0202 Trial from Xianyu (2/10, please subscribe!)

Taoism is natural, the origin of heaven and earth.

If you want to condense the power of the source, either you have a unique talent, you can inherit the power of the source from your mother’s womb when you are born; Long years condense the power of the source; or absorb foreign objects and condense the power of the source.

Absorbing foreign objects to condense the power of the source is the easiest, but in fact the source is hard to find, and it is impossible to find it.

The monsters in front of Su Xin now all carry a trace of the power of origin, why not make Su Xin ecstatic, just absorb a little power of the origin of fire, and let his golden emperor flame advance again. If all the source power on this planet was absorbed, how would Su Xin’s strength skyrocket?

I am afraid that the gene level will also be raised to the fairy level.

“There is no time limit for this emperor-level trial. I have time to find these monsters with the power of the source. At the very least, let me have the source of thunder and the source of fire. I have long wanted to combine the two. !” The flame mark on Su Xin’s forehead flashed once or twice, then slowly disappeared, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she muttered to herself with some anticipation.

“The power of the source is very difficult to find in the Immortal Domain. If you want to rely on yourself to condense the source, even if you have outstanding talent, the minimum must be in the realm of the late Xuanxian. I didn’t expect this kind of source power that the outside world can’t find. In Fengshen Emperor Palace, it’s like a gift.” As Su Xin continued to walk forward, Gu Yuzi appeared.

She turned into a minifigure and sat on Su Xin’s shoulders, which seemed a little weird.

“Do you know where this planet is? Could it be that I’ve already come to Immortal Realm?” Su Xin asked her when she saw that she took the initiative.

“I don’t know.” Gu Yujian replied simply.

Su Xin nodded, and then ignored the woman, perhaps in Xianyu where she could be useful, but at least not now.

For the next ten days, Su Xin has been hunting primordial monsters in this loess wasteland, and now there are thirteen primordial monsters that have died in his hands.

Among them, the source of soil that enhances strength and physical strength is the most, with six heads, followed by the source of fire monster, three heads; the source of thunder monster, three heads; the source of gold monster, one.

Su Xin’s genetic level finally broke through the emperor level, reaching the immortal level (9%), and the realm is still in the early stage of the quasi-emperor.

However, the increase in the genetic level has brought Su Xin an all-round improvement. Su Xin’s breakthrough to the emperor’s realm at the time of the emperor-level gene must be easier than that of the fairy-level gene.

After all, Su Xin, who is now an immortal-level gene, wants to fill up with cultivation resources, which is probably an unimaginable astronomical amount.

However, Su Xin already had an idea. After returning to Xuantian Continent, he would go to Wanzu to ask for cultivation resources!

Secondly, both the Punishment Divine Thunder and the Golden Emperor Flame have reached an advanced level, and they can be improved again, as long as Su Xin absorbs the source power of both.

It is a pity in Su Xin’s heart that, with the passage of time, he finds that the interval between encountering the original monsters has also become longer, which makes him a little timid, and does not hope that the original monsters on this planet will be the same. Only so much.

“I think this origin monster is the first test. If you can kill it with your own strength, then you will get benefits. If you can’t, you will naturally crush the seal and leave here, and it will also be a test failure.” Su Xin is actively Looking for the power of the source, even forgetting that there is such a thing as the emperor-level trial, then Gu Yujian spoke again.

Su Xin can understand why this woman suddenly became more talkative. It is not easy for anyone to be alone for thousands of years without going crazy.

So no matter what Gu Yujian said, Su Xin responded considerately.

Kick, Kick!

Just when Su Xin was about to walk out of the loess, she felt the sound of violent fighting not far away.

“You may not be the only one in the emperor-level trial.” Gu Yujian reminded.

When Su Xin heard this, she laughed.

“Beasts! The Emperor Dominates the World Boxing!”

I saw that Su Xin had already touched the place where the battle sound was coming from, and watched secretly from the side. There is a huge golden-horned beast in front of it, the golden unicorn on its forehead is filled with the power of the source of gold, and its strength is equivalent to the late stage cultivator of Loose Immortals.

At this moment, there is only one person who is going to surround and kill this golden horn. This person is wearing a golden robe and is full of domineering aura. At this moment, under the agitation of his fists, Laozi has the greatest domineering aura.

bang bang bang!

The golden-robed youth is also a monk in the late stage of the Loose Immortal. At this moment, he is fiercely attacking the golden-horned giant beast, and the strength displayed is very likely to kill the latter.

The source of gold, that is of great help to the improvement of the Wuji sword embryo, and the sword spirit sister can even get some improvement because of the source of gold.

Naturally, Su Xin will not miss it, not to mention that the golden-horned beast seems to have quite a lot of golden origins.

“Again him, he seems to be a disciple of Xiantian Xianyu Sect. Tian Xian Sect is a second-rank immortal sect, and it is reasonable for Tianjiao Sanxian to be eligible to participate in the Emperor’s Palace. However, it seems that participating in this You are not the only one who will be tested this time, and it is hard to say whether the standard of “living to the end requires you to kill all the other testers. ‘ Gu Yu said softly, attached to Su Xin’s ear.

“Trial from the Immortal Realm? It’s interesting..” Su Xin pondered a little when he heard it, and his eyes were a little unhappy.

The source monsters were all subconsciously regarded by him as his own. (Okay) Now that he knows that there are other testers hunting the source monsters and grabbing his source power, Su Xin will be happy.

There is no other way, since you killed the original monsters to gather the power of the original, then don’t blame me for pulling you out one by one.

Su Xin guessed that the lowest standard of this emperor-level trial was the Great Sacred Realm, and the highest was the late stage of Loose Immortals, and there would be no Xuan-level immortals.

This is very understandable, the gap between Xuanxian and Loose Immortal is the same as that between Great Sage and mortal.

Immortals are not all so-called immortals running all over the place, there are also many mortals, and there are very few monks who have not stepped into the scattered fairyland, and a monk in the mysterious fairyland is enough to be called the suzerain of the fifth-grade immortal sect. The gap between the immortal and the mysterious immortal is huge.

Su Xin thought about it, and looked a little indifferently at the battle of the Xianzong disciples in front of him that day, a little bit that he couldn’t help but take action.

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