0231 Bronze Immortal Palace was born, suspected of immortal king inheritance (1/10, please subscribe!)

Leaving the battlefield just now, Su Xin, who performed immortal nirvana, is of course at his peak, which is his perverted point.

“You did it! You really did it! You killed the late Jinxian monks!” Gu Yusheng appeared at the moment and said incoherently.

Seeing her excited expression, Su Xin was a little puzzled, and said, “I did it, what’s wrong? I’ve always been a leapfrog to kill enemies.

“No, it’s not the same. The two-level battle under the scattered fairyland and the leapfrog battle above the scattered fairy are basically two concepts, Su Xin. And you just killed the late Jinxian cultivator. Let the other party die without even being able to escape. And you still have immortal nirvana, even if you are a true immortal cultivator, it will be very difficult to kill you.”

Su Xin’s expression became a little unnatural when she boasted about herself like this, “It’s alright, don’t get excited.

“How can I not be excited, I have been looking forward to revenge for 30,000 years, and now it may be realized soon, of course I will be very excited.” Gu Yusheng has always been very high on Su Xin.

But she really didn’t expect that Su Xin would be able to reverse the late stage of Jinxian in the realm of 23 Three Tribulations Loose Immortal. She is from the fairyland, and naturally she clearly understands what Su Xin’s performance means.

In addition, Su Xin is also the emperor of the lower realm, which is the representative of invincible combat power in the same realm.

She was even thinking at this moment if she was growing up with a future immortal king.

“I will avenge your father’s revenge for you, but your father’s savings must also satisfy me. Well, don’t cry.” Halfway through Su Xin’s words, seeing Gu Yuyujian crying with joy, she was speechless for a while.

It was the first time he had made others cry because of his arrogance.

Gu Yuyujun gradually regained his calmness, sat on Su Xin’s shoulders, and fell silent.

Su Xin’s face suddenly changed, and she pulled the baby out of her body. The girl was chewing a herb that she had collected before.

“What are you doing?” Su Xin’s expression was extremely sloppy.

“Brother, I’m eating delicious food.” The baby waited for the innocent big eyes and replied cutely.

She may be trying to make a fool of herself,

Su Xin grabbed the girl’s little face and wriggled: “I’ll let you eat delicious food!”

“Wuwu, brother, you promised that the baby would not be so cruel to me.” The baby chewed the spirit grass in aggrieved and swallowed it quickly.

Hearing this, Su Xin reluctantly put it on his back, and then checked the condition of the space in his body. Seeing this, his face suddenly turned dark.

The real dragon immortality medicine is fine, it should be too late to eat it, but the spirit grass in the ten acres of spirit fields has been eaten by seven or eight, and Su Xin’s heart aches when he sees it.

You said that if this girl eats the spirit grass, if she can improve her strength by swallowing it, Su Xin will recognize it, but she doesn’t show the slightest realm at all, so she eats it for nothing. And keep eating!

However, the rotten Xuan is slowly absorbing the medicinal power of the True Dragon Immortality Medicine.

The True Dragon Immortality Elixir is a divine artifact, not a one-time consumable item, and no idiot would devour it and refine it directly. Of course, Su Xin would not be this idiot.

Cultivating this medicine, refining some of his medicinal power from time to time, and maintaining continuity are the most effective methods.

Therefore, seeing that the descendant of swallowing the profound nest of the sky is slowly absorbing the medicinal power of the True Dragon Immortality Medicine, Su Xin does not seem too reluctant.

If this Xuan Xian can come alive as he had imagined, of course Su Xin would be happy to see it.

Maybe he Su Xin can really raise a corpse?

This is temporarily put aside in advance, and at present it is still necessary to use the baby’s sensitivity to treasures to continue to search for the treasures here.

Another ten days have passed. With the help of the baby, Su Xin has harvested very richly. There are ten plants of golden immortal-level spirit grass, and there are also several treasures of some dead monks.

Lingcao Su Xin was temporarily hidden in the space ring, and did not dare to put it in the internal space to prepare for the next robbery.

Su Xin can actually hit the next small realm, but he is really afraid of Gu Yusheng’s guess. If he is repelled by Xuan Xian in the body of swallowing Xuanfei, Su Xin will not be very happy.

The treasures here have not been completely searched, how can they leave easily?

“Brother, there,” Bao Bao was sitting on the back of Su Xin and eating the spirit fruit with a wide-eyed smile, a little heartless, suddenly pointed to the front, and said something stunned.

Su Xin looked in the direction she was pointing, and suddenly saw a soaring fairy light coming straight from the sky, even disturbing the inner world of Tiantian Xuanfei, causing the whole world to shake violently.

“What kind of heaven-defying treasure is going to be born?” Su Xin Tiandi thought about this vision again and again in his heart.

Holding the baby in his arms, he immediately turned on his firepower, and walked across the void toward the direction where the fairy light appeared in the distance.

Su Xin is not the only cultivator on this continent. Su Xin has no idea how many cultivators there are in such a large continent.

But at this moment, being rushed by this fairy light, almost all the monks who were looking for opportunities in the mainland noticed it. Their first thoughts were exactly the same as Su Xin, and they went straight to the direction where the fairy light appeared.

Some are even close by, one step ahead of Su Xin.

When Su Xin came here, his eyes couldn’t help jumping down.

I saw an ancient bronze temple whose scale did not fall into the temple of Fengshen appeared in front of Su Xin’s eyes. This ancient temple was mostly broken, but it was still difficult to conceal its grandeur.

Bronze “The Immortal Palace! This is the Bronze Immortal Palace?” Of course, it wasn’t Su Xin who arrived here alone, and at this moment, a cultivator of the scattered fairyland exclaimed.

Su Xin looked around and saw that there were no less than 340 cultivators in the hundreds. The strongest was Jin Xian, and the lowest was even the Great Sacred Realm.

It would not surprise Su Xin that the monks from the Great Sacred Realm dared to come here. After all, the people who are not afraid of death are not afraid of death, and the Su Xin family is not the only one in the world.

Bronze “Immortal Hall, hearing the cultivator’s exclamation, many people looked puzzled, and many people were very excited.

“Gu Yujian, what is the Bronze Immortal Palace?” Su Xin didn’t know, so he asked Gu Yulai on his shoulder.

The woman looked at the Bronze Immortal Hall in astonishment at the moment, and she didn’t even hear Su Xin’s question, so she fell into a huge shock.

Su Xin frowned and repeated a sentence, before she said in a trance: “Actually, it’s all rumors, and it’s impossible to find out whether it’s true or false.

“What news?

“It is rumored that the palaces where the immortal kings and powerhouses lived in the Immortal Ancient Era were all bronze immortal halls, and the building materials of the bronze immortal halls were immortal tears, green gold, which can no longer be seen in the immortal realm.” Whether this is the Immortal King’s Palace in the Immortal Ancient Era depends on whether its material is Immortal Tears Green Gold. If it is, then there may be items left by the Immortal King in the Immortal Ancient Era in this bronze Immortal Hall, or perhaps the inheritance.

Gu Yujian explained his own knowledge one by one, Su Xin showed a thoughtful expression, and even had a suspicious look.

I am naturally unlucky, where can I have the opportunity to be by my side?

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