0178 Condensed into a fairy tripod with the blood of Tianjiao [8/10, please subscribe!)

Lingxing flew in front slowly, and sighed in his mouth: “The peace of this era has been broken. The Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference has ushered in the climax of the entire era, and then it should be the Great Emperor.”

“What the hell are you muttering about?” Su Xin frowned. He didn’t even know why Lingyue brother Lingxing belonged to the Xuantian Alliance. He just wanted to know if Mu Qingxue was arrested by the Xuantian Alliance. If it is taken away, he will definitely destroy the Xuantian Alliance.

If not, he will also turn the Xuantian Alliance upside down.

“Have you not noticed yet? The fate of the emperor has already appeared in this world. If everything is stable and calm, maybe you will become the emperor. Su Xin is the first arrogant of all tribes. But I don’t know how many old monsters who are quasi emperor are waiting It’s been a long time, they want to grab the emperor’s luck. You are still too weak now.” Ling Xing shook his head.

Of course, he knew very well what the Xuantian Alliance was doing. Su Xin really had to throw himself into the net, fearing that there would be no return.

But even if the other party has something to do with his sister Lingyue, but their positions are different, they will not be influenced by family affection.

Su Xin is also the same, he will not have any kindness to this spiritual star for Lingyue’s sake.

However, although what this guy said was a bit mysterious, it made Su Xin think about it.

The two flew in a certain direction, and it took a few days before they completely reached their destination.

But it is the forbidden nether forest!

Eight 303 hexagram saintess Tianxuan once said that the Nether Race is a race that came out of the Nether Forest and has grown and developed so far, and Su Xin does not know if it is true. But at the moment, it seems that the Xuantian Alliance is really hiding in the forbidden area.

In this way, Su Xin does not know if there is any leader in the Xuantian Alliance, but there must be a quasi-emperor strong person.

Stepping into the Nether Forest, I didn’t feel that there was a strange feeling in my heart.

“Follow closely, there are crises everywhere in the Nether Forest. If you don’t have a fixed route, if you get lost, you will be in danger of falling.” Ling Xing said at this moment, and then strode forward.

Su Xin was alert to the surroundings, but followed Ling Xing slowly.

This Xuantian Alliance has used human life to build a safe road in the Nether Forest, so no inexplicable crisis broke out along the way, and thus came to the headquarters of the Xuantian Alliance, the Xuantian Temple!

“Lord Lingxing!” In front of the gate of Xuantian Hall stood two celestial phase cultivators, wearing long robes embroidered with star patterns, and when they saw Lingxing, they immediately called out respectfully.

“You’ve already come, what are you going to do next?” Ling Xing didn’t respond, and looked back at Su Xin.

Su Xin pondered for a while, and said, “(cdda) Where do you keep the Tianjiao captured by Wanzu, take me there.”

“I don’t know how confident you are. Well, since you insist on doing this, I won’t stop you.” Ling Xing’s expression became stunned. This Su Xin still doesn’t understand, Xuan Tian Alliance, who is catching the arrogance of all races The first target is Su Xin himself, who is the first arrogant of all ethnic groups.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit star took Su Xin into the Xuantian Hall, and went straight through various palaces until they came to the rear of the Xuantian Hall. Words, the light of the formation flickers from time to time.

Next to the formation were seven mid-stage monks of the Great Sage to consolidate the formation. When Su Xin arrived, there was no reaction for a while.

In the center of the formation, there were a group of arrogances of ten thousand races sitting cross-legged.

Su Xin even saw a lot of familiar faces, the goddess Feiling, the goddess, the three-eyed boy, the prince of the ghost, the three saints of the barren clan, etc. are all sitting in the center of the formation like ashes, waiting to die. .

But Su Xin didn’t see Mu Qingxue’s existence at all.

“Are all the people you arrested here?” Su Xin looked towards Ling Xing.

Lingxing nodded: “Yes, there are 18,523 people in total, including 1,058 people from the human race.”

After he finished speaking, he suddenly asked uncertainly, “Aren’t you here to find someone?”

No Mu Qingxue!

No Senior Sister Mu!

No Senior Sister Mu!

Su Xin’s mood fluctuated violently at this time, Mu Qingxue would be even more angry when he was here, but when he wasn’t there, he had a kind of unease that he didn’t know why.

“Su Xin? It’s Su Xin!” At this moment, a Tianjiao in the formation found Su Xin and shouted.

“Su Xin!” Fei Ling Shenzi looked back, his expression suddenly darkened, and he sighed with a kind of sympathy, “Is he also arrested…

After seeing Su Xin, more than 10,000 people from all ethnic groups were shocked at first, and then their eyes became numb. It seemed that they had also tried to escape, but to no avail.

“Fuck! Senior Brother Su, save me!”

At this moment, a familiar shouting sound rang out, and Su Xin followed the voice and saw that it was Wang Tong, a dog-legged son.

His eyes were a little abrupt, and seeing his expression, Wang Tong didn’t speak anymore.

“Do you want to take the initiative to go in, or let us invite you in?” Ling Xing made a gesture of invitation at this time.

Tell “me, what are you arresting them for?”

Ling Xing sighed, and just as he was about to speak, a hoarse voice sounded beside his ears.

“With the blood of the arrogance of all races, condense it into a fairy cauldron, and let this old man become the emperor!

“Old man with six desires, can Su Xiaoyou sacrifice himself for this old man?”

As soon as the words fell, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Su Xin. He had silver hair, and his face was mostly wrinkled, but there was an indescribable fierce and evil spirit in it.

Another quasi-emperor powerhouse, and also a late quasi-emperor!

“Master.” When Ling Xing saw the old man, he immediately saluted.

This time, “You have done a good job, and I am very pleased with the teacher. Your sister’s cursed body, when she becomes a great emperor as a teacher, will naturally be easily broken.

Disciple, “I would like to thank Master here first.” Ling Xing heard the words, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

When Su Xin heard it, she was a bit baffled. Old Lingyue Loli was cursed? Who cursed her?

When it was over, “It’s over, in the late stage of Emperor Zhundi, what did Senior Brother Su do?” Seeing Liu Yu’s appearance, Wang Tong shook his head a little crazy.

Most of the other Tianjiao had similar expressions, but this guy suddenly said: “Anyway, there are so many Tianjiao who died with Laozi, it’s worth it.”

He is optimistic, optimistic and distressing.

“Becoming an immortal?” Su Xin whispered.

“That’s right, the old man believes that he can’t achieve the throne of the great emperor even with all his strength. But if the arrogance of all races sacrifices himself and grafts all his luck on the old man, the old man will become the great emperor just around the corner. Now, there is only one person missing, Su Xiaoyou. Can it become the beauty of an old man?” Liu Yu opened his mouth and saw the ruthlessness in his eyes at a glance.

Su Xin was silent for a moment or two, then punched the opponent: “Is Laozi your beauty!

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