0141 The gene of special years, the arrogance of all clans is the first! [1/10, please subscribe!)

The Feiling God Child and the Three-eyed Boy looked at each other with bitter tastes in their eyes.

This Su Xin is not at the same level as them at all, how should he fight?

“It was a great fight just now, Laozi is going to blow your heads off now!” Su Xin’s eyes narrowed, if it wasn’t for the breakthrough, his Su Xin’s character would stand and let others fight?

If the breakthrough just now fails, then Su Xin will directly let the three young emperors die tragically on the ring, but after the breakthrough, the mood becomes much happier.

“Okay! Good kill!” Seeing that the Golden Son of God was punched out by Su Xin’s body, it was a combination of lightning and fire, and after waiting for a while, he could not see that his Zuma was immortal and had the ability to be reborn from a drop of blood. One by one, they raised their eyebrows and drank.

Of course, the expressions on the Golden Clan’s side turned sharply down, each with a gloomy expression, and they didn’t even seem to have the slightest confidence to open their mouths.

Because Su Xin was too strong, he directly killed the Golden Son of God in a crushing posture, and he couldn’t even tell the other side to admit defeat in time.

The Demon Race Chongxiao Great Sage was full of doubts at the moment, this Su Xin23 is so strong, how did Mayfair survive from his hands in the first place.

He glanced at Fei’erlong subconsciously, but saw that there was no sign of discouragement in the latter’s eyes, but an unyielding will. This woman’s character is really strong, and she was raped by Su Xin if she said it badly, but she was still strong enough to temporarily hold down this matter in her heart, work hard to catch up with Su Xin, and then kill each other.

The Great Sage Chongxiao still didn’t see that Long Feier lost Yuan Yin, and seeing Long Feier’s firm will and not being frustrated, he nodded immediately.

He turned his head again, looked at Su Xin but frowned, such a arrogant human race must be well protected, and it would not be easy to get rid of it by himself.

The demons have almost the same idea, the more Su Xin defies the sky, the more eager they are to save Su Xin.

“It’s too strong! It’s too strong, even if the three young emperors join forces, they are far from inferior. This human race, Su Xin, is not on the same level as the young emperor from the very beginning.

“It’s still the Great Young Emperor. Now, apart from Su Xin, who would dare to call himself the Great Young Emperor?”

Originally, “I thought that Zuma, the golden son of God, was invincible against the sky, and he was afraid that he would be invincible against other young emperors, but he was beaten to death by a punch from the human race Su Xin, too strong.

“Young Emperor, didn’t I tell you that other than Su Xin, other people can be called Young Emperor?”

“Who are you?” The speaker looked confused.

“Su Wangtong of the Laozi people, Su Xin is my eldest brother!” Wang Tong yelled at the Tianjiao of the Tianyu tribe next to him.

The latter was stunned for a moment, how could this human Wang Tong be so arrogant and domineering, he was talking about Su Xin and not him, but since he said that Su Xin was his eldest brother, he would not argue with the other party for a while.

“Hmph, trash.” Wang Tong snorted triumphantly and looked up at the stage again.

I saw wind and thunder wings suddenly grow behind Su Xin, and the speed was so fast that it was like light.

“I admit defeat!” Son of God Feiling and the boy with three eyes naturally no longer had the will to fight again, and immediately conceded defeat.

The Great Sage Heiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, God Son Feiling was the arrogance of the gods, how could he not care about the life and death of the other party.

Bang! Bang!

After admitting defeat, Su Xin still threw one punch directly off the stage, and at the same time took the blood of both of them into the palm of his hand.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the god-level golden yuan gene was extracted. Is it fusion now?”

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the god-level comprehension gene was extracted, is it fusion now?”

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the special gene, the age gene, is now fused?

The genes of the three were extracted by Su Xin. It is no wonder that the Feiling God Son has endless magical powers, and each of them is extremely proficient. It turns out that the understanding is very strong, but the understanding is a bit tasteless to Su Xin, but he can improve his genetic level. It can still be done.

And what makes Su Xin ecstatic the most is that he has obtained a special gene again, and he knows the very extraordinary time aspect as soon as he hears the name.

“Fusing the special gene, the age gene.” Su Xin did not hesitate to fuse the age gene.

“Ding, the fusion gene is successful, and the innate ability is awakened: Years’ Finger (primary).

Years are a matter of time, and it is the innate ability of time. Su Xin has it for the first time, which makes him have a lot of trump cards again.

With this supernatural power, even in the realm of saints, the current Su Xin may be able to raise his head and kill him.

Just the Great Sacred Realm is hard to estimate.

Seeing that Su Xin only seriously injured Feiling God Son and Three-eyed Boy, and did not kill, the Great Sage Heiyuan didn’t know what to say, and immediately began to say: “This Tianjiao Conference has ended ahead of schedule, and the first place winner is Tianjiao Su from the human race. Xin!”

“Brother Su is mighty!

“My human race has finally won the first place in the arrogance of all races!”

“This era is the era of Tianjiao, but apart from Senior Brother Su, none of you belong to this era!” You don’t need to think about these words to know that Wang Tong is yelling.

The human race was boiling, and the great sage and the powerful saints also showed a smile. The Great Sage Xuanyin was a little fortunate that the relationship between the palace and Su Xin had room to turn around, and at the same time, he was also grateful to the girl Lingyue.

If it wasn’t for Lingyue’s stubbornness to save Su Xin, perhaps Su Xin wouldn’t even give face to contact with the Imperial Palace.

Before, the Great Sage Xuanyin didn’t think that the other party would ignore the power of the Imperial Palace, but now he thinks so, the 280th Tianjiao of all clans, who can stop him from rising?

How could such a genius care about a Holy Land power?

The human race was completely boiling. They were called the protagonist race of the Tianjiao Conference. Other races looked at them with indescribable feelings in their hearts, but judging from Su Xin’s performance, they were convinced that they lost.

A person who can beat the top Tianjiao of the ten thousand clans at one time, kills two and is seriously injured, he is not the first Tianjiao of the ten thousand clans, who will be?

At this time, Su Xin was not enjoying the attention of all the people, but cared about what the reward of the first pride of all the tribes was.

“Senior Heiyuan, reward?” Su Xin turned his eyes and looked at the Great Sage Heiyuan.

The Great Sage Heiyuan laughed, the Protoss never participated in the battles between the various races, and lived a life of indifference to the world, of course, the relationship with the Human Race was not bad.

“Come with me, the reward is given by the senior. As for what, the old man is not very clear, but it should satisfy you. It was the senior who temporarily changed the rules before.” He motioned Su Xin to follow him towards the Emperor Fengshen Palace.

Su Xin raised her brows, glanced at Zi Yuan, saw the latter nod her head, then strode forward, followed behind the Great Sage Heiyuan, and walked slowly towards the Emperor Fengshen Palace,

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