0239 Establish the Temple of Heavenly Emperor, and start advertising! [9/10, please subscribe!)

“Congratulations to the Lord on your successful transcendence of the calamity, and I wish the Lord of Heaven the road to the Nine Tribulations will be smooth and unhindered all the way!

After Su Xin finished the tribulation, the ten golden immortals looked at each other and said respectfully in a loud voice.

Su Xin was of course very satisfied with their statement, although it was because they had the Soul Orb in their hands.

“Well, but the title will need to be changed in the future.” Su Xin nodded and said meaningfully.

Ten Jinxian was puzzled, and immediately asked.

“Call me “Sect Master” in the future. This seat will establish a Immortal Sect, which will widely collect the heroes of the Immortal Territory. Well, the name of the Immortal Sect is called Heavenly Emperor “Palace”. ” Su Xin said.

“Establishing an immortal sect? The sect master has thought about it. It is not that easy to establish an immortal sect.” Xi Jingyun, a late-stage Jinxian monk among the ten golden immortals, hesitated for a while, and said cautiously.

He saw Su Xin’s sudden ambition and pride, and this act of pouring cold water really had to be cautious.

“This seat has made a decision and will not change it. Well, I see that this mountain range has a good aura, so I will use it as the temporary gate of the Heavenly Emperor’s Hall. Ten people will build a decent mountain gate in a very short period of time. .”

Su Xin looked around, this mountain range is considered desolate in the Immortal Realm, but it is much better than the Nether Realm, which is also the advantage of the Immortal Realm over the Nether Realm.

Of course, the temporary mountain gate is the temporary mountain gate. It is also impossible for Su Xin to really regard this place as the permanent gate of the Tiandi Temple.

The good mountain gate has been occupied by other immortal sects, so go grab it!

It’s just that it hasn’t been determined when to grab it, but at least not now.

First, there are some Erlangzi who have been taught without class to be disciples, so that the Temple of Heavenly Emperor looks a little large, and then it will be developed in depth.

Of course, this was the idea in Su Xin’s mind, and it was the ten Jinxian cultivators who implemented it.

“Building. Building a mountain gate?” The ten Jinxian looked embarrassed. They had absolutely no experience in this kind of thing.

Seeing their expressions, Su Xin glared at him and said, “You can’t even build a mountain gate? Don’t you want me to teach you all! You are limited to creating a decent mountain gate for Laozi within three months. Remember! The material does not need to be very precious, but the appearance must be splendid, and when people look at it, they will give birth to the first impression of “Hey, is this a second-grade immortal sect”!

“I will do my best in the future.” The Ten Golden Immortals looked at each other and smiled bitterly in their hearts.

The only woman among the ten, Yang Man suddenly asked, “But how should we do this recruiting disciples?”

“Don’t worry, this seat will deceive .. accept the disciples with outstanding talent into the Heavenly Emperor Hall of this seat”. “Su Xin’s face froze.

You seemed to be lying just now, didn’t you?

Yang Man was stunned, and continued: “I have already given the space ring to the sect master, but I still need some immortal stones.

“Well, I forgot about that.” Su Xin didn’t take away the magic weapon of each of the ten people, but the immortal stone was taken away. After all, refining the immortal stone also improved his cultivation.

Speaking of which, Su Xin generously took out a million high-grade immortal stones and handed them over to ten people. He took out a million immortal stones at one time, and it was still high-grade. It seems that Su Xin mentioned the establishment of the immortal sect casually on the surface. , but it is actually very attentive.

Let’s go.” Su Xin waved his hand and left the matter of building the mountain gate to ten people, while he himself wanted to advertise for the Heavenly Emperor’s “hall” to attract some Erleng cultivators to join the Heavenly Emperor’s hall.

Where do you ask Su Xin to find Tianjiao disciples? In the early stage, there is no way to find some good and bad people.

With fame, there will naturally be talented disciples who come here. As for how to become famous, Su Xin needs to think carefully.

Three days later, Su Xin appeared in front of a huge city gate. The city was called “Wu Tiancheng”, and it was the largest city with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles around the mountain range that Su Xin selected as the gate.

This city is managed by the third-rank immortal sect Lihuo immortal sect, and it is also the largest immortal sect in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and there are also many fourth- to fifth-rank immortal sects.

The lowest level of the ninth-rank immortal sect can reach the standard with a Loose Immortal cultivator in charge. As for the third-rank, there must be a cultivator in the early stage of True Immortal.

Judging from the fact that Su Xin has ten Jinxian subordinates, at least it is the standard of the fourth grade.

However, Su Xin felt that if he directly released the news that ten golden immortals joined forces to create the Immortal Sect, it might attract the attention of various forces, but he felt that it would be better to use the title of “The Great Emperor of the Lower Realm” to attract people.

Of course, in this way, Su Xin also has some bad intentions, deliberately not showing his strength, and then if other immortal sects are looking for trouble for him, he can justifiably go to kick other people’s pavilions, and then go to grab other people’s mountain gates!

It doesn’t matter what the reason is, what matters is that there is a reason.

…for flowers…0

Who is he willing to take that broken mountain range as the gate of his Heavenly Emperor’s Palace?”

After delivering ten low-grade immortal stones into the city, Su Xin immediately found something similar to the “Zhutianxingchen Pavilion that exists in the Ziguang Pavilion”.

The origin of the Star Pavilion is really not small, almost the nine real realms in charge of the nine immortal kings have their sub-pavilions, and there is no need to question the authority.

And it will not participate in the power struggle between immortal sects, so it is not surprising that a slightly larger city has a sub-pavilion of Zhutianxingchen Pavilion.

The sub-pavilion of the Star Pavilion is a seven-story high-rise building, and the so-called VIP status is required for the third floor.

After Su Xin walked into the hall on the first floor, a pretty girl, Lian Bu, walked over with a smile.

“I have seen this senior, do you need anything, senior?”

“I want your pavilion to help me spread a message.” Su Xin said simply, he didn’t come to Zhutian Xingchen Pavilion to buy things.

The girl Cher was startled and spread the message?

She really hadn’t accepted such a request, and she didn’t know how to deal with it for a while, but had a slightly embarrassed smile on her face.

“You’re laughing so embarrassingly, it embarrassed me too. Let your deacon come out.

Seeing the girl’s appearance, Su Xin felt a little funny, then threw a space ring and said, “Go quickly.”

Xueer took the space ring and saw that the immortal stones of the white flowers were piled up into a mountain, and her face suddenly turned pale, and quickly said respectfully: “Senior, please wait a moment or two.”

Soon, a well-dressed middle-aged scholar came down from the second floor, clasped his fists at Su Xin and said, “I have seen this fellow Taoist.”

Courteous “, in the next Su Xin, from the lower realm.” Su Xin replied indifferently.

When the middle-aged deacon heard this, his eyes suddenly shrank imperceptibly, the lower world cultivator, the middle stage of the loose immortal, is the six tribulation loose immortal who has passed the six tribulations before the loose immortal!?

As the deacon of the Star Pavilion, Jordan is a cultivator in the late Xuanxian period, and his knowledge is of course extraordinary.

Su Xin simply hinted, and he could understand the meaning.

“Friend Su, please go upstairs and talk.”

He didn’t even think that a Loose Immortal cultivator would dare to ask the Stars Pavilion in the sky, and later, as long as this Su Xin showed his aura of the Nine Tribulations of Heaven, of course his identity would be completely clear!


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