The current Zhang Milk Tea classmates obviously belong to the latter.

The white tender and red face is almost dripping with water, really!Su Yan goddess!

"Come here guys!"

At this time, Mr. Huang, who was standing at the door of a shop, shouted to Bai Anli and the others, with Yi Xing and Wang Squirrel standing beside him.

"Then I'll go first." Bai Anli said to Zhang Milk Tea.

"Go get busy," said Zhang Milk Tea, the empathetic Zhang Milk Tea.


"Girls, bye!"

"Come on, Bai Anli!"

"You kid, you are really amazing! Did you know that girl just now?" Huang Bo asked gossip after leaving the seat.

"The elders on both sides are just friends." Bai Anli explained.

However, Huang Bo obviously didn't believe what he said. As a past person, Zhang Milk Tea's eyes when he looked at Bai Anli just now were obviously adulterous.

Cough cough, see through but not say through!


Came to a small teahouse, six people sat around a table.

"Huh? Where's Sun Hongbo?" Huang Bo asked.

"Brother Hongbi stole my box..." Zhang Yixing looked helpless.

"Grab again?" At this time, the others showed such expressions as expected.

It's not surprising that Sun Hongbo has almost become a feature of grabbing things on this show.

"Well, let's each take out some gold bars and put them together for Yi Xing. I guess some of you must want to lighten your load." Teacher Huang smiled evilly at this time.

Tsk tsk, suddenly, the scene was silent for a while.


They are all figuring out how many gold bars the others have.

"Xiao Zhu's side, I estimate that the gold bars are over [-]. Look at the way he is carrying the box." Huang Bo inserted a sentence at this time.

"Guess what!" Luo Zhixiang was not a fool, showing a mysterious smile.

"How about we get a total of twenty for Yi Xing?"

"I'll get six first!" Luo Zhixiang decisively took out six gold bars from the box.

"Everyone, according to their own feelings, take it out, and make sure that you have no less than [-] gold bars." Teacher Huang looked at everyone with a smile, thoughtfully.

It's amazing, the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers!


At this time, the game that seemed to rely on physical strength just now changed its flavor.

"Beep, beep, beep......"

Suddenly, the theme song of Detective Conan came from Bai Anli's mobile phone, which almost didn't startle the others.

"I suddenly felt that this scene is suitable for this song! Liven up the atmosphere!" Bai Anli explained with a smile.

"Haha, the old fox has begun to find out!"

"In this way, I'll give Yi Xing three pieces." Teacher Huang smiled and put three gold bars on the table.


"Nine dollars!"

"I'll add one more!" Luo Zhixiang was very excited.

"I'll give you five." Bai Anli took out another five gold bars from his pocket.

"Why do you still put it in your pocket?" Teacher Huang was shocked.

"Hey, prepare with both hands!" Bai Anli pretended to be honest and smiled.

It's all old foxes!

"It's fifteen yuan! Brother Bo and Wang Xun, can you pay two yuan each?" Mr. Huang asked, staring at the two people opposite.

Both Huang Bo and Wang Squirrel, who only had a dozen gold bars, had embarrassed expressions on their faces.


Ask for flowers!Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a reward!Please customize!

256, the milk tea girl who lends a helping hand

"In this way, I will add another one, sixteen yuan!" said Mr. Huang.

"Me and two!" Luo Zhixiang was as happy as he was playing stud.

For him, this is not to give people something, it is to lighten the burden on himself.

"Can you get two more pieces for Yi Xing, each of you will take one piece, okay?" Mr. Huang's final test came, "You are all over [-], what is there to worry about?"

Huang Bo's face was a little dignified, "I...not more than twenty..."


"Where's Wang Xun? Is one piece okay? Let me tell you, if you take out this piece now, you'll be happy even if you lose." Teacher Huang started to fool Dafa.

"I'll take one!" Wang Squirrel made great determination and took out a gold bar from the box.

"As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better tomorrow......"

"You even brought the background music?!"

Bai Anli's cell phone music suddenly softened the nervousness a lot, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Why does this scene seem to be showing love to Zhang Yixing......


In the end, the number of gold bars was determined.

Zhang Yixing 17 yuan; Luo Zhixiang 41 yuan, Mr. Huang 22 yuan, Huang Bo 12 yuan, Wang Squirrel 17 yuan, Bai Anli 39 yuan.

Sun Hongbo, who did not come, has fourteen yuan.

If so, Bai Anli wins.

Unfortunately, the game is not over yet.

"Hey, hey, what happened again." Huang Bo picked up the phone and looked at the message and said.

"Want to change the current situation? Please go to Shiliupu Pier immediately and look for the An'an. There are mysterious keys that can change the situation of the battle, but there are only three keys, so hurry up and go!"


"Wait? An'an?" Bai Anli was stunned for a moment. Isn't that his own ship?

"What's wrong with An Li?" Teacher Huang asked.

"My ship is called An An..." Bai Anli scratched his head and said.

"Your boat? Tsk tsk, after knowing each other for so long, you finally look like a rich second generation!" Teacher Huang said with a smile.

"Haha, let's go."

After the meeting, everyone parted ways.

Each went to Shiliupu Pier in their own way.


Bai Anli suddenly felt a little melancholy.......Sister, I knew what I was pretending to be, and the [-] yuan taxi coupons have been used up...... Just for those five minutes.

There is no regret medicine in life!

correct!What about Luo Zhixiang?

Bai Anli suddenly thought that he didn't have any means of transportation, right?I don't know whose thigh he was holding......

and many more!

Bai Anli suddenly thought of something and took out a handful of change from his pocket.


Hmm... This is the money I made by taking photos with fans on Sheshan before and cheating... ahem, the money I made.

Originally there were more than [-], but the program team gave only a little oil for the motorcycle. He spent [-] yuan to fill up the oil.

And then... Ban Mo...  

He spent a long time on his body, um... [-] yuan and five.

Alas, do you want to befriend the fans a little more?

"Brother An Li? Haven't you left yet?"

At this moment, Bai Anli suddenly heard an angelic voice!

"Milk tea!" She turned her head with tears in her eyes!

"Don't call others milk tea! It sounds weird!" Zhang Milk Tea was a little embarrassed......

"How about I call you Tian Tian?" Bai Anli said with a smile.

"Follow.... with you..."


Milk Tea Girl was a little nervous, um, her two classmates had disappeared at this time.

Alas, they are all good wingmen!

"By the way, do you have a car?" Bai Anli asked.

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