The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Plaguebringer

The new enemy is a huge, fat monster.

The big belly that hangs from the belly to the ground follows the movements of the monster, undulating between the two stubby thighs.

Two antler-like horns stretched out from both sides of the forehead for a distance of three or four meters, and countless sharp forks were inserted with the heads of various creatures as decorations.

Most of them wailed and accompany them when the monster walked.

The few who did not mourn looked at the demon hunters and the group with a firm expression, seeming to expect them to defeat the monster that took their lives and give them a happy life.

The dark green skin is covered with herpes and tumors, as always, he inherited the tradition of nausea under Nurg, carrying a giant sickle more than five meters long on his shoulders.

The black ink-like venom continuously gushes from the rusty blade, drips on the ground, and quickly grows a foul-smelling flower.

"Well, mortals, you can call me..." The swollen monster said in a strange tone a prediction that no one can understand. This language transcends species and knowledge. The boundary line allows the meaning of it to be directly transmitted to the brain of everyone present.

"Forget it, you don't seem to have any qualifications to know my name, so just call me the Plaguebringer." The potbellied Nurgle minion seemed to be a good-tempered guy, speaking slowly to the demon hunters and the elves.

If it weren't because the land around it was constantly becoming decayed, like the dark soil mixed with flesh and blood after ingesting countless rotting corpses in the cemetery, maybe the demon hunter would give it more time to introduce itself.

Xu Yichen jumped down from the city wall formed by the accumulation of corpses. Outside the "wall", the apocalypse, who had the same record as its owner, was already waiting for him under the demon hunter.

The cooperation of one person and one ride, the constant running-in in the battle, more and more tacit understanding.

The Apocalypse is a mount specially created for the demon hunter. He is its natural owner. Although the apocalypse is very rebellious, the demon hunter’s bravery in battle has been recognized by it.

"I don't have time to know your name, fat boy." The demon hunter sat on the back of Apocalypse, leaving a deep wound on the waist of the monster claiming to be a plague messenger.

"I plan to call you a fat boy, very appropriate." Xu Yichen harvested two heads along the way, turned his horse around, and said to the enemy in front of him: "What do you think?"

There is a large piece of skin on the back of the monster that is honeycomb-shaped, and a large number of ‘flies’ that have been seen by the creek before, are constantly squeezed out of the flesh and blood, flying back and forth.

This made the demon hunter feel a little sick. He swore that no matter what conspiracy Nurgle had, he would destroy it, and there would be no worse result than this.

"I can hear contempt from your voice, but I can accept this name." The Plague God's messenger accepted the name very kindly, and touched the wound on his waist twice with his huge claws, and didn't care. The wound there was sap flowing out.

"The lord of the great plague thinks you have great potential, mortal, would you be willing to accept this favor?" The huge monster slowly moved his steps, trying to face the demon hunter.

But Xu Yichen didn't give it this opportunity, and once again cut the other's fat belly from the side. A large pool of yellow and green intestines flowed out of the wound and fell to the ground.

"Ha, do you like this kind of mini-games so much?" There was a hint of anger in the'fatty boy''s voice, and he hurriedly stuffed the intestines of various colors from the wound back into his stomach, regardless of the various debris on it: "Although I think the Lord of the Plagues has done nothing, I still have to ask you again."

The "fat boy" who tried to turn around again accidentally stepped on one of his intestines. As a result, all his previous efforts were in vain. The intestines that were stuffed back were scattered all over the place again, and many internal organs were brought out.

"Are you willing to accept the gift of the Lord of Plague!" The Fat Boy gave up his original plan, angrily cut off the intestines connected to the belly with his sickle, and asked loudly.

Thinking of the origin of his talent, Xu Yichen didn't say anything righteously, he was more accustomed to using practical actions to prove his position.

The demon hunter charged once again, and the sword in his hand was aimed at the monster holding the sickle. These chaotic demons were good at all kinds of deceptive speech.

Xu Yichen, who had suffered a loss once, held the seal in his hand, and a faint shield appeared around him. At this time, his whole body was focused on the weapon in his hand.

He wants to enlarge the wound before. If he can't kill the monster in front of him physically, he has to find a chance to penetrate into the opponent's body and do another ‘internal blasting’.

If this world is really still blessed by please don't let me use such a disgusting method to defeat the enemy!

The demon hunter succeeded, and he once again left a scar on the location of the opponent's wound.

On the road, he stopped and cut off the three monsters, letting their dirty internal organs and corrupted blood spill on the dust.

But this is meaningless for the whole battle.

His worst enemy, that ‘fat boy’ turned slowly like a slow-moving old man, not caring about his own injuries.

But when the long sword cut into the opponent's body, Xu Yichen could feel the strong muscles under the opponent's nasty skin.

The enemy is not serious at all, it is playing on its own.

Around them, there is still an endless stream of dirty creatures.

There may be hundreds of mutant creatures, perhaps, thousands of them!

Shaky, deformed humanoid creatures twisted their mutated and twisted limbs, swaying venom.

The roaring and screaming stupid beasts twisted their bloated bodies like giant poisonous slugs.

Behind every dead tree visible to the naked eye, the dwarf horror may walk on foot, or hang on the loose skin of their large cousin, giggling and shouting.

They seem to come in endlessly from all directions, like swarms of flies attracted by rancidity.

Obviously his enemy intends to consume himself by relying on these protein piles that are meaningless to Nurgle.

The plague messenger's deep yellow eyes flashed with shrewd light, and he stretched out his tongue and sucked a big hand that was soaked in his blood: "Let's have a good time, mortals."

The huge sickle in the opponent's hand smashed towards the demon hunter like a mountain on the top.

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