0208 The good voice of the first Fengshen Temple officially started! [8/10, please subscribe!)

“How is this possible! Every layer of pressure on this step is increasing. The further back you go, the stronger the pressure on willpower. How can you still use jumping even if the person’s cultivation base has not yet entered the Scattered Wonderland?”

The son of the Emperor Fengshen Palace?”

“Damn it! Compared to him, I’m still struggling on the 233rd floor!”

Seeing Su Xin’s exaggerated and cheating jumping steps, the hundreds of Tianjiao under her were not surprised and dumbfounded.

They are naturally aware of the horror of this will pressure, but for Su Xin, it is a leisurely stroll. How can it be psychologically balanced by comparison.

At this time, Su Xin had already jumped to the top level in the blink of an eye, and when he reached the top level, the pressure immediately dissipated.

In fact, the process is still a bit laborious for Su Xin. Without the existence of the will-war spirit, Su Xin would not have reached the summit as quickly as he had been honing his skills. A scene of struggling with the steps.

Su Xin didn’t even think about using the will pressure on the Conferred God Platform to refine his will again, because it was not necessary at all.

For example, Xiao Fengxian can actually reach the top quickly, but she still chooses to slowly endure the pressure of her will, so as to gain the benefit of tempering her will.

“He’s already at the top! So 323 fast?

“Fengshen Temple is right in front of you. Even though the trials in the Emperor Fengshen Palace are extremely dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling, but the opportunity has always been widely circulated in the Immortal Realm. As long as you pass the trial, the benefits It’s simply incalculable, will this person take the lead right now?”

“His will is strong, but it doesn’t mean that his combat power is also strong. The only one in the Emperor’s Palace is his combat power!”

After Su Xin reached the top, he stood in front of the Fengshen Temple, raised his head and watched silently, while Tianjiao on the steps below looked a little anxious, for fear that Su Xin would take the lead.

Under the pressure of strong will, if one’s own state of mind and will is not pure enough, and one has to think wildly, the consequences will be very serious.

No, there are a few who couldn’t hold their will. Suddenly they lost their minds because of jealousy, and they were directly bounced and fell into the starry sky. One lucky person crushed the token in time and was spared, but the other few But it was directly wiped out.

Su Xin turned around and glanced at the vanishing direction of several people, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he waved his hand away.

After those few people died, the power of the original source in the body that was fused before was actually there, Su Xin quickly sucked it in with his eyes and hands, so as to prevent the power of the original source from being assimilated by the starry sky.

After that, Su Xin (cdda) did not immediately enter the Fengshen Temple, but stood on the top floor with a somber expression and looked down.

It is impossible to take a shot, but he doesn’t want these testers to climb to the top and grab the opportunity in the emperor-level trial.

What is the mechanism of the emperor-level trial Su Xin is not clear, the best way to do it alone is to exclude other trials.

“Cough cough.” Thinking of this, Su Xin coughed.

Some of the hundreds of testers below looked up in confusion, while others continued to bury their heads in their hearts and hone their will.

“I’m announcing now that the first session of Fengshendian Good Voice has officially started, and now my dad will bring you a song “Miracle Reappearance”.” Su Xin halfway through, opened his hands and shouted, “Do you want to hear it! ”

“What the hell is this guy doing? What a nice voice?”

“Is this person’s mind a little different from ordinary people. The priority opportunity in front of him does not immediately enter the Fengshen Temple, but he wants to eat and drink there to show off? But it’s okay, it also gives me a chance to wait!”

“Regardless of him, the will pressure is getting stronger and stronger, and I can’t be distracted.”

Su Xin didn’t get a response from anyone, but Xiao Fengxian took a moment to look at Su Xin suspiciously.

“Cough, I started singing, I liked Ultraman Tiga the most when I was a child.” Su Xin squeezed his throat, and then agitated Yuan Li’s voice to the sky, loud enough to affect the mood of these testers at the moment, It will even make them have a kind of tense will defense that is overturning the river.

“Like the sun shining through the night.

Dawn slipped quietly across the sky.

Who’s figure shuttles between the reincarnations~ Ah.

The road ahead is at your feet.

Don’t be sad and don’t be afraid.

Look forward to tomorrow with confidence.

Regret! Come together!

A new storm has appeared, how can it be stagnant~

time travelling. Do your best.

I will come to you.

Smile in the face of danger.

A dream come true is not far away.

The fellow at the back, let me see your hands!”


“What! Asshole!”

The final tester finally lost his mind, vomited blood violently, scolded loudly, and crushed the token at the moment when his reason dissipated.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter what Su Xin is singing at all, what matters is that he is singing with Yuan Li, and his voice directly turns into an impact, which is trying his best to resist the pressure of his will.

Su Xin’s singing was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, causing their originally tense willpower defense to be destroyed in an instant. Under the pressure, only by crushing the token could they avoid the end of the dead starry sky.

A “Miracle Reappearance” miraculously made more than 200 testers disappear.

The remaining nearly two hundred testers were all strong-willed and able to withstand Su Xin’s first wave of interference.

“What are you going to do!

“He doesn’t want us to pass this step of will well!”

“Damn it! Wait for Laozi to get up, Laozi is going to screw your kid’s head off!”

Of course, the rest of the testers continued to curse.

Su Xin didn’t care at all, coughed lightly, and said, “You guys tell me if I sing well, if it doesn’t sound good, I’ll sing another song.”

“Please, don’t, behind you is the Fengshen Temple, what are you doing here to interfere with us if you don’t enter!”

“If you dare to sing again, I swear by Bao Xing that I will never die with you!”

“Shut up!

Su Xin’s words were immediately fiercely opposed by the testers, and some even glared at Su Xin and said threatening words.

“I don’t have any pursuits in my life, I just hope that others can agree with my singing voice. For me, the imperial palace trial is nothing but the moon in the mist. Whoever can take it can take it. I will give you the last time. Does it sound good?” Su Xin let out a long sigh.

“It sounds good! It sounds good!”

“It’s so nice, don’t sing any more.

“I’ve never heard such a moving song!”

When Su Xin heard this, his face was a little excited, and he showed a moved look. He pretended to be choked up and said: “Since it sounds good, my dad will sing another song than today! The second song “Light Maker” is for you! ”

The testers were stunned, and their hearts were full of anger. This sudden change in their mood made dozens of testers withdraw from the Conferred God Platform. The rest were directed at Su Xin before Su Xin sang. Completely shouted down.

“I’m going to you ¥@¥#@…”

“You are really courting death!”

“You think you can interfere with us like this? When we go up, you’ll know what pain is!

Su Xin turned a blind eye, continued to drum up all his strength, and was too lazy to sing, and shouted directly.

“My heart, my heart~ is that light enabler transforming magic.

Reach the magical world and create the unknown~

Create unknown spaces.

Bear! Bear! The flames congealed in the chest.

Condensed in the purchase, condensed!

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