0248 Didi Tiandi, kill people at your door! [8/10, please subscribe!)

Thunder is rolling in, this Xuanxian tribulation is also three tribulations together, and Su Xin’s demon-killing world has not disappeared. Even though the Jinxian monks outside know that Su Xin is crossing the Xuanxian robbery, they can’t get it at all. Knowing Su Xin’s current situation.

The power of that day’s robbery has been brewing extremely turbulently. At this moment, Su Xin has refined all five of Liu Yunpeng’s people. In fact, the realm is really vain, but the tempering of this day’s robbery is what Su Xin lacks the most.

Let his realm be completely stabilized and reach the level of the Xuanxian of the Three Tribulations in one fell swoop!

It’s just that the power of the power of catastrophe seems to be too wide, and the first wave of shocks completely shattered half of Su Xin’s body.

But Su Xin dared to attack Xuanxian Jie in one go, how could he not have confidence in his heart.

The super-speed regeneration ability cooperated with Su Xin’s powerful background, and the smashed half of the body grew back at a speed far beyond the previous wave when the second wave of calamity attacks approached.

As long as my regeneration speed is faster than the attack frequency of your power of catastrophe, this power of catastrophe will never be able to kill Su Xin, and it will completely become a springboard for Su Xin’s strength.

The strength of the Heavenly Tribulation of the Netherworld Emperor varies from person to person. It is estimated that in the history, only Su Xin’s Tribulation is a one-time Tribulation, and his 357 Heavenly Tribulation power for each calamity is estimated to be much stronger than other Netherworld emperors. , The three superimposed robbery is even more terrifying to heinous.

It can make Su Xin feel that the power of the calamity is extremely difficult to deal with at this moment, if he replaces the ordinary Jinxian cultivator to transcend the calamity, he is afraid that he will die!

“This, what a powerful heavenly tribulation power!

“What kind of evildoer is our Honorable Lord, and even the Great Emperor of the Lower Realm can’t be as defiant as he is?”

“I don’t know about the other great emperors in the lower realm, but I only know that our lord must be the top genius in the entire immortal realm. Even the descendants of the Dao Demon Immortal King and Fairy Zhenfeng are probably not as good as the lord.”

“Silence, don’t discuss the Immortal King!”

At this moment, when the nine golden subordinates were on guard against other golden immortals, they exchanged amazement with each other.

Even if they don’t watch out for other golden immortals now, the golden immortals of other forces will not dare to take action at this time, because the power of that day’s robbery is simply too terrifying.

The mountain where Su Xin is located has long been razed to the ground, and even the mountain peaks in a radius of 100,000 miles have been affected by the power of the catastrophe, and the mountains and the ground have begun to crack. The scene is not spectacular.

Everyone is waiting for Su Tiandi, who is in the calamity (cdda), to get out of this terrifying calamity.

At this moment, the Demon Prison Suppression and Killing World suddenly shattered, and a burst of flames burst forth from it, but it was Su Xin who performed immortal nirvana, bringing himself to a peak state again.

It is obvious that the difficulties brought about by his hasty way of transcending the calamity are not child’s play.

But it is precisely because of the perverted innate ability of immortal nirvana, which is full of blood and resurrection, that Su Xin has survived the Xuanxianfeng without any risk.

But this time, Su Xin didn’t have the energy to refine the robbery cloud again. After he finished the tribulation, the robbery cloud dissipated automatically, and it was too late to refine it.

Heaven and earth gradually returned to calm, but the devastated space and the earth were telling what they had just experienced.

Su Xin stood proudly in mid-air, his breath fluctuating in the distance, but then he began to regain his tranquility. His strong resilience made him not need to worry about any consumption at all.

“Ding, remind Master Su, Hundred Times “power talent ability has changed from active to passive.”

Su Xin was caught off guard by the sudden notification of the genetic device, but he felt that his basic strength had increased by more than a hundred times. It seemed that the types of some innate abilities were not static, but required certain preconditions.

This hundredfold power has been transformed into a passive talent, and the premise is that Su Xin’s body is already strong to a certain extent.

But Su Xin is now a true spirit-level gene, and his physical capacity is far from reaching the limit, and he can continue to improve and continue to improve! Even Su Xin himself does not have an accurate prediction of the ultimate strength of his physical body.

After checking one or two again, I found that this improvement is really not small.

The levels of passive systems such as the Endless Light Body, Demon God Body, and Myriad Poison Body have also been raised to the advanced level after this timeless tribulation.

Whether or not a qualitative change is going to happen next, Su Xin didn’t have any clues for a while.

After Su Xin succeeded in transcending the calamity, the secret Jinxian cultivators seemed to know that Su Xin’s character didn’t like being watched by others, so they simply left.

Xi Jingyun and others appeared in front of Su Xin with extremely respectful expressions.

“Congratulations to the sect master for successfully transcending the calamity and achieving the position of Xuanxian!”

“With the talent of the suzerain, it is just around the corner to become a golden immortal cultivator!”

Even “True Wonderland will not be a problem for the suzerain.”

The nine people expressed their opinions one by one, fearing that they would be completely convinced by Su Xin’s arrogance. Before, they only used the situation to convince these nine people, but now, they all know that even if they didn’t swallow the mysterious fly, they are far from Su Xin’s. opponent.

Su Xin’s existence is extremely illusory to them, but Su Xin really appears in front of them.

“Get ready, go to Lihuo Xianzong, Laozi wants to find a place back!” Su Xin responded lightly, then grinned.

How could Su Xin keep any overnight grudges on him? After today, his fame of Su Xin and the horror of the Nether Emperor will spread to the First-Rank Immortal Sect and the Big Dipper Immortal Sect with the Immortal King in charge.

But no matter what the situation is, if he Su Xin has a revenge with someone, he will completely kill the other party without leaving any hidden dangers.

He didn’t know why the true immortal cultivator of Lihuo Immortal Sect sent five golden immortals in the door to stop him from robbing him, but at this moment he wanted to force out the strongest of Lihuo Immortal Sect, Kill it.

Take over the Lihuo Immortal Sect, occupy their mountain gate, and completely build the Heavenly Emperor Palace into a third-rank Immortal Sect first.

In this way, when Su Xin has a complete foothold and control of the Lihuo Realm, Su Xin will have the idea to connect Liu Yiling and other women to the Immortal Realm.

“The sect is going to leave the Fire Immortal Sect?” Xi Jingyun was stunned, crying and laughing at every unexpected decision of Su Xin.

Where is there a true immortal cultivator sitting in charge!

He only felt that his head was getting bigger, he didn’t dare to underestimate Su Xin at all, but Su Xin always had to do things that went against common sense, to use the realm of Xuanxian to reverse the real fairyland?

This, the span between the golden fairyland and the real fairyland is not comparable to the golden fairy and the Xuanxian at all, that is already the real powerhouse in the fairyland, each of them is very extraordinary, and each has its own strength.

For a long time, “Time to prepare, and then go to Lihuo Xianzong with this sect master.”

Su waved his hand, making Xi Jingyun, who wanted to continue speaking, completely silent.

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