The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Regroup

The taste of digging people's eyeballs, whether it is the one that was dug or the one that was done, is an extremely test of will, especially when this operation requires repeated cutting of the corrupted flesh and blood in the eye socket.

Xu Yichen had never experienced this kind of pain before, but he had plucked the eyes of others, more than one.

The special warfare squad he led basically performed strike missions behind enemy lines. Few prisoners appeared, but they often encountered situations that required torture.

Therefore, they are basically masters of quick torture. As far as there is any way to quickly destroy a person's mind, apart from Veritaserum, it is also very effective to strip a part of the person from the body.

Now, Xu Yichen is fortunate to experience the torture that his enemies have suffered.

In reality, he also has a built-in neuroprotective device that automatically injects a large dose of nerve-releasing agent when suffering extreme pain to reduce feelings.

In the game, the Demon Hunter endured all the pain without reservation, and the only thing that could help him was the talent of [Mingjing Zhishui].

[Mingjing Zhishui] can't help him reduce the pain, but it can keep him sensible, so as not to become crazy in the pain.

The demon hunter has immersed all his consciousness in the memory left by the Gray Knight, and he is looking for the enemies he has faced.

He was not without gains, but the enemies from the memory of the Grey Knight's highest mentor were far beyond the fat boy in front of him.

The same bloated figure, but the shocking aura is almost suffocating. Even knowing that what he saw was only a picture in the memory of the Grey Knight, Xu Yichen still felt that he could barely breathe.

Moreover, the way the Grey Knight defeated the opponent may never be learned by the Demon Hunter.

Caldo De Lego held a sharp sword with a delicate shape, stretched out his hand and opened up a thunder, chanting an unknown prayer, and golden light fell from the sky.

His enemy was scorched black by lightning, covered in flames illuminated by golden light, and split into two by a huge and sharp sword.

It seemed as easy as a demon hunter hacked to death a green leather, and it was of no reference value.

"It has been cleaned up." Legolas finally stopped the movement in his hands, raised his hands gently, and began to tremble uncontrollably: "I will think of this scene again in my dream for the next fifty years, if If I can go out alive."

Xu Yichen moved his limbs, found a more comfortable position and sat up, and asked the witch: "How are our new friends doing?"

He could hear the sound of fighting with each other not far away, but he didn't know how the battle was going.

Judging from the sound, the other party is just procrastinating for time, giving them enough time to breathe. Obviously the other party does not intend to spend too much energy here.

"You need to rest, Xu." Efilal looked at the face of the demon hunter. The new muscle texture was not protected by any skin. In the eye socket that had lost the eyelid, the lens was regenerating from the inside.

This is not a pleasant scene, in fact it looks very disgusting.

"We can solve the rest." Legolas also discovered the other party's plan, knowing that this big guy will eventually need them to solve it by themselves.

While talking, the elf knight piled up his food and moon spring water on the ground.

Xu Yichen swallowed the dry "lotus silk" one by one. No matter which world or race, the marching dry food was equally unpalatable.

The re-healed skin prevents him from leaking out during the meal, allowing the food mixed with his blood to enter the body smoothly.

He felt his stomach was like an incinerator, and the food was decomposed into energy instantly after entering it.

"Devil hunter, I rarely admire anyone, but you are different." Karu from Udonheim lay not far from Xu Yichen, his injuries worsened during the battle.

Alix was helping Caru to pull the tongue that was only half of it, and this thing was trying to get into Caru's body from the wound like a snake.

The druid who solved the bloodthirsty vine is dealing with the berserker's injury.

"If we can go back alive this time, I want to invite you to come to my tribe, and you have a tattoo of a warrior!" Berserker Karoo clenched that tongue with one hand, his pale face covered with sweat.

Although the foreign body in his body was disturbing his internal organs, he didn't say a word. There was the injury of the demon hunter before him. Karoo felt that if he could not bear it, it would be too embarrassing.

"I will." Xu Yichen said vaguely while eating, and the skin on his face was basically healed.

There were only two eyes left, and the slow-growing lens made him feel so itchy, he wanted to snap his eyes out again.

At this rate, within five minutes, UU Reading Demon Hunter will completely return to normal.

Even if there is a special healing potion made by the Witch King, this is quite an amazing recovery speed.

Efilal never persuaded the other party to rest. In fact, she had never seen humans recovering so quickly, except for those experimental objects that were imprisoned by the temple monastery and infected by chaos.

The sound of fighting outside the wall gradually became fierce, and the monster claiming to be the Plaguebringer finally found that he could not easily kill the armored men.

And the flesh and blood monsters that had been coming from all around were finally sparse.

The mutant creatures within a radius of five kilometers have been consumed in the battle. Previously, in the plan of the Chaos Warlock, they consumed too many living creatures to accumulate the giant tree.

Before the fruit matures, they have no more cannon fodder to drive them.

The full-fed demon hunter is getting acquainted with his new eyes.

That's right, after getting enough energy supply, his eyes grew again.

It only took less than two minutes, of which the time spent ingesting food accounted for more than half, which made him more urgently need a skill that can directly obtain energy.

I don't know if it's the reason why he has never used it before, Xu Yichen felt that his vision was clearer than ever, and his vision in the mist was one third farther than before.

Reached out and touched the newly grown skin on his face, as persevering as the previous one, the effect of [Bath with Divine Blood] still sheltered him.

The silver-haired witch felt that the demon hunter looked a little more handsome than before, but the previous **** scenes would not be forgotten in her memory for a while.

"Legolas, let's solve the fat boy." The demon hunter stepped out of the wall with his weapon.

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