Sister Shenxian raised her head and looked at Bai Anli with some anticipation.

best not to.......

This is Bai Anli's heart, but he can say it... Of course not!

"You want to come, I'm always here!"


A wet thing was printed on Bai Anli's left face all of a sudden.


"You actually attacked me?!" Bai Anli looked at the fairy sister in her arms in disbelief, as if she had been taken advantage of.


"Of course I'm coming back!" Bai Anli gave a wicked smile and lowered his head!


The atmosphere behind the commercial car was hazy, but the driver Zhou Qiang was unmoved.

Brother Qiang is the most realistic of this list. He drives without even taking a look in the rearview mirror.


Fortunately, Bai Anli still remembered that there was someone driving in front of him, and he did something to the fairy sister in the car without doing anything.

Lying on Bai Anli's shoulder with a puffed mouth, Sister Shenxian touched his earlobe with great interest.

"You said, can I win an Oscar?" The little sister may be excited and divergent thinking.

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

"A lie!" The young lady was still a little self-aware.

"Oscar? What kind of bullshit is that? Those sub-judges who make a movie will cry and give you the best actress!" Bai Anli said exaggeratedly.

"Hee hee! The mouth is so sweet!"


Bai Anli smiled and waited for a while, but Sister Shenxian seemed to be immersed in her own world again and began to play with Bai Anli's hand.

It's like looking at palm prints in fortune-telling. . . . . .

"You...don't want to hear the truth?"

"Don't listen, I'm not stupid!"

hiss!So cunning!

After returning to Yanjing, Bai Anli was going to take Sister Shenxian back to his house to see Xiaopao's somersaults.

As a result, the other party was called back by his mother on a phone call in the middle.......

Those who escaped before the war would be beheaded in ancient times!


This cruel woman!The flirtation with Bai Anli in the car, only to set the fire on fire and run away halfway? ? ?

This irresponsible behavior must be severely spurned!

Bai Anli scratched his head for a while and turned on his phone, ready to see who was still in Yanjing.

Bai Anli: Where is my dear?monkey heart.gif!

Tang Yan: I'm in the magic capital, do you want to come to my house for dinner?My mother cooks at home.blow kiss.gif

Bai Anli: Forget it, I just ask casually......


Bai Anli: Where is my dear?monkey heart.gif!

Liu Shishi: I'm here with my grandmother, what's wrong?

Bai Anli: Would you like to come to my house to play?

Liu Shishi: No!

Bai Anli: So heartless?

Liu Shishi: My relatives are here.....

Hiss....... Auntie is so scary, please excuse me!

Bai Anli: Where is my dear?monkey heart.gif!

Tong Liya: Get out!

Bai Anli: Good!

Miss Sister has been a little grumpy these past two days.... Oh, it's just that I didn't go to play with her, how long have I been angry...


Ask for flowers!Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a reward!Please customize!

272、My name is Wang Genji

There is also Miss Jiang Shuying and Bai Anli who has not contacted yet......

Forget it, this estimate is also in the magic capital, and the house is a mess.

Sister, it seems that no one can look for it... Even Da Meiyuan, who lives next door, has returned to her hometown, and her dog's mood has been a little down for the past two days.

Alas, there is no one in the world who can solve Bai Anli's difficulties at this time!

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

At this moment, Xu Le suddenly called.


"Hey, boss, come out corrupt!"

Hearing this guy's mouth full of nonsense, Bai Anli frowned, thinking he was someone!

"Don't talk to me like that...... Just tell me the time and place!"

"XX District XX Internet Cafe."

"What the hell?! Internet cafe! Why are you kidding me?" Bai Anli was shocked, did this guy learn from Wang Xiaocong?

Going out for corruption is going to Internet cafes? ? ?


Is it so exciting to play games now?Neuropathy!

"No, no, boss, how could it be, this Internet cafe is private, but it is actually an Internet celebrity live broadcast studio." Xu Le said quickly.

"Internet celebrity?" Bai Anli frowned,

"Yes, a friend of mine told me that they are all female anchors, hehe!"

"Is this the clubhouse?!"

"No, that place is a regular live broadcast company. It is up to the ability to take the little girl away." Xu Le said.


Tsk tsk, there is such a place, it is really a long experience.

With the purpose of seeking knowledge and being eager to learn, Bai Anli finally went to this place with Xu Le......

He definitely didn't do anything bad, he was just curious!

After arriving at the place, Bai Anli saw Xu Le who was wearing a mink on his body from a distance.

A strong smell of local tyrants rushed to the face.

Can you do the same as him and wear a fleece windbreaker to keep warm and handsome......


"Standing with you, I'm under a lot of pressure..." Bai Anli said to Xu Le quietly.

Xu Le touched the short inch on his head, "I don't think I'm rich."

"Huh? What the hell?" Bai Anli was dumbfounded.

Appearing to be rich, you can't wear a watch that costs millions of dollars.

Wearing a mink makes you rich? ? ?

He was furry and strong, and looked like a bear.


"I've convinced you. Go back to Hongli to find a stylist and let someone do it for you. You're a nouveau riche..."

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!" Xu Le suddenly realized.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, a man in a suit in a cold weather came to the two of them. The thief Jill was wearing thin and shivered in the cold wind.


"Ah? Who are you?" Xu Le looked inexplicable.

"I am the person sent by President Fu to pick you up, call me Xiao Wang."

"Okay little bastard."

"......It's Xiao Wang......"

"Excuse me, what's your full name?" Bai Anli said with a smile.

"My name is Wang Genji, who is this?" Xiao Wang touched his head, looking rather shy.

Because Bai Anli was wearing sunglasses and a mask, the other party didn't recognize him.

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