Moreover, Hollywood, he has never been so yearning, Oscar is not very tall in his heart.

An award that must rely on public relations...Although it does not mean that there is an award for public relations, but there is definitely no award if it is not public relations.

Hollywood has never swept the world by the Oscars, but by those commercial blockbusters.

To be precise, the artistry of the Oscars is not necessarily comparable to the top three in Europe.


In fact, from a certain point of view, why do many people yearn for Oscar so much?

The most direct point is that the salary can be increased!

Money is the most important thing.

Of course, those who have become obsessions like Xiao Lizi are not among them.

Bai Anli will not deliberately pursue this thing, let's talk about it when fate comes.

Of course, if there is a character Bai Anli he likes very much, he will not resist.


But what he wants to participate in more is actually those big commercial productions. It would be better if he can pry a few.

"By the way, the company will probably have four TV series, two variety shows, and five movies to be launched or approved after the year. Don't be lazy if you can support it!" Zhang Xiaoman seemed to remember something, and spoke to Bai Anli very seriously. said.

"Uh......I want to be lazy, but you won't let me......" Bai Anli was helpless.

Zhang Xiaoman's professionalism is still a little too heavy, which is of course a good thing for a general manager.

But......this made Bai Anli, who wanted to fish, feel a little uncomfortable.

I asked him to go to the extreme challenge when he was on vacation before. . . . .

Alas, he was very tired of filming, okay?Even the ladies didn't have time to go to bed.


"But first, don't let me participate in those variety shows for a whole season, it's too troublesome!" Bai Anli reminded.

"It's up to you, anyway, it's just to take advantage of your fame." Zhang Xiaoman was righteous.

"You little girl! I'm going to teach you a lesson today, but you dare to instruct the boss!" Bai Anli said that he had to clean up Zhang Xiaoman, which made her used to it, okay?

"How are you going to teach me a lesson?" Zhang Xiaoman's tone was disdainful, but he was still rubbing against Bai Anli's arms.

provocative!The cliff is a provocation!

I really want to do her in the office....... Bai Anli feels a little hot in his head......


Ask for flowers!Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a reward!Please customize!

279、What's the matter with a girl's bitch?

In the end, Bai Anli still failed to let Zhang Xiaoman catch up with this year's March [-]th Women's Day in the office.

Alas, let's try to keep her from celebrating Children's Day......

The girl was lying in Bai Anli's arms and finished talking to him about her work, and she was arching back and forth in his arms like a kitten...  

This look of a strong woman in the workplace makes Bai Anli very useful.

So far, neither of the two have pointed out to each other that they have known each other since kindergarten.


This feeling of knowing but not saying's great.

And Zhang Xiaoman's attitude always makes Bai Anli find it very interesting.

He didn't mention any of his romantic affairs, except for scolding him twice before as a scumbag.

Like Tong Liya and Tang Yan who have already entered Hongli, will Zhang Xiaoman know?impossible.

As the general manager of a company, those agents would not hide anything in front of her.

But this girl has never expressed any opinion in front of Bai Anli!


Is this a trick to hold back, or is it too accepting?

Or maybe Zhang Xiaoman is too ambitious and doesn't take it seriously at all?

A girl like a mist!

Holding her gently and sitting on the sofa, Bai Anli rubbed her face, "Come to my house at night..."

Don't give up, try again.

"Go to your parents' house?" Zhang Xiaoman had a smile in his big eyes.

"Uh...go to my own house..."


"Then I'm not going!"

"Little scoop, it will..." Bai Anli said halfway.

"Don't tell me that Xiaopao can turn somersaults, even if it can turn Thomas, I won't go!" Zhang Xiaoman's tone was firm.

"Why?" Bai Anli was very curious, you let me hold me in your arms like this......

"Why, it's still early! By the way, it's time for you to go, I'm going to work!" Zhang Xiaoman suddenly ordered to evict guests.

"New Year's don't have to fight like this, right?"

"I also have shares in this company, okay? You think I'm here for you!"

"Uh... well..."


What can he do, he is also desperate!

According to the scenes in romance novels, Bai Anli would be the overbearing president who met a girl with a strong professionalism and good looks.

Hmm... Then I was attracted to her step by step, and finally the girl married Gao Fushuai and embarked on the pinnacle of her life.

Cough cough, brain supplementation is too much. . . .

However, Bai Anli suddenly felt that Zhang Xiaoman was a bit like a person.


Except for treating his father like a coward, everything else is very similar.

Resolute and resolute, with a strong sense of professionalism.

Introduce them another day.


Failing to persuade Zhang Xiaoman to go home with him to watch Xiaopao turn somersaults, Bai Anli expressed his helplessness.

In fact, Xiaopai was still playing with her sister, so she couldn't turn somersaults to show Zhang Xiaoman.

But Bai Anli didn't leave, and just watched her work in Zhang Xiaoman's office.

There is nothing to do, and Zhang Xiaoman, who is working, is very good-looking!

Although Bai Anli was playing in front of her with a mobile phone, Zhang Xiaoman was still a little uneasy at this time.

She's not some kind of fairy who doesn't eat fireworks, and Bai Anli's provocation just now made her jump around carefully for a while.


In fact, why did Zhang Xiaoman never give Bai Anli a chance to go further?

What you can't get is the best.

Reading a lot is always good.

Zhang Xiaoman knows the essence of hunger marketing, how could Bai Anli succeed so easily.

She's not one of those coquettish bitches out there!

To be honest, Zhang Xiaoman did not take Tang Yan and other female stars who had an ambiguous relationship with Bai Anli in his eyes.

This is the pride of a scholar, you are scumbags, vulnerable to a single blow......


Only by becoming that indispensable person can we stand until the end!

So how can Bai Anli feel that he is indispensable?

Zhang Xiaoman feels that there is only one way, career!

Just looking good doesn't do much, people always get old.

Since ancient times, beautiful people are like famous generals, and they are not allowed to have white heads in the world.

No matter how beautiful you look, what will happen in ten years?What about twenty years later?


Men are very loyal creatures, no matter what age, they still like [-]-year-old girls.

Even if she has the ability to make money, she looks like a little girl in her twenties at the age of [-] or [-], but whether she is old or not, you can naturally find out by close contact.

No amount of money can violate the natural law of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Zhang Xiaoman wanted to be the person who made Bai Anli indispensable in his career, and naturally he was also the closest person.

Only in that way, her weight in Bai Anli's heart is the heaviest.


As for single-mindedness... Forget it, there are a few single-minded people who are rich and rich.

Bai Anli's father is very rare, and the most are those in Xiangjiang who don't know how many concubines.

The world of rich people is different from the world of ordinary people.

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