Although Cheng Tian Takebo's incident was not spread outside the circle, nor was it known to the media, but a few capitalists in the circle did not know about it.

Bai Anli rushed to the crown and turned into a red face, and almost forced Cheng Tian to death.

Sometimes, Leng Touqing is more fearful than the old fox, especially when Leng Touqing is still holding a Gatling in his hand.

God knows if it will shoot directly. . . . . .

After the reception banquet, Bai Anli naturally entered Chen Qiao'en's room.


Hmm...I didn't shy away from Han Shao and Deng Chao at all. People in the circle wouldn't talk nonsense about these things. Who didn't order their own little Jiujiu.

Especially Deng Chao, who even winked at Bai Anli for a while, presumably drinking a little bit of alcohol...and he's not an honest person!

Han Shao expressed envy and jealousy. Don't others say that the director is the envy of everyone?

The moon is cool, the breeze is gentle. . . . . .


The last time I was on the plane was a bit rushed. Although it was very exciting, the experience was not very strong... After all, she was once rated as the most beautiful female star in Lailai!Still number one!

The poor little scoop became a spectator again. How can the dog owner make all kinds of noises while it is sleeping?

The little scoop is desperate, but the arm can't twist the thigh......

The filming of Modu took more than two weeks, and it was considered that the filming task was completed within the plan.

When Young Master Han arrived in the middle, nothing happened.


However, when Chen Qiao'en was finishing her career, Bai Anli saw the other side of this sister.

I like to cry, and I heard that she has to cry every time the drama is finished.

Tsk tsk, this is also considered a personal characteristic!

Anyway, Bai Anli didn't return to his room very much in the past two weeks.

Mature girls have mature charm, and little girls have the charm of little girls.

How should I put it, if he had to choose, he would choose all of them.

It's really a gentle town. . . . . . .


And this kind of relationship is a very pure male-female relationship that doesn't take any responsibility at all.

There is no psychological burden, don't worry about some things, everyone is a very clear person.

It's no wonder that there are so many male and female protagonists who are in love because of the play. This situation is really normal in the crew.

Single men and women comfort each other, eat and live together when filming, and work together after finishing.

This seems to be one of the characteristics of the entertainment industry?


It's a pity that this sister didn't get married in about ten years.

If a 30-year-old woman is still somewhere between a little pure and mature, a forty-year-old woman...I guess Xu Le will like it...

If you can maintain your face value, that's fine, in case it collapses... It's hard to find someone to take over...


Ask for flowers!Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a reward!Please customize!

301、Today you are the protagonist

"Bai Anli and Zhang Niangniang create an epic masterpiece! 》

"Bai Anli Says This Is His Last Action Movie"

"Wang Likun and Bai Anli fell in love because of the play? 》

"Grandmaster, have you decided to watch it? 》


After more than two consecutive weeks of intensive publicity and push, the upsurge of "The Grandmaster" was directly fired.

Of course, this is the handwriting of Hong Li, and it directly cost [-] million in real money.

Coupled with the various marketing of Bai's family on the Internet, the discussion about this film almost reached a breaking point before its release.

It's just short of the movie's official release to blow it up.

Of course, if the quality of the movie is a mess, it is estimated that it will evolve into a mockery of the whole network.

The keyboards of the trolls are already hungry and thirsty!


Bai Anli, who had a smooth journey along the way, had already accumulated a large number of black fans, but he had not been able to find any breaking points to black him.

Even in some unseen places, some of Hongli's competitors have already found good gunners ready to go.

The prosperous Hongli forcefully squeezed into this circle to share the food, and also poached a large piece. Many companies are hello and me on the surface, but secretly they have been making small moves for a long time.

It's just that he was still afraid of Bai Anli and never dared to put it on the table.

But if you can really find a blow to Hong Li or Bai Anli, no one will show mercy.

Cutting someone's fortune is like killing one's parents. . . . . . .


As Bai Anli's number one black fan, of course, this is what he thinks, and A Shui naturally got tickets for the premiere early.

His film critic ID "One Step One Crazy" is now well-known in the film critic circle.

Of course, everyone thinks he's a vain... . . .

After all, the first two soft articles he wrote before accepting praised Bai Anli to the sky.

Many Bai Anli fans have paid attention to this product, which made him secretly happy.

Does this count as breaking into the enemy's interior?


But this time, Ah Shui is going to expose his white and black identity on paper!

Even if Hongli gives money, it is useless!Because he received money from a mysterious figure to specifically black and white An Li!

Maybe people think it's more real to turn against him for nothing.

Anyway, the money was more than what Hongli had given before, and Ah Shui was quite satisfied.

Alas, the King of Sunglasses is really degenerate, he actually found Bai Anli for the box office.

That's right, A Shui is actually a fan of the King of Sunglasses. He thinks that Bai Anli has tarnished the King of Sunglasses' movie!


No, I must capture every crappy moment of Bai Anli in this movie!

Ah Shui is ready to brush "The Grandmaster" at least three times. He believes in his own eyesight, which is the quality of a professional film critic!

Hold the Fat House Happy Water in your hand, Ah Shui is ready!

Fans of Bai Anli will be the same as the Chinese New Year. After all, it is a movie of the King of Sunglasses. They also want to know what kind of chemical effect will be produced by Bai Anli and the King of Sunglasses.


In particular, Bai Anli also posted a Weibo today:

""The Grandmaster" is the last action film I made recently. After all, I don't want to limit myself to the role of a kung fu actor. I will try more different roles in the future. That's it, um!"


【It's too long!Boss Bai posted on Weibo! 】

[Something and Living Series, can you learn from other idols?I don't ask you to change every day, I don't ask you to change every week, you at least want to change every month, right? 】

[Is the boss not making action movies? 】

[There is a problem with the comprehension upstairs, the boss Bai said that he will not shoot recently......]

[No matter what, let's go to the cinema! 】


"You came."

"I am coming!"

"You shouldn't have come!"

"But I'm already here!"

"Okay, a cappuccino, thank you!" The King of Sunglasses snapped his fingers dashingly......

Bai Anli looked like he had seen a ghost watching this guy interact with the waiter in the cafe for a while?Neuropathy? ?

He really wants to post on Weibo now, telling everyone that the king of sunglasses may be crazy. . . . .


"Bai Sheng! You will remember this movie for the rest of your life!" The King of Sunglasses looked at Bai Anli seriously, um, the sunglasses on his face were shiny, as if they had just been wiped.

"I know..." Nonsense, he estimates that his first actor trophy will be obtained by "The Grandmaster", can he forget it?

I don't know when it started, everyone likes to talk about things in cafes.

Very tasteful?


We used to talk about business at the wine we are also talking about the wine table............

But the cafe is a place, in addition to drinking coffee, has been given more meaning.

For example......Many movies like to let the hero and heroine meet or break up in a cafe.

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