0199 The origin of the woman in the painting (9/10, please subscribe!)

Su Xin sat down with her knees crossed, while stabilizing the chaotic momentum after the war, while preparing to listen to the words of the woman in the painting.

The woman in the painting looks at Su Xin and seems to be organizing language. Su Xin is not in a hurry and waits patiently.

“My name is Gu Yujun.” Gu Yusheng pondered – after the second, he was ready to start with self-introduction.

“Well, rain bacteria, you continue to speak.” Su Xin pointed to her eyelids and motioned her to continue.

Gu Yujian seemed to know Su Xin’s character very well, so he didn’t show much surprise at the moment.

Su Xin originally wanted to hear about this woman’s origins, but suddenly woke up suddenly, this woman has been following her all the time, wouldn’t she also be able to know the love between herself and Liu Yiling as a husband and wife?

Thinking of this inexplicably, Su Xin’s face became a little ugly and silent.

“I do have an enemy family. My father was the suzerain of the second-rank sect of the Xianyu sect, but 30,000 years ago, a sudden change occurred in the sect. This accident led to the fall of my father, and also Indirectly, I can only hide in this picture scroll. The person who planned this accident was my father’s number one disciple, he was…”

“Hey, wait, you don’t need to go on, I seem to be able to guess. What is the strength of your father, the second-rank sect of Xianyu?”

“He is a late-stage cultivator in True Wonderland.”

“Well, how is the realm after the Great Emperor Realm divided?” Su Xin- asked again.

“That seems a little too early for you, but it doesn’t matter if you know it in advance. The great emperor in the lower realm is equivalent to the scattered immortal cultivator in the fairyland. Above it are Xuanxian, Jinxian, Zhenxian, and finally Immortal king. Immortal domain immortal sect is divided into nine ranks, only the nine immortal gates where the immortal king sits can be regarded as a first-rank immortal sect, and the lowest ninth rank also requires scattered fairyland monks to sit in charge.”

“The territory of the Immortal Territory is vast, and even the Nine Great Immortal Kings cannot be in charge of them in full, so there are countless immortal sects in the Immortal Territory. Zong.

“Continue talking.” Su Xin’s breath has gradually recovered and stabilized, and he is also interested in the origin of Gu Yujian.

“The reason why my father’s disciple Wu Daozi wanted to fight against the Japanese sect was for a treasure in my father’s hands. Even though my father was already dead, he also discovered in advance that Wu Daozi wanted to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors, although some I couldn’t avoid it, but my father still let me run away and took all my savings with me.”

“After I escaped, I found that Ming Daozi had been chasing my whereabouts, and my body was gradually disintegrating due to serious injuries. As a last resort, I had to secretly ask my confidants to create a ninth-rank immortal sect for my eyes and ears. It is to hide his father’s savings in a hidden place.

“After that, I was forced to live in this picture scroll in the pursuit of Wu Daozi, and I fell to the lower realm. I once took a fancy to your human race’s Sanxiu Jiufu Great Sage, and wanted to train her to become a great emperor, but unfortunately she was in the third world. She died under the siege of a quasi-di cultivator. At that time, I didn’t have much energy to help her. Su Xin, your talent is the strongest I have ever seen. If you can avenge my father’s death and help me reunite In the flesh, my father’s savings can be given to you. The wealth of a second-rank immortal sect master is far beyond your imagination.”

At the end, Gu Yusheng expressed his thoughts.

When Su Xin heard this, she burst into laughter, no wonder she looked noble, she turned out to be a daughter who had been pampered since childhood.

“Are you a little too trusting in others, you are not afraid of directly refining your soul and finding the hiding place of your father’s savings from your memory?” Su Xin’s eyes had a hint of danger.

“You won’t, you are a very affectionate person.” Gu Yujian shook his head.

“But what relationship do I have with you?”

“When you left the Earth Palace, do you still remember the time when you fought against the five Earth Palace Celestial Phase Realm cultivators, I was the one who pulled you back from the brink of losing your mind, and you should have expected it long ago. Yes. You owe me a favor.”

“Okay, Miss Qianjin, it’s okay to learn how to speak, it’s like a storyteller.” Su Xin waved his hand, not thinking about refining the soul of this woman.

Originally thought it was an old witch, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a young lady who doesn’t know the world.

“Fengshen Emperor Palace, you must go and venture. In the Immortal Realm, the mystery of Fengshen Emperor Palace, even the Immortal King can’t understand, my father also bluntly said that the supreme power who founded the Fengshen Emperor Palace. who may have reached the realm far beyond the Immortal King.”

…for flowers…0

“When you entered the Fengshen Emperor Yan before, the guards inside had actually discovered me. Seeing that I didn’t have any hostility, they might have mistaken me for your artifact spirit, so they didn’t find me.”

“You are now in the form of an artifact spirit? Also, how can a soul survive for 30,000 years. You have a strong desire to survive by refining your own soul into an artifact spirit.” Su Xin teased.

Gu Yujian was used to Su Xin’s character for a long time and didn’t care.

The woman seemed to be holding back for too long without speaking, and now she is about to speak again.

She said: “I can’t die like this, Wu Daozi bullied his master and destroyed his ancestors, I will do my best to make him pay a painful price!”

“Su Xin, can you help me?”

“No, you are my artifact now. Then Wu Daozi can kill your father, and his strength is probably in the late stage of the real fairyland. Although I don’t know what the real fairyland cultivator represents, but I have so many realms, how can I help you? ”

“You have great potential, and your future achievements will definitely surpass Wu Daozi!”

“Then let’s talk about it in the future. Your business will end here.” Su Xin waved his hand, took out the picture scroll, and motioned her to get in honestly.

Gu Yujian wanted to say more, but seeing Su Xin’s expression like this, he didn’t say any more, so he returned to the picture scroll and continued to stay alone.

“Is this woman’s innocence really pretending? Of course I don’t fully believe her words, but the net worth of a true fairyland cultivator may be able to fight for it…

Su Xin pondered at this moment, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said to himself: “The most important thing right now is to hit the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and then go to the Emperor Fengshen Palace to participate in the emperor-level trial. As for the immortal realm, I will Definitely going, but not now.”

Thinking of this, Su Xin abandoned his distracting thoughts and began to use the bald-headed strong man’s Sanxian origin to attack the Quasi-Emperor Realm wholeheartedly.

Originally, it was the minimum standard to participate in the emperor-level trial in the Great Sacred Realm. Now, to enter the Quasi-Emperor Realm and then participate in the emperor-level trial, Su Xin’s confidence naturally increased a lot.


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