The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 458: Song Jinyiwei

"Pop!" The metal box was closed by Yang Yuefan, and the power comparable to personality transformation was instantly isolated.

In any case, the magic circle drawn by Yang Yuefan according to the method given by the think tank is not as effective as the original metal box.

The warmth and coldness of the world instantly returned to Carpenter's mind, allowing him to experience the ups and downs in an instant.

"What the **** is this!" Carpenter widened his eyes and drew circles back and forth on the spot.

Before Yang Yuefan could explain anything, Carpenter seemed to be electrocuted: "Give me pen and paper quickly, **** it, I have to seize the inspiration just now, my research plan is feasible, but some additives are missing. That's it!"

Yang Yuefan silently remembered this new discovery in his heart, and planned to submit it in the next report. This thing obviously can promote the inspiration of researchers.

"This is your task, Carpenter, study it, and then tell me what it is." Yang Yuefan patted Carpenter on the shoulder: "But you can only study it here, once [Heart of Order] ] Out of control, no one will be spared in the entire castle."

Of course, this may be a good thing for those indigenous people who have been living at the bottom.

Before bringing Carpenter here, Yang Yuefan had already conducted an experiment with Nangong Yujun, and the subject of the experiment was the group of farts in the mine.

The effect was remarkable. The five fart spirits that were radiated were all transformed into biological machines without self-thinking, and they would only respond after hearing a valid command.

In order to protect the [Heart of Order] from being discovered, the five **** are all solved by Nangong Yujun, otherwise, as a miner, their efficiency will be several times higher than that of their clan.

It's just that if no one is guarded or directed, these **** can easily dig themselves out, because they have no response to physical damage.

"You have two hours a day to study [Heart of Order]. You must be accompanied by Nangong Yujun or me." Yang Yuefan took Carpenter who looked back three times and walked out of the lost secret room: "What happened here Things must strictly follow the confidentiality regulations, and all experimental results can only be handed over to me, not privately kept."

Carpenter nodded absent-mindedly. The impact of just a few seconds made him figure out a few scientific research problems he encountered in reality. At this time, he had no time to deal with other things.

"Be optimistic about him, [Heart of Order] Don't leave." Yang Yuefan nodded to Nangong Yujun, turned and left the basement.

.A, and now there is no news. The witch is quite sure that Xu Yichen is still alive, but she can’t quench her near thirst!

In the port of Anthony, Pastor Richard was very interesting. Yesterday he sent the paladin named Saiwen to send a letter saying that the paladin expeditionary army was about to dock in two days.

Legolas, who the elves showed up last time, also came here this morning, and felt very sorry for the misfortune that happened to the demon hunter.

After hearing the witch say that Xu Yichen was not in danger of life, but was teleported to an unknown place by an unknown teleportation circle, Legolas looked a lot happy.

Vittoriya went out with a few instant combat power to wipe out the hidden trading locations of the pirates on the shore. It has been several days since she returned. According to the character of that barbaric, she wouldn't let go without killing her.

The entire camp and battle group's affairs were all over Yang Yuefan's body.

Here is the paladin entry warning sent from the Temple of War, and on the other is the camp supplies that Marx just said yesterday.

On the outside, Green Leather has recently been reorganized. On the inside, Knight Bart wants to give priority to the training of recruits, and Marx is constantly applying for more human resources.

From the perspective of the aborigines, Yang Yuefan and the Shadow Assassin Colin have discovered several times that the Shadow Organization’s hands have spied on the camp. From the player’s perspective, they have lost the checks and balances of Xu Yichen. The rise of Lieutenant Conrad in Port Anthony has been Unstoppable.

Sitting at his desk, Yang Yuefan looked at the pile of debris and the documents waiting to be signed, and suddenly felt as if he was back to work in the relevant department.

He pressed his temple and rubbed it vigorously. Before Yang Yuefan could breathe a sigh of relief, the door was pushed open.

Celestine, the silent nun, walked in.

Seeing the visitors, Yang Yuefan couldn't help feeling his head hurt even more.

"Ms. Celestine, what do you want to do with me?" Yang Yuefan tried to coax this deadhead in a gentle way.

But persistent people always don't take this set.

"I think we have reached an agreement. I will not pursue the fact that you attacked the black ship, but in exchange, you must ensure that the witches in the territory are regulated." Celestine sat opposite Yang Yuefan gracefully, despite wearing It was full of armor, but there was no sound of metal collision.

"Yes, ma'am, I understand what you mean, but now something has happened. The Demon Hunter suffered some accidents during this There is no useful news yet. "Yang Yuefan cleared his throat and began to wrestle: "So we can't restrict the ability of the'Magic Girl' for the time being."

"But this violates our previous agreement. You can at least detain her first, and wait for the demon hunter to return before continuing to suppress her ability." Celestine moved forward and said, "This is what you should do. obligation!"

"The'Magic Girl' is a rare escape master, and she can change her appearance at will. It is difficult for us to imprison her, and your original purpose was not to be with a witch..." Yang Yuefan suddenly felt that today There was something wrong with the silent nun, she talked too much. On weekdays, Celestine talked to whom she was brief and concise.

Yang Yuefan, whose face suddenly cooled down, looked at the'silent and Xiu' in front of him and said: "'Magic Girl', do you want to experience waterboarding again?"

The Silent Sister fought a cold battle, and instantly changed back to her original appearance as a'Magic Girl': "Sir, are you kidding me? I'm just testing it out. What if you really plan to lock me up?"

"Don't be a hippie smile, be serious!" Yang Yuefan felt embarrassed that he was cheated by his novice, and said to the'Magic Girl' with a cold face: "Since you want to join the Song Empire's Jinyiwei, then your chance is here. , No matter what means you use, lie to Mama's side to obtain the information we need."

PS: EMMM, I know that the intelligence agency of the Song Dynasty is called Huangcheng Division, but it is too imposing~ PS: Thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward

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