The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Battle of the Cape of Good Hope

The Revenge was sunk. As General Howard explained before, the Resolution quickly raised the eu naval flag representing the flagship, and General Nelson took over the command of the vanguard fleet.

But General Nelson's heart was cold. The first order he gave was: "If the Resolution is sunk, the command will be replaced by the Hero, and General Woodward will take over the command of the fleet!"

No way, the Xinhuaxiamen were too accurate. Before the Eu people's Tier 1 battleship entered the effective range, a strong beam that shouldn't appear in this era at all shot over from the New Huaxiamen fleet and penetrated. The three second-tier battleships accurately hit the Vengeance.

That beam reminded Nelson of laser weapons equipped on outer space fighters in reality, but he knew very well that such weapons could not have such lethal power in the atmosphere.

The Vengeance was completely penetrated. From the bow to the stern, there was a large transparent hole wide enough to enter the tank. The crew of the Vengeance did not even have time to abandon the ship. This ship represents the highest level of craftsmanship in the Old World. The battleship sank into the sea.

If someone says that the New China has not mastered the structural diagram of the first-class battleship and the detailed deployment of the eu navy, Nelson would rather eat his command chair without even drinking his saliva.

"Prepare a small boat for me, I have to leave this floating coffin!" General Nelson knew that such frequent changes of command would eliminate the need for this battle and the fleet itself would collapse.

This is not land warfare. With a few extraordinary men who have the courage to charge, perhaps the party lacking command can still win with courage and luck. This is the sea. Without a unified command, the huge fleet will be chaotic. Block each other's shooting windows, or even collide with each other.

Not to mention that when the ship burns up, a large amount of smoke will block the view. The two sides can only blindly shoot each other based on the experience of the commander, and obtain the result of the battle with probability.

"General, the transport boat is ready. Which battleship do you plan to transfer to?" Nelson's adjutant hung Nelson and himself a life jacket with water breathing runes and feather fall runes.

"Go to the Emerald!" Nelson chose a light cruiser. There is no warship of this level for wooden sailboats, but the Eu people still built several such smaller and fast warships.

Warships of this level are driven by magic power. The sails are fully assisted, fast and flexible, and the corresponding firepower and protection are lacking. They are all gunships built to deal with enemy ships' jump-to-gang battles.

On the other side, on a huge ship that can be called a sea fortress, a large group of robed alchemists and player spellcasters are observing a three-story building with a complicated structure.

"The energy conversion circle has melted, and the cooling system is all over." A player exclaimed angrily: "Damn it, the two million gold coins have been lost."

"What is two million gold coins! This is a legendary energy output! We have made history!" An aboriginal alchemist was so darkened that he shouted in a dance, "You know what a shit! We broke the monopoly and put it away. The output energy level has been raised to the legendary level!"

"Next time you want to experiment with funding, just tell the above, do you see if they will give you money!" The player caster angrily checked the remaining parts of the device to see what else could be used again stand up.

"If the new dynasty thinks it is expensive, our Lingshan faction is willing to take full responsibility for the end, whether it is the funds or the magic stones, we have all come out!" An old alchemist wearing a jersey said leisurely: "Our mountain gate lacks everything. Money!"

Before a few aboriginal bigwigs brag about each other, the traffic boats of the New China Fleet approached, and the traffic assistant roared with a loudspeaker engraved with a loudspeaker array: "After the gun is fired, go away! Don't get in the way! The mountain formation takes up too much space! Go! Go! Go!"

This huge battleship had no choice but began to turn slowly, moving to the rear of the fleet. The entire mountain formation was equipped with only that experimental weapon, but it was a pity that it was scrapped after firing once.

"Did you say that the Eu people were scared to death?" asked the adjutant of Zhang Juzao's delighted opponent: "A shot at dozens of nautical miles away will destroy the enemy's flagship. If you can't kill you, you will be scared to death!"

"But the light of Taihu Lake is bad too quickly, or if you give it again, the eu will collapse." The adjutant sighed with regret.

"One more time, what are we doing here? Armed parade?" Zhang Juzuo looked at the adjutant dissatisfied, and felt that this adjutant was not good, and it was not good to praise him.

"Captain! Huang Shiren fleet is accelerating, they are on their own!" A messenger hurriedly rushed into the command deck of Zhang Juzuo: "There are also two squadrons, charging with Huang Shiren fleet!"

Zhang Juzuo slammed a punch on the table: "Never mind Huang Shiren, there are people who dare to defy orders with him? Check it out for me, who is it! From the captain to the sailor, they will stay in the horse. Local work in Putuo Port!"

"President Huang, is it a bit of a damage to the command system if we are just like this?" Long Ze stood upright beside Huang Laoxie: "I saw two friendly fleets have also left the formation with us."

"I, Huang Shiren, won't belong to his Zhang Ju seat tube. My miscellaneous army was snatched out in the Old World with a single shot. I don't feel distressed when it sinks. Those two hairy boys are miserable this time~www If you don’t listen to the command, it is at least a penalty for demoting and leaving the ship, haha!” Huang Laoxie looked at the enemy ship with masts in the distance, rubbing his palms: “Have a try, the chance of turning a bike into a motorcycle Look at it this time! Give me the big one!"

The two imposing black coats burst the morale of the entire ship. Huang Laoxie's fleet only accounts for less than one-third of players, and the rest are aborigines.

Some of them are captured pirates and are currently serving in the fleet. There are also wandering knights, adventurers, mercenaries, and mortals who can’t pay taxes. Huang Laoxie doesn’t see himself, doesn’t count the past, and is in line with it. Those who come are all thinking of two, and recruit a lot of people.

The weak who are not suitable for this line will be eliminated in the first few battles, and now, the rest are basically elites.

Huang Laoxie’s flagship used to be the treasure ship of the Church of Woking, with fast speed, high defense, and relatively weak firepower, but the huge cargo warehouse was full of desperadoes, which was very suitable for gang fights.

Moreover, this lawless political commissar did not hesitate to spend his money and added an unknown number of magic circles to the flagship. At this time, the entire warship had broken away from the cover of other warships and rushed to the eu fleet at an astonishing speed!


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