, and densely packed tiny tentacles like earthworms tentatively stretched out from it.

It was originally wrapped in it, and the smell of chaos suddenly radiated.

The tiny tentacles, like sewing needles, squirmed back and forth in the fish's belly, forcibly closing the opened fish's belly like a needle and thread.

The big fish, which was dying, immediately regained its vitality, struggling vigorously in the hands of the demon hunter.

The centaur's originally enthusiastic expression turned pale suddenly, and when she remembered that she was planning to eat this stuff in the first place, Horna couldn't help feeling a twitch in her stomach, vomiting on the side of the boat.

Xu Yichen's face was gloomy and lit the fish in his hand with [Pure Fire]. The silver flame almost flashed across the fish, and the flame was weak and could not be seen clearly.

Afterwards, the big fish was like a toy without electricity, without any movement. It had healed the weak opening of the fish's belly, and the internal organs were in the water, causing a commotion in the fish school.

The demon hunter uncovered all the remaining fish on the raft. Unsurprisingly, there are chaotic mutant organs hidden in the belly of these fish.

Unwilling to reconcile Xu Yichen, one after another big fish were picked up in the school of fish, so that the entire river surface was polluted by blood and turned pink.

Xu Yichen solved a total of 172 fish. Only four fish had not been contaminated by Chaos to grow mutant organs. These four fish were completely ordinary fish.

But this result made him feel heavier.

This is not a school of fish contaminated by chaos. Those few fish in complete profile prove that they can't tell that their kind has been contaminated by chaos.

This is an ecological invasion.

This is the situation that druids worry most about.

At that time, the semi-chaotic environment left behind by the Corrupted Tree made all druids feel cold. Now, this has finally happened.

I am afraid that it will not be long before all the creatures in the Black Forest will be infected by Chaos. What is more serious is that these infected creatures have flowed into the sea.

Xu Yichen believed that the school of fish under his raft was by no means the first biome to migrate from the Seme River to the sea.

The centaur vomited a mess, her face was full of tears and asked: "Are we too late to do anything?"

Xu Yichen nodded and said comfortingly to Haulna: "Don't think about eating meat in the future, eating more wild fruits is good for your body."

Although he has some concerns about the ecological environment of the Far South in the future, Xu has thought that the chaotic-occupied area on the other side of the mainland has been occupied for so many years, and the ecological disaster has not worsened the situation.

This thought relaxes the demon hunter a lot.

It's just that he didn't know that the giant sea monsters and semi-chaotic creatures born due to mutation are basically the most troublesome thing for navies and merchant ships of various countries.

Less than a day after the Far South Task Force sailed out of the port, it encountered a large number of mutant creatures.

"When is the number of sea monsters so many?" The speaker was an aboriginal captain wearing a new Chinese navy coat. He was frowning and looking at the sea like a boiling pot.

Countless mutant marine creatures are constantly impacting New China's new sailing battleship.

However, the hulls equipped with copper bottom hulls are not what they can penetrate. The sailors and alchemists who have been accustomed to fighting mutant creatures have begun their own battles.

Lightning flashes were summoned from the sky by the alchemists, like a spear of the gods, smashed into the sea, UU reading www.uukanshu. After every flash of lightning on com, a large number of bodies floated up from the surroundings.

The sailors kept the fleet's course stable, constantly piercing the creatures under the water with special spears from the lower deck.

Wherever the fleet passes, a **** road blooms on the sea.

"Pay attention to the left wing, the waves over there are not quite right to bully, watch out for the oversized mutant marine creatures." The captain in charge of the navigation issued an order to the messenger behind him.

Soon this order was passed to the captains through the alchemist on board. In order to prevent accidents, the same order was passed through the semaphore.

"Understand, watch out for the left-wing sea monsters, and be prepared for bombardment!" The three left-wing battleships of the fleet immediately raised the battle alert. Not long after they came out of the field, the same new artillery as the battleship itself was pushed into the running position.

For a time, several battleships were like hedgehogs, erecting their own spikes.

And the alchemists are also ready to inspire large-scale spells, relying on the energy supply array at the core of the battleship, the combat power of these alchemists has been infinitely amplified.

Before the energy stones are exhausted, they will be the sharpest spears and the strongest shields in the fleet.

"Ah!!!" A howl of vicissitudes of life came from under the sea, and as the sound gradually increased, the giant squid, which was forty meters long, broke through the water, revealing its hideous appearance.

After being contaminated by chaos, a large number of mutant organs make it far more powerful than similar!

"The armor-piercing bullet is loaded!" With the command of the gunner, the sailors became busy in a panic, because they were so confident in their new weapons.

"Fire!" The loud voice was unstoppable amid the roar of the artillery!

"Kacha!" The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the warships of the Far South Task Force passed straight through the encirclement of mutant creatures like sharp swords.

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