01.67 The Bizarre Disappearance of Tianjiao of Ten Thousand Races (7/10, please subscribe!)

The effect of Su Xin’s separate refining of the enemy’s flesh and soul is naturally not as effective as the effect of directly swallowing the enemy’s body in one breath, but it is better than having any side effects.

In terms of the body, Su Xin refined the whole body of Jinpeng Dasheng. After refining, only an empty shell was destroyed by Su Xin.

As for the primordial spirit, there is the innate supernatural power of the colorful swallowing python to swallow the soul.” It directly consumes the mind of the Great Sage Jinpeng, and then transforms its powerful monster primordial spirit into the purest soul power to be absorbed by himself, and then uses thousands of tempering exercises to train his spirit. The method will make his soul power skyrocket in an instant without any follow-up adverse reactions.

If these sequelae can’t be eliminated, Su Xin would rather condense blood essence and turn it into blood orbs than leave potential hidden dangers for himself for a temporary surge in strength.

The killing world slowly subsided, and Su Xin stood proudly in the air, looking at the tens of thousands of human cultivators.

“His Royal Highness Shaodi won, he killed the great sage of the Jinpeng clan!”

“His Royal Highness Shaodi will become a great emperor one day.”

“It’s unbelievable, I’m afraid that only the young emperor of my human race can do it!”

As soon as Su Xin appeared, it naturally caused tens of thousands of cultivators to cheer vigorously. They witnessed Su Xin’s unarmed destruction of the Jinpeng Great Sage, showing unparalleled fighting power, how could they not be excited.

This is the young emperor of their human race. He will become an emperor when he proves the Tao, and will definitely raise the status of the human race among the ten thousand races to a transcendent level.

Seeing their excited appearance, Su Xin immediately raised her hand and said lightly, “Calm down and operate normally.”

Immediately afterwards, he came to Hua Xiangrong and said with a smile: “Why are there no sage strongmen in my human camp? Does Senior Sister Hua know where Senior Jiang from the Imperial Palace is?”

Hua Xiangrong took a deep look at Su Xin, and then said: “Jiang Shizu went out for something last night, but he hasn’t come back.

When Su Xin heard this, she guessed that Jiang Bo had already realized that his identity had been discovered by him, and absconded overnight?

He pondered for a while, and Lingyue also flew over at this time, saying: “Go back to the camp to discuss first.

“I’ve seen Master Lingyue.” Hua Xiangrong hurriedly greeted Lingyue.

Afterwards, Su Xin walked side by side with Hua Xiangrong and followed Lingyue. His expression was stern, but his right hand was extremely dishonest and touched Hua Xiangrong’s buttocks.

Hua Xiangrong glared at Su Xin when she noticed it, but she seemed to be used to being eaten tofu by Su Xin, but she didn’t say anything other than a glaring glance.

The three returned to the camp and began to discuss about Jiang Bai’s spy.

The territory of the barren tribe, this is a barren land, full of fierce barbarian aura.

In a relatively desolate mountain range, the two young monks were sparring with each other.

“Magic Robe, do you really want to surpass Su Xin?” This young cultivator is the second holy son Yanwu and the third holy son Mopao of the Desolate Clan, and it is the second holy son Yanwu who speaks at this time.

“That’s right, even if I can’t achieve it in my entire life, I have to make it my goal!” The demon’s eyes were firm, but after returning from the Tianjiao Conference, he swept away the frustration and became more motivated.

“Okay, now I heard that there was a war between the human, demon, and demon clans, it may be that the senior leaders of the other two clans are afraid of Su Xin’s potential and want to use this to eliminate each other.

“Humph! To kill a creature like Su Xin, it is as hard as reaching the sky! Not to mention that the strong human race will not watch Su Xin be killed in vain. I feel that such a war will make Su Xin’s growth even more. Quickly.” The demon sneered.

“You’re right, you can only achieve success through the experience of blood and battle, who!” Yan Wu said in general, and suddenly his expression turned cold and Zhou shouted at the void beside him.

“Alertness is good, but I was already here half an hour ago.” A hoarse voice sounded, and the void cracked a slit, and a young figure slowly emerged from it.

If Su Xin sees this young man here, he will definitely be shocked. This young man’s figure is very similar to the appearance of Lingyue Lao Loli, but he is already a strong man in the middle stage of the Great Sage.

“Great Sacred Realm!” Mo and Yan Wu both glanced at each other, and both saw something bad in each other’s eyes.

“Who are you!” The demon looked at the other party vigilantly, and said this.

The young great sage raised his brows one or two and said with a smile, “Xuantian Alliance, have you heard of it?”

A trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of both Yan Wu.

I didn’t hear, “It’s normal, after all, it’s a force from the previous era.” The young sage shook his head and laughed, and immediately moved his right hand to the two of them, “The Xuantian League is a guest, and the two arrogances of the desolate clan will go away even if they are not. Let’s go.”

Having said that, the arrogance of his attack instantly drowned the two arrogances of the barren clan.

Human Race Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The space monk walked out of the mountain gate this day, his expression showing a resolute expression: “The three clan wars break out, and my human race cultivator will be killed and injured countless times. But for the younger generation such as me, it is not an excellent opportunity to experience. The gap between me and Su Xin is too great, if you want to catch up with him, you will definitely be left behind by him just by practicing and comprehending.”

Having said that, Monk Space shook his head, “His talent can no longer be described as “talent”.”

He left the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and traveled through the teleportation formations of the major cultivators to the Xuanguang City near the Xuanguang Mountains, and the Xuanguang Mountains was the place where the monster clan and the human clan were currently fighting.

Leaving Xuanguang City, the space monk did not move with the other human race monks, but before they reached the Xuanguang Mountains, the sky suddenly darkened, and a terrifying aura descended.

“Thousand-handed fighting Buddha!” ​​This momentum was aimed at space, and the space monk immediately showed his trump card.

It’s a pity that the person who shot it is a strong man in the early stage of the Great Sage. The space monk is still a little short of the young emperor, and his realm has been opened by Su Xin. Now that he is only in the middle stage of Sendai, how can he be the opponent of this unknown great sage.

“The human race space is second only to the arrogance of the young emperor, and it is successful.” The nameless great sage wore a silver mask, and after a simple shot, he beat the space monk into a coma, and then Yuanzi whispered.

For example, the bizarre disappearance of Tianjiao happened among the barren and human races, and it was also staged in all major races for a while. All the Tianjiao who were on the top 10,000 list of Tianjiao, seemed to have suffered poisonous hands in this short period of time.

At the beginning, the disappearance of Tianjiao will be considered to go out to experience, but gradually, more and more people disappear. How could the senior officials of the Wan clan not discover such a thing?

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