0222 Swallow the body of the mysterious fly in the sky (2/10, please subscribe!)

Su Xin didn’t mean to underestimate the real fairyland cultivator, but he felt that compared to the immortal king strong, it should not be difficult for the real fairyland cultivator to leapfrog to kill himself, and he didn’t run over to kill that Wu Daozi now.

Gu Yujian has been waiting for more than 30,000 years. After waiting a little longer, when Su Xin becomes a true immortal cultivator, wouldn’t it be a one-handed thing to kill a cultivator of the same realm?

The most urgent task at the moment is to gain a firm foothold in Xianyu, and then go to Xuantian Continent to take his women to Xianyu. For this reason, the savings of a second-rank Xianzong sect master will definitely help Su Xin to improve his strength at this time.

“Let’s figure out which area of ​​Immortal Realm we are in now, shall we?” Gu Yujian reminded him at this moment. Only by figuring out where he is now can he start to make a journey to Mingxin Real Realm. If you are lucky, you can come directly to If you have a clear heart, it would be even better.

When Su Xin heard this, she looked around at the surrounding environment, looked up again, and suddenly raised her brows and asked, “Are there no sun, moon, and stars in the Immortal Realm?”

The sky is dark, but there is still bright light. The Immortal Territory is an endless piece, which is many trillion times bigger than the stars of the stellar level, and there are extraterritorial stars outside the Immortal Territory Continent, and there will also be There are stars.

Not to mention the sun, at least the light of extraterrestrial stars should still be visible.

Gu Yujian also seemed to have found something wrong and muttered: “Impossible, there are not a few monks practicing the sun, moon and stars in the fairyland, how can there be no sun, moon and stars. However, the fairyland is too big, there may be some places. Is it different?

“You’re asking a hammer, how do I know?” Su Xin really wanted to pinch the face of this confused eldest lady, but she didn’t have any shrewdness, and she was thinking of revenge.

Although she didn’t know, there was some truth to what she said. There was indeed a piece of land under her feet, and there was also the so-called fairyland aura.

At this moment, Su Xin put a palm of his right hand, and began to condense into countless transparent butterflies, and then spread his wings and flew around.

“Yuanshen transforms into a butterfly! Have you applied Yuanshen to this extent!” Gu Yusheng exclaimed immediately when he saw Su Xin’s actions.

The latter rolled his eyes, ignoring the woman’s surprise, this move is just one of the effects of the “soul-inducing innate ability” obtained by his fusion with Snake Girl.

Arousing the power of his own primordial spirit, turning it into a butterfly and spreading it out, can greatly expand the search range of one’s own divine sense, and it is of course very effective to display it at this moment.

And Su Xin himself was sitting in this steel jungle, waiting a little bored.

I can’t figure out the current position, so what I’m looking for is not the other, but the Xianyu cultivator.

It’s just that the size of the steel jungle is far beyond Su Xin’s imagination, and there is no trace of other immortal monks found at all.

This kind of spirit-like coal-spreading method of searching for divine consciousness soon ended in failure, because no Xianyu cultivator was found after most of the day.

This made Su Xin start to be a little suspicious, and there was a slight thought in his heart about the place he was in.

He jumped, and the golden flame wind and thunder wings condensed behind him soared into the sky, ready to come to the sky to look down.

But he didn’t know how long he flew this time, but his gaze still remained in the steel jungle.

The range of this steel jungle is too wide!

Gu Yujian also seemed to be a little unusually silent at the moment, and after a while, he tried to say: “Could it be that we are too unlucky to come to a dangerous place somewhere?”

Hearing her words, Su Xin’s face suddenly looked a little ugly, what kind of dangerous place Su Xin doesn’t care about, what he cares about is that he can’t even figure out where he is now, which direction should he move in?

Looking at the steel jungle below, Su Xin’s eyes jumped, and then he punched directly below.

With this punch, it directly used the power of supernatural powers to condense ten thousand dragons rushing away. With the cultivation base of Su Xin becoming a great emperor and three tribulations, it is already very easy to hit ten thousand dragons with one punch.

And when the omnipotent surge was about to bombard the steel jungle, the entire steel jungle swayed wildly, as if disappearing and absorbing the power of Su Xin’s move completely.

Su Xin suddenly felt that her scalp was numb, this steel jungle, is there life?

He just wanted to make a big noise. If there were monks in the immortal realm who noticed the momentum here, they might come over to find out, but now that there is no momentum, doesn’t it make Su Xin’s scalp a little numb?

The most dreaded thing is not the unknown.

Su Xin looked around again, like a dark starry sky as far as the eye could see, without even any sense of direction.

“Long enclosed space!”

Just when Su Xin frowned, an idea suddenly popped up in Su Xin’s mind.

He came to the Immortal Realm through space, and it is entirely possible to enter the enclosed space of a certain Immortal Realm by mistake.

Seeing that the steel jungle below seemed to have signs of life, Su Xin’s mind suddenly became active.

He leaned over and rushed back to the steel jungle again, then put his palm on a steel bush, and shouted in his heart: “Gene, extract gene!”

“Ding, extracting genes..”

Su Xin was surprised that the gene tool did not extract the gene immediately. The last time this happened was Xiaofengxian’s double true spirit-level genes, which took a little time for the gene tool.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the true spirit-level void gene was obtained.

The sound of the gene tool sounded in Su Xin’s mind, Su Xin’s eyes widened fiercely, a steel bush can extract (good, good) true spirit-level genes, and there are true spirit-level genes in the fairyland everywhere?

No, this is impossible, I must have come to some ghost place!

With doubts in his mind, he tentatively asked the gene apparatus: “What is the ontology of extracted genes?”

“Answer to the host, it is a true spirit-level creature swallowing the mysterious silver of the sky.

Su Xin’s heart shuddered, hide?

“What is Swallowing the Sky Profound Fly in the Immortal Domain?” Su Xin began to ask Gu Yujun Laiya.

“Why do you ask this all of a sudden? There are rumors about swallowing the mysterious fly in the fairyland, but almost no monks can see it. It is rumored that it is a world of its own within the body. Even the fairy king can’t do anything about it.” Gu Yujian’s beautiful eyes Startled, “Don’t you guess that we are in Xuantian Xuanfei’s body?”

Su Xin frowned.

It’s not a guess, we are now in the body of Tiantian Xuanxian!

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