0165 Angry Jinpeng Dasheng (5/10, please subscribe! 】

Su Xin waited in the cave for a long time, staring at the old man of Lingyue, Loli, and just like that, a day passed.

“With the strength of the Great Sage, if you find your position, you won’t be silent for a day.” Old Lingyue Loli broke the silence and glanced at Su Xin who looked strange.

It is indeed surprising that Jiang Bai’s contact person is the Great Sage of the Devil, which is like the Infernal Affairs of Hong Kong. Only the Great Sage of the Devil knows the identity of the undercover agent?

Su Xin couldn’t help but murmured in his heart.

Just when Su Xin wondered if he had guessed wrong, Jiang Bai was not an undercover agent, and when the Great Sage of the Devil just found his tracks by chance, in the place where Su Xin and the Great Sage of the Devil had fought, suddenly the space fluctuated, and two pieces appeared out of it. The famous figure haunted the guy who couldn’t see his appearance clearly.

Both of these two are powerful men of the Great Sage level. At this moment, one of them is standing in the same place, with his arms facing the front “two-nine-three-square” space, and then he draws a circle.

In the circle, there are scattered traces of Su Xin fighting with the Great Sage of the Devil. The process is not detailed, and even Su Xin can’t see what moves he used, but as a result, the Great Sage of the Devil’s body died. One scene appeared in the circle screen.

“He killed the Great Sage and crossed two realms.” The man who shot took his arms back, and his voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

The other person glanced at the direction where Su Xin was currently, and said, “He didn’t deliberately hide his breath, it should be not far from there.”

“I underestimated his strength, and it’s hard to say whether the two of us will take him down, but the great saint of this demon clan has spared me from waiting in advance.

“You mean, don’t do it first?”

“Well, the two of us are only in the early stage of the Great Sage, so it’s not very safe. If the race is alerted in advance, the follow-up will be very troublesome. You know, there is also an old monster in the human race who has not died.”

“According to what you said, it’s just that our people should be exposed.

“I removed him.

“Okay, I’ll go back and report this son’s true combat power.

After talking for a few words, the two flew in opposite directions, one was heading towards the depths of the Nanling Mountains, and the other was heading away from the Nanling Mountains.

In the Nanling Mountains, on a battlefield, an Asura clan’s Xiantai powerful palm grabbed a human cultivator’s head and shouted with a cold expression: “Speak! Where is Su Xin now!”

“I, I don’t know.” This human race cultivator’s cultivation base is not as good as the Heavenly Phase Realm, so how can he be the opponent of the Immortal Stage Realm.

When the Asura Clan Great Master of Sendai heard the words, the wolf light flashed in his eyes, and immediately smashed the head of the human cultivator, grabbing his Primordial Spirit abruptly, and carried out an inhumane search for the soul.

Really “I don’t know.” After a while, the Asura Clan’s Great Master Sendai had a slightly ugly expression.

The news of Su Xin’s appearance in Nanling City has already been completely spread, not to mention that the monks of the demon tribe are inquiring about Su Xin’s whereabouts, that is, there are already many monks from the monster tribe who have been instructed by the high level of the monster tribe to come to Nanling. Cheng secretly inquired about Su Xin’s news.

The number of people who want to kill Su Xin is no longer in the minority. The name of the first Tianjiao of all ethnic groups is accompanied by countless killing intent behind the admiration of countless young monks.

For the races that are hostile to the human race, no race will hope that the emperor of this era will be the emperor of the human race.

In the temporary camp managed by the human race’s land palace, Hua Xiangrong frowned and looked at the land palace disciple in front of her and said, “Jiang Shizu hasn’t come back yet?

“Yes, Jiang Shizu didn’t come back after he went out for something last night. And there seems to be a large-scale movement on the demon clan. Not only Jiang Shizu, but Lingyue Shizu and Xingliang Shizu have been missing for many days.” The faces of the disciples of the Di Palace were very ugly.

“Quickly report the news to Nanling City, and let the disciples know how to use war puppets. Also, what did the young emperor Su Xin say when he left a few days ago?”

“At that time, His Royal Highness Young Emperor was talking to Jiang Shizu. I was just standing there, and I didn’t hear what His Highness Young Emperor said. Senior Sister, will something bad happen?” After the disciple replied, his expression suddenly became somewhat unnatural. look.

When Hua Xiangrong heard this, the scene of Su Xin being beheaded by a demon powerhouse suddenly appeared in her mind, but then she disappeared immediately.

How could that guy die so easily!

“You go down first, Hua Xiangrong waved her hand. Now that she has entered Sendai, she is considered a monk with some status in the mountains, but before she could finish her words, she heard an angry scream in the distance.

“Enemy attack enemy attack!

“The speed of the comer is so fast, he is about to come as a golden light!”

“Quick! Quick! Immediately mobilize the war puppet, the strength of this person is definitely not weaker than that of a saint…

The monks in the camp responded extremely quickly. Before the golden light reached the human camp, the huge body of the war puppet appeared in front of the camp, and more than 5,000 human monks shouted loudly.

“Let’s make up the head!”

“Let’s form the left arm!”

Let’s “form the right foot!

The golden light galloping from the distance was a golden giant bird with endless killing intent.

“It’s the golden-winged Dapeng bird of the demon clan, it’s not good! It’s a powerhouse at the level of a great sage!” After the human race found the great sage Jinpeng, their expression became extremely horrified.

The name of the great sage is too loud, and the human race and the demon race have not fought against the great sage until now. Now a Jinpeng great sage has come. This is just a temporary camp for the human race. Is this Jinpeng Dasheng’s opponent?

Even the war puppet, whose aura was already surging, seemed a little flustered in his heart at this moment, and his aura was sluggish.

“The Great Sage Jinpeng, he is looking for Su Xin!” Hua Xiangrong didn’t know who the other party was coming for when she saw the Great Sage Jinpeng.

This is bad, Su Xin is in danger!

No, Su Xin is no longer here, we are in danger!

Huaxiang Rongjiao’s complexion changed. Facing the great sage, she didn’t know how to give an order for a while. This girl was a little inexperienced in Bi 3.0.

“Where is Su Xin!” Great Sage Jinpeng glanced at the tens of thousands of monks in the entire camp, and shouted in a cold voice.

The human monk didn’t answer.


Hua Xiangrong’s scalp suddenly became numb, and she saw Jinpeng Dasheng’s cold golden eyes staring at her.

“The old man remembers you, you are the head of that kid!”

Hua Xiangrong was stunned for a moment, and it was no wonder that the Great Sage Jinpeng thought so, Su Xin had not a few times when Su Xin teased him with his eyes at the Tianjiao Conference.

“I. I’m not!” Hua Xiangrong’s face became completely ugly. Damn Su Xin, even if everyone disappeared, she could still pull herself into the water!

“Whether you are a girl or not, the old man will capture you first!”

The Great Sage Jinpeng let out a long roar, and the thunder shot out.

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