0190 The army of the demon emperor strikes, the crisis of human race extinction (10/10, please subscribe!)

In the Young Emperor Palace of Yaochi Holy Land, Tianshu was talking to Liu Yiling, she looked a little anxious, but then she shook her head and walked helplessly.

Liu Xiaoxiao was also on the side, and after seeing Tianshu leaving, she said with a somewhat puzzled expression: “Sister, Tianshu Shizu, her old man has been here more than a dozen times these days, and every time she asks Su Xin if she has left the customs. Did something big happen?”

Liu Yilingqiao’s face was also a little worried, but the two sisters did not know that the quasi-emperor monks of all ethnic groups had life cards in the hands of each ethnic group.

A few days ago, Xuanyun Zhundi’s life card suddenly shattered, indicating that the Zhundi was dead.

The human race verified with the demon race, the demon race and other races, and found that the quasi-emperor life cards of other races participating in the killing of the Demon Emperor had all been broken.

But for the human race, now they are really ants on a hot pot, and they pin all their hopes on Su Xin.

“When did that guy Su Xin finish his retreat, didn’t that guy say it was a retreat before, didn’t he come out in a day or two?” Liu Xiaoxiao looked at Su Xin’s retreat place and muttered softly.

Liu Yiling fell silent after hearing the words, and then suddenly said: “Little, do you treat Su Lang?”

“Sister, what are you talking about?” When Liu Xiaoxiao heard this, she suddenly became flustered.

“Silly girl, why can’t your sister see what you’re thinking? When Su Lang comes out of retreat, her sister will tell him about you.” Liu Yiling smiled and patted Liu Xiaoxiao’s head.

“Sister, don’t you mind? I heard that the bastard Su Xin is always flirting with Hua Xiangrong, a disciple of the Earth Palace, and Saintess Tianxuan seems to be interested in him, too.

“Isn’t this normal for such an excellent person as Su Lang?” Liu Yiling laughed.

“That guy is a philanderer and has a lot of lustful thieves. When he was in the Nanling Mountains, he knew that he was taking advantage of me when he was young.” Liu Xiaoxiao recalled the first meeting with Su Xin, although she was indignant, but The expression was revealed.

“Late? Sister has never known how you and Su Lang met.”

“It’s nothing but

The two sisters chatted with each other one by one, and the sisters were very affectionate.

The high-level human race is almost always worried recently, but soon, it is not only the high-level human race who are worried, but the entire human race cultivator.

On this day, the Blood Refining Demon Emperor and the Second Quan Emperor under his command, millions of gods and demons, appeared in the sky above the human race.

The blood refining did not mean to hide the breath at all, and the emperor’s empire shrouded the entire human race.

“This, this is the breath of the Great Emperor!

“Is my human race going to perish today? Even though there are a large number of human race cultivators, facing even a great emperor is like a man’s arm!”

“The devil emperor becomes the emperor, and the heaven will destroy my human race!

“Unwilling! Unwilling, with Su Xin’s talent, the great emperor of this era should be him, and he should lead my human race to glory, but the devil emperor took the lead. How can the Holy Land be an opponent of a great emperor cultivator.”

“Under the Great Emperor, all are ants,

The top people of the human race were completely desperate, and the cultivators of the whole family were cold in their hearts under this terrifying imperial power.

Mortals are even more unbearable, directly feeling this kind of emperor’s prestige.

“Jiyi, who killed it?” The Blood Refining Demon Emperor came to the sky above the human race territory, overlooking the endless human race monks, and then the voice spread between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the high-level human race such as Tianshu Dasheng can only bite the bullet and come to this expressionless Devil Emperor, as if they had already discussed it.

“The human race is willing to surrender to Lord Blood Refining Demon Emperor!” The Great Sage Tianshu hesitated for a long time before speaking unwillingly.

The other party is the Great Emperor, who is just a name. He has not shown his strength yet, but it makes the high-level human race not have the slightest resistance in their hearts.

This is not because the upper echelons of the human race have no backbone, but since ancient times, if anyone in the Xuantian Continent became an emperor, then all races would bow their heads and become ministers.

If the Blood Refining Devil Emperor’s first target is not the human race, but the demon race, then the demon race will also make the same decision.

Raising a clan to fight against the emperor, the final result is nothing but extermination of the clan.

But if he showed his attitude of surrender, he would be able to survive this era when Blood Refinement was about to rule.

“This emperor is asking you, who killed Jiyi? Who killed this emperor’s most beloved son? Faced with the attitude of surrender of the human race, the Blood Refining Devil Emperor turned a blind eye, but still repeated a sentence.

The great spiritual pressure surged into the hearts of the great saints of the human race, and some of them could not even look straight at the blood refining emperor.

“It’s the senior Xuanyun Zhundi of my human race.” Tianshu Dasheng bit the bullet and said. At this time, she still wanted to protect Su Xin, so she could only let the dead Xuanyun take the blame.

“You are lying, your human race’s quasi-emperor strength is not enough to make Jiyi unable to even escape. So, who is it?” What kind of person is the Blood Refining Devil Emperor, he can see through the lies of the Tianshu Great Sage at a glance.

The human race fell silent, and no one took the initiative to tell Su Xin.

Because even though they don’t think Su Xin is the opponent of the Demon Emperor, they still have a glimmer of hope on Su Xin. If Su Xin is confessed and then killed, then the hope of the human race will be completely gone.

Not to mention this era, if the human race can really survive in the era of blood refining rule to the next era, the next era, who can guarantee that there will be a 3.0 evil genius like Su Xin born?

And who can be sure whether the human race will perish after this era, and whether it will decline from a large clan to a small clan like the three-eyed clan.

“Forget it, since you don’t want to say it, and this emperor has no intention to tolerate the continued survival of the human race, I will sacrifice the blood of the monks of the whole family to refine my son.” The Devil Emperor gave a cold look at the great saints of the human race, and then With a hint of sneer, it seems that the human race no longer exists from today.

When Tianshu Dasheng and other high-level human race heard these words, their complexions suddenly turned pale.

They don’t know where they are now, the Blood Refining Devil Emperor is ruthless, and in his eyes, killing one is killing, and killing everything is killing.

From the very beginning, the Blood Refining Devil Emperor had no intention of letting the human race still exist in Xuantian Continent!

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