0214 I Su Xin hates women to seduce me the most! Unless you..4/10, please subscribe!)

Seeing Su Xin applauding and applauding, Xiao Fengxian seemed to like being praised very much. She smiled and said with a small face, “It’s your turn, you have realized the way of heaven.” Let me see the verdict what. ”

Su Xin nodded, and immediately grabbed the wind and blood spear in his hand. Since he said that he wanted to show each other his supernatural powers, of course he would not break his promise.

I saw that the imprint of the origin of the fusion of thunder and fire on Su Xin’s forehead immediately radiated a lot of light, followed by lightning and flames from the nine-inch tip of the phoenix blood spear, and they quickly merged together.

Seeing this, Xiao Fengxian suddenly became surprised.

Ye Quan and the old man Zhundi both shrank their eyes at the same time: This boy! Combining the two origins, he created his own fusion origin divine power?

The two guardians of the Emperor’s Palace of the Conferred God were so shocked that Su Xin’s performance once again subverted their perception of Su Xin’s talent level.

Heaven’s Dao Judgment is a move that explodes in an instant. Without any endurance, it completely combines the extremely offensive characteristics of the two origins of thunder and fire. The power of this move has greatly surpassed Qianlong Dao.

This kind of eruption is based on the original imprint of Su Xin’s own fusion, which is the fundamental original supernatural power, and its power will never be weaker than the ancient umbrella of burning the world!

Of course, the consumption level of the explosive attack supernatural power also changed Su Xin’s complexion at this moment.

The splendid light formed by the fusion of thunder and fire has turned into an energy storm at this moment, and it will explode like a raging explosion. If it really explodes, it is impossible to estimate its power.

Su Xin took it as soon as he saw it, and didn’t break out this trick completely.

“What a powerful supernatural power.” Xiao Fengxian only came to her senses after a long time, and murmured.

Let’s go”, it’s time to go back.” The old man Zhundi gave Su Xin a deep look, and then said.

Su Xin also nodded her head very simply, and then prepared to leave with the old man Zhundi.

“Hey Daddy, my name is actually Xiao Fengxian. If you want to play with me in the future, you can come to Fenghuang Mountain in Xianyu to find me.” When Xiao Fengxian saw that Su Xin was leaving, she immediately waved and said.

This guy is interesting, maybe a friend.

“Phoenix Mountain… The old man’s footsteps stopped, and then he returned to normal.

“Well, my name is still Pabi.” Su Xin didn’t look back, waved his hand, and then disappeared with the old man Zhundi into the Fengshen Temple controlled by Yequan.

Back at the Emperor Fengshen Palace in Xuantian Continent, Su Xin said the last sentence to the old man Zhundi, and then walked out of the Emperor Fengshen Palace.

This level trial team took Su Xin three months, at this time Su Xin was almost twenty years old.

A few days later, Su Xin returned to the Human Race Yaochi Holy Land again. The aftermath of the Blood Refining Demon Emperor’s attack on the Human Race had not dissipated, but the movements of the Ten Thousand Races seemed very calm.

“Sister Fairy, what about Linger?” Back at the Holy Land of Yaochi, Su Xin immediately found Liu Xiaoxiao, but did not find Liu Yiling’s figure.

“Su Xin, you’re back! How come you’ve been gone for months.” When Liu Xiaoxiao saw Su Xin’s figure suddenly appearing, she exclaimed suddenly, but became concerned from the bottom of her heart.

When Su Xin heard this, he laughed a few times, but there was some inexplicable complex color in his eyes.

Xianyu is definitely going, but Liu Yiling and other women’s cultivation can’t keep up with him, and Su Xin is not familiar with Xianyu, so it is definitely not good to bring Liu Yiling.

The most important thing is that my first and second battle maids have to say that there are ten thousand beasts that can be accommodated, but Liu Yiling and others have no space for them to stay.

“Sister is retreating again, but this time it’s not a dead end.” Liu Xiaoxiao calmed down and calmed down.

When Su Xin heard the words, she didn’t feel that she touched her chin and made a look of thinking. It seems that Liu Yiling also knew that she was too far behind herself, so she would work hard in cultivation.

“You don’t study hard with your sister, why are you hanging out in the sect all day? Thinking of this, Su Xin said something to Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiao was stingy, and this guy even said such a thing after a few months of reunion.

“Okay, don’t disturb your sister for now, I’ll go out to do some errands first.” Su Xin saw her appearance, and didn’t continue joking, and then disappeared again.

In the Ziguang Pavilion of Yaochi City, Nangongya looked at Su Xin who was in the room like a sample tea with a complicated expression.

The scene of Su Xin killing Zhundi’s strong man in an instant is still talked about, and when we meet again, Su Xin has not deliberately concealed his realm.

…for flowers…0

Thinking of the words of her family and her brother, Nangong Ya, the plump beauty, had a slightly unnatural expression on her face.

“Sister Ya, it’s been a long time. I came to Ziguang Pavilion this time to help me collect some refining materials with the help of Ziguang Pavilion. This is the list.” Su Xin looked back at Nangongya with a smile, and then handed him a list Come.

The materials above are almost the most precious in the mainland. What Su Xin has to do is to raise his Soul Reverence Banner, Myriad Beasts and Phoenix Blood Spear to the level of an imperial soldier. For this, he will definitely need a lot of treasured refining materials.

Nangong Ya stayed on the spot for one or two, and then seemed to have made great determination. She stepped forward and suddenly slammed her feet, and her whole body slammed directly into the arms of Su Xin who was sitting on the chair.

“Hey~” Nangongya howled with poor acting skills.

Su Xin has black lines all over her head.

You fall into the wool, you are a monk in Sendai, how can you fall on the ground when you walk!

Nangongya’s cheeks were already flushed, and she didn’t even know what to do next.

Su Xin is even more speechless, what do you mean? Seeing that I am a late stage powerhouse of the Emperor Zhundi, you want to seduce me?

Thinking of this, a feeling of being underestimated came to mind, Su Xin pushed Nangongya away and said with a sneer: “I, Su Xin, hate women to seduce me the most!”

“I… I… Nangong Ya is ashamed and ashamed, and even the explanation for this poor acting seems very pale.

Seeing that Su Xin was really angry, she felt a little flustered, and in her heart she thought that Su Xin regarded herself as that kind of inferior woman, plus the family’s persecution, she felt a little wronged.

This made her even more uncomfortable than the grievances of the setback when she took over the family business for the first time.

Who knew that Su Xin suddenly took out an office OL white-collar suit from the space ring, and said with a slightly buffered expression: “Unless you wear it!”

Nangong Ya:???”

Confused in her heart, she listened to Su Xin’s words inexplicably, and put on the suit that Su Xin gave her.

Papa, Su Xin patted his thigh.

“If you want to get something from me by sacrificing beauty, you must have a thorough consciousness! Don’t sit on your own!


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