0172 Be my little princess, only eat chicken and not suffer (2/10, please subscribe!)

Not to mention the reaction of the demon clan’s Chongxiao Dasheng and other powerhouses, even Su Xin, who was angry and wild at this moment, was also a little surprised by the outbreak of this crushing Dasheng in the later stage.

It was the first time for him to use the two supernatural powers of burning blood and madness, but he did not expect that his own combat power would explode to such a terrifying level. don’t come out?

Of course, Su Xin’s explosion of dozens of times of combat power is extremely demanding on his physical fitness and his own background. If the background is not enough, this explosion can instantly drain all of Su Xin’s primordial power.

But what is Su Xin’s physique and background? Jiu Zun Zifu, ten times Yuan Li, Li Sui, and even immortal Nirvana, and has entered the realm of saints, and can fully withstand this kind of outbreak.

However, it is impossible to ignore this kind of consumption. At this time, although Su Xin can’t see anything on the surface, in fact, the consumption of his own energy has reached a level that makes people sigh and sigh.

“Swallow!” The golden emperor flames burst out from Su Xin’s arms, and the emperor in the fire spread the sky and the earth, swallowing all the swallowing purple flames that remained between the heaven and the earth, swallowing up a monk in the later stage of the great sage. The flames of heaven and earth that have been refined with much painstaking sacrifice.

The rank of Emperor Yan was at the primary level, but it suddenly jumped to the intermediate level, and the power also skyrocketed a lot.

After the thunderous killing of the five great sages of the Xuantian Alliance, Su Xin did not return to his human form, but carried Long Feier on his shoulders and stared at the great sage Chongxiao coldly.

The Great Sage Chongxiao was stunned by Su Xin, and suddenly there was a little fear from the bottom of his heart. Su Xin has grown up completely. He is no longer in the category of Tianjiao, but a top-notch warrior whose combat power exceeds that of their Great Sage in the later stage. By.

Originally, the demon clan and the demon clan joined together to launch a war against the human clan. In addition to other reasons, restraining Su Xin’s growth was also one of the more important reasons, but at this moment, it seems that the minds of the two clans are against the sky like Su Xin. How ridiculous it looks in front of the evildoer.

“You, what are you going to do?” Long Feier was stunned by Su Xin’s performance just now. At this moment, she was caught by Su Xin, and she felt a little bad in her heart.

“Now that the ancestor of your demon clan is not in the demon clan, I, Su Xin, will kill all the great sages of your demon clan today, and let you know what it will be like to be an enemy of my Su Xin! Huh, ah, ah!” Su Xin There was a roar, and the roar continued.

The five great sages, including the Great Sage Chongxue, were so frightened that they hurriedly used defensive magical powers one by one, and their figures even retreated. The five great sages of them gathered together at this moment, for fear that they would be killed by Su Xin directly in the scene just now.

“Fellow Daoist Su, what can’t you say? Frictions between the human race and the demon race will break out every once in a while, which will also give us a good opportunity for the monks to experience. The big clan, how can we really have the heart to exterminate the clan, and the terrifying old man of the human race is not clear.” The Great Sage Chongxiao only felt his scalp numb and his face hot, he, he is now begging for mercy with a junior?

“What you said is very reasonable, but it’s none of my business? The golden sage of your demon clan traveled all the way to Nanling to kill me. I was frightened, you know!” Su Xin continued to growl with a grim expression.

The Great Sage Chongxiao didn’t know that Su Xin was responsible for the destruction of Jinpeng Mountain a few days ago. After seeing Su Xin’s combat power, he even felt that this situation was taken for granted.

It seems that Jin Peng should also die at the hands of Su Xin.

Jin Peng “has always acted alone, and it does not represent our demon clan. But since he is a demon clan, he makes Su Daoyou feel frightened, and the frightened demon clan also need to take some responsibility.” The attitude of the Great Sage Chong Xiao can be said to be very low.

God, are you frightened, I’m afraid you killed Jinpeng with one punch!

After all, the Great Sage Chongxiao took out all kinds of rare treasures from the space ring. Su Xin was dizzy and satisfied. This old monster still has some eyesight.

But that’s not his purpose.

“I don’t need to kill you today..” Su Xin changed the conversation, but then looked at Long Feier and said, “I want you to be my mount, rest assured, Yuanshen, let me impose a ban, I will do it today. You can spare the five great saints of your monster clan.”

When Long Feier heard this, she glared in her heart.

“What do you think I suddenly came to the demon clan? It’s for you, my little baby. I will give you ten breaths to think carefully. If you can’t give an answer after the earth breath, I will directly kill these five seniors of the demon clan. !” Su Xin grinned, then silently waited for the time.

“This, this can’t be done!” The Great Sage Chongxiao became anxious, but suddenly remembered that if Su Xin hadn’t taken the shot, he would have watched Long Feier be taken away by the monks of the Xuantian Alliance. .

Su Xin ignored the Great Sage Chongxiao, if Long Feier refused, he would really kill the five Great Sages on the opposite side, and then forcibly restrained Long Feier.

“I promise you.” Long Feier had already made a decision at the fifth breath.

“Promise me what?” Su Xin asked cheaply.

“Be your mount!” Long Feier took a deep breath with an angry look on his face.

When Su Xin heard this, she burst into laughter. Since Long Feier agreed, she would let go of her primordial spirit and was planted by Su Xin. From then on, Long Feier was Su Xin’s second battle maid, and she could still be able to do it anytime, anywhere. The kind of applause.


Su Xin made a big move, took away all the good things that the Great Sage Chongxi had just brought out, and then walked away, his hearty laughter resounded through the heavens and the earth.

“Hahaha, be my little princess, only eat chicken and not suffer.

Su Xin just left, and the Great Sage Chongwan couldn’t do anything at all. Instead, he felt that he was lucky enough to escape.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing, this human race Su Xin has grown up completely, the saint can directly kill the great saint in the late stage, maybe he can reach the great saint, and even the powerful emperor is no match. Moreover, we can’t stop him from becoming Great Sacred Realm cultivator.” After Su Xin left, one of the Monster Race Great Sage pondered.

(Ok) “That’s right, this is the only way that Su Xin can be so angry. The reason is that Fei’er was whipped by the monks of the Xuantian Alliance. It can be seen that Fei’er may not be wronged by following the human Su Xin. Furthermore, if there is no accident, this human race Su Xin will definitely become a supreme figure at the level of a great emperor, and all races will respect and surrender!” Another great sage said.

“Shut up!” The Great Sage Chongxiao roared, his expression groaning.

He thought in his heart: “Although I don’t know what a chicken is, but Su Xin should be very protective of her shortcomings, and Mayfair should really not be wronged. Damn it! Why is there such a person in the human race, and it is not a sure thing to become the emperor with time?”

“I think it’s time to discuss the matter of reconciliation with the human race.” At this time, another demon saint spoke slowly.

When the Great Sage Chongxiao heard this, he nodded.

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