"An Li, when you were in the mushroom house two days ago, you said that you were fine in the past few days, right?" Teacher Huang asked.

"Yes, it's okay, I'm going to stay at home for three days!"

"Haha, young man, what are you doing at home, do you want to..." Teacher Huang said halfway through.

"Wait, Mr. Huang, you didn't find a show for me to participate in..." Bai Anli's tone was helpless.

"You kid, this made you guessed. I am also entrusted by others, but your company has already agreed, and the price has been negotiated. Will you come?"


I go!Zhang Xiaoman!

Bai Anli knew without even thinking about it that Zhang Xiaoman must have made the decision for him......

How can you say that? Although these are usually handled by his manager, Sister Hong, Zhang Xiaoman will still ask Bai Anli about all his itineraries.

Sister Hong will not take notices for him without asking his opinion, only Zhang Xiaoman can do such a thing.


Ask for flowers!Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a reward!Please customize!

245. I am your girlfriend

"...Well, Mr. Huang, I especially hope that you are a lobbyist for a talk show. The best address is in Yanjing."

"Hahaha, you guessed wrong, this show, um... You know the ultimate challenge, right?" Teacher Huang's voice was a little weird.

"Mr. Huang... You can't be so tricky! Isn't this show designed to trick guests?"

"What nonsense is telling the truth, I have notified me in place, and the show will start recording in the magic capital tomorrow night."


Then, Mr. Huang didn't give Bai Anli a chance to continue talking, and hung up the phone.

Alas, when I turn around, I must press Zhang Xiaoman on his leg and spank!

This little girl's film, dare to pit herself......

No way, go for it.

In the afternoon, Bai Anli asked the assistant to book the plane ticket for him.

Although the recording will start tomorrow night, um, let Miss Jiang Shuying visit another class.

As a qualified playboy, impartiality, it is a basic operation to be exposed to rain and dew.


I don't know why, Jiang Shuying's plays are all filmed in the magic capital.

Does this girl love her family?Neither would move their nests.

But it is also a coincidence, she is actually very slow in filming, and there is only one film a year at most.

This year, I actually shot two films in a row this year......

Before going, Bai Anli called the young lady.

What he didn't expect was that the other party was very straightforward and asked the crew for a day off.


It was said that Bai Anli didn't need to go to the studio, just went to the house to find her.

Well, the home is the apartment that Bai Anli bought for her.

So sensible!

Thinking about it, he probably didn't want to cause trouble for Bai Anli. After all, if Bai Anli went to visit the class, it would definitely be another scandal headline tomorrow.

Don't you want to rub off on Bai Anli's fame?

It's really Buddhist!


"Boom boom boom!"

Within three seconds of knocking on the door, two long legs appeared in Bai Anli's sight.

"You're here!"

Jiang Shuying smiled happily, and took Bai Anli's arm directly.

"I made dinner for you! It took me a long time to learn, so I can't say it's not delicious!"

"By the way, where's the little scoop? Let it come out and get some air."

Bai Anli smiled, kissed her first, and then released the little scoop.


It could be seen that the young lady had carefully prepared before Bai Anli came.

Not only did I cook a table of dishes, but I also dressed myself very carefully.

"Are you tired of filming recently?"

Because there was still another soup, Bai Anli sat on the sofa with Jiang Shuying in his arms.

"It's okay, the people in the crew are very polite to me, after all..." Miss Sister put her chin on Bai Anli's shoulder very cutely.

"After all what?"


"After all, everyone is rumored to be your girlfriend!"

"Well, it seems that I still have some use." Bai Anli smiled.

"Look at what you can do, say you're fat and you're still panting!"

The two laughed for a while, and the scene was very warm.

"Aah! My soup!"

Suddenly, Jiang Shuying seemed to think of something, and hurriedly ran into the kitchen.

After about twenty minutes, "It's time to start dinner!"


Fill the rice bowl with Xiaopao and let him squat beside the dining table to eat.

Bai Anli was just about to help with serving dishes.

"You don't need to come, my mother said that men are not supposed to come in the kitchen." The young lady was righteous.

Your mom is awesome!Bai Anli immediately gave a like.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shuying's family is quite traditional.

Although there are very few now, but if Bai Anli thinks about it unilaterally, it would be great for girls to be like this.


Thinking about it carefully, among these girls, it is estimated that Jiang Shuying can cook.

The others seem to be eldest ladies who don't touch the sun with their fingers, tsk tsk.

"Come on, taste it and see how it goes."

Looking at Miss Sister's expectant eyes, Bai Anli can't help but give face.


"Really or not, don't perfunctory me just to make me happy?"

"No way, it's really good!"


Unexpectedly, Jiang Shuying's cooking was almost as fast as that of Teacher Huang.

Either she is talented, or she has really prepared for a long time.

Bai Anli thinks it should be the second type. It is estimated that this girl has tried many times for this dish.

Hmm, a little moved.


"I forgot about the little scoop, let me put two spare ribs on it," said the young lady.

I was very satisfied with the little scoop that got the snack, and it tasted delicious.

His favorite dog food next to him is a little ignorant.


"This is the first time I've cooked for a man! My dad has never eaten the food I made." The young lady took credit while eating.

At this time, Bai Anli suddenly felt that if she had a tail, she would definitely be wagging behind her.

It's a pity, if you are in love with Jiang Shuying, maybe there will be more to see.

Hmm... It seems that I am a little sorry for Miss Tang Yan, I am guilty.

After eating, the hard-working and capable lady went to the kitchen to wash dishes and cook pots, humming a song.

The eldest master Bai Anli huddled on the sofa again with the little master and the little scoop.

That's cool!


Today's entertainment industry is a little less peaceful.

A man was born suddenly, and he stole the limelight from "Avatar" for a while.

"Hahaha, awesome!" Bai Anli couldn't hold back the smile at all.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shuying, who was in the kitchen, stuck her head out curiously and asked.

"It's okay, a friend of mine started scolding someone online." Bai Anli replied with a smile.

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