The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Exposed

"You can call me Radia, my human name, no surname." The half-elf ranger cleverly avoided the demon hunter's words and proactively extended his hand.

In short, the half-elf ranger who saw the demon hunter finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As the first group of professionals to take the initiative to enter the depths of the mist to carry out reconnaissance operations, the half-elf ranger has not really slept for almost a week.

After entering the fog, he soon discovered that the group could wear full-covered armor, release frost spells, and summon the enemies of the ‘hound’.

The experienced half-elf ranger carefully followed his enemy, and soon he saw another more threatening enemy.

A believer of Nurgle.

The half-elf ranger has seen this kind of disgusting enemy, and he has seen this kind of enemy when he is still following his teacher to learn the way of the ranger.

The good news is that the enemy driving the white mist does not seem to be the same as the believers of Nurgle. After the two sides met, fierce battle broke out.

In the end, the party wearing the armor, after paying a few corpses, used the frost spell to freeze all the movable things in place.

"You mean, there are two forces fighting in the forest now?" The demon hunter looked at the tired ranger and began to think about the significance of this.

Which power will appear with Chaos and will fight endlessly with it.

It sounds like this is a force that can cooperate. Although the two parties have had some unpleasantness before, since they are interested in the Silmarillion, they have a demand for the Demon Hunter.

He believed that Legolas would not be reluctant to bear a gem that the elves didn't think was so precious in the face of such big things.

The half-elf ranger shared all the information he had obtained in the forest with the demon hunter, and he hadn't communicated with Blade for almost half a month.

At the beginning, he would meet a few colleagues or other professionals in the forest, but as the situation got worse, he hadn't met anyone for a long time.

Maybe other people have left here when they see the bad situation, of course, it is more likely that they are all dead.

Had it not been for his apprentice Alix to show himself that kind of useless skills, Radia would have become a crop or fertilizer in the corpse farm.

The closer you are to the center of the forest, the more'eyeballs' are on alert. They are eyeballs the size of a human head, with bee-like wings, a few in groups, lurking on the treetops, monitoring the forest. Clues.

Of course, these seemingly creepy things have been cleared of the "eyeballs" in this area under the suppression of the armor man these days.

Ladia is helpless. These scout eyes seem to be able to recognize the appearance of humanoid creatures. No matter how hidden the half-elf ranger is, these scout eyes will find out.

What followed were all kinds of strange monsters, which made the half-elf ranger realize that there is a unified consciousness in command of these creatures.

Radia successfully found it under the disguise of auspicious clothes.

"A giant tree, very high, about a hundred meters tall, looks disgusting on the outside." Ladia outlined a simple map on the ground: "This is the last time I walked to the center of the forest. The route, but it has been invalidated, and this forest is constantly changing as if it had life."

The half-elf ranger erased the map by hand: "The road you walked yesterday will disappear today. The road sign you saw in the morning may be found in the opposite direction in the afternoon."

"That giant tree, can you still find it?" Xu Yichen asked while looking at the half-elf ranger. The other party didn't seem to be flustered at all, he must be confident.

"Yes, I left a mark there. As long as I appear within five kilometers of the mark, I will be able to find the right direction." Ladia nodded, he knew at the first glance when he saw the giant tree That thing is evil.

"Let's meet the other people first, and then you take us to find this giant tree!" The demon hunter stood up on the spot: "We'd better set off right away. You don't seem to be in good condition, do you have a problem? , You can rest up to an hour."

"I have no problem. I have experienced more difficult situations than this. I also want to meet my apprentice soon." The half-elf ranger said with emotion: "I need to apologize to him. There are no useless skills, only incompetent people. "

Xu Yichen curled his lips. Although he knew that Ladis might not mean this, it was too ironic.

"Have you had any contact with those wearing armor before?" The demon hunter suddenly asked.

The half-elf ranger hesitated: "There was no direct contact, but I helped them twice in the dark, when their people were fighting with the mutant monsters."

"What's their reaction?" Xu Yichen felt that those armored men who had been hidden in the white mist seemed to be able to use it.

"They haven't attacked me actively. A few times I could feel them passing by in the fog, but they did not show obvious hostility." Ladis arranged his auspicious clothes and put them on again. On the body.

Legolas drew his bow and arrow, and shot a delicate feather arrow at the'eye' fifty meters away. Eyes the size of a human head, flapping small wings, wandered back and forth among the branches.

In the fog, the elves’ excellent vision was greatly restrained, but Legolas heard the sound of the shaking wings and found this little thing.

It can be seen from the appearance that this thing has surveillance and reconnaissance functions, and Legolas and other elf rangers have shot no less than twenty monsters of the same type along the way.

Although the size of the eyes is different, the types of eyes are also different, but they are different from other mutant creatures they encounter, and they are the same species at a glance.

This greatly delayed the team's progress.

As the arrow pierced the fragile glass body of the'eyeball', Legolas stretched out his hand and waved back, and the team moved forward silently.

Druid Gast's expression was very solemn, and he would squat down to dig out some dirt every time he walked.

Druids can feel the vitality of the land under their feet, a very different kind of vitality, it seems that every inch of the land contains countless lives.

But this vitality seemed very malicious, he had never seen such a weird thing.

The ‘life’ here hates life.

In a place invisible to Legolas, a palm-sized spider crawled away quietly, and the belly that was supposed to be responsible for spinning was replaced by a fist-sized eye.

The pupil shrank into a small point, revealing a vicious look.

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