0138 Su Xin, are you serious at last.. 18/10, please subscribe!)

“What the hell are you doing! You have to fight three times, and if you want to die, just say:” Tianjiao from the Golden Clan took the lead in roaring.

Immediately afterwards, Tianjiao on the Protoss side also sneered sullenly: “What does this Human Race Su Xin really think of himself, the same young emperor wants to fight three times, and bluntly said that my clan Feiling God Son is garbage? I think He really wants to die!”

Feiling Goddess has some doubts in her eyes. She doesn’t think Su Xin is the kind of character who doesn’t want to die. Does he really have the confidence to not lose in a one-to-three match?

On the side of the human race, one by one was naturally shocked, and all the great saints looked at Ziyuan, hoping to get an explanation from her.

“I don’t know what Su Xin really thinks, but this kid is not stupid, he should have his own confidence to do so.”

“Huh~ You mean that Su Xin is sure to defeat the other three young emperors and get the first place in the Tianjiao Conference? Ziyuan, do you think he can do it?” Xuanyin Great Sage looked at Ziyuan suspiciously.

Zi Yuan’s complexion sank, and she fell silent.

“Senior Brother Su, what does this mean, don’t treat the other three young emperors as human beings?” Wang Tong looked at Liu Yiling suspiciously, and Liu Yiling was stunned.

“This guy, there are always unexpected behaviors… Hua Xiangrong clenched her arms secretly, unaware that she has become very concerned about 277 Su Xin.

“Little girl, don’t look at me, Su Xin can have that kind of murderous aura, he is definitely not someone who will do things without thinking, he should have some confidence, and even if he is besieged by the three young emperors, it does not mean that Su Xin will definitely die. .” Ji Wuming said when he saw Ji Yuehua waiting to look at him with big eyes, his eyebrows sank.

“Brother, why do you always talk about Big Brother Su and bring Su Xin with you to have that kind of murderous aura? Are you scared by his murderous aura and still have heart palpitations?” Ji Yuehua asked an insignificant question, Let Ji Wuming lightly hammer the little girl’s head.

On the stage, Heiyuan Great Sage’s expression was also very stunned, but he still said: Tianjiao, “I can’t change the rules of the conference. Even if the other three Tianjiao agree with your suggestion, I will not agree.”

“I agree, Human Su Xin, if you have the guts, don’t admit defeat in a fight with me! You have humiliated me so much, and I will kill you here!” Golden God Child was full of momentum, and his angry eyes were already It’s monstrous killing intent.

“Ah…” Su Xin completely ignored it, but when he heard the words of the Great Sage Heiyuan, he showed a hint of embarrassment.

He was thinking about whether there was any other way. Which of the young emperors was not a (cdda) arrogant, how could he agree to besiege people of the same realm with others on a stage like the Tianjiao Conference.

However, at this moment, the puppets around the Fengshen Arena once again flew out two rays of divine light that landed on the wrists of the three-eyed boy and Feiling God, and the latter was naturally puzzled.

The Kuroshio Great Sage suddenly stunned his eyes, as if someone was transmitting his voice to him.

After a while, he took a deep look at Su Xin, and shouted loudly: “The situation of this Tianjiao conference has changed, so the rules have been temporarily changed, and the broadcast battle has been changed to a four-player melee, with no restrictions. The winner will be the first place in this Tianjiao Conference!”

After he finished speaking, his lips squirmed for a second or two, but he communicated the reason with the great sages of all ethnic groups through voice transmission. When the great sages of all ethnic groups heard it, they also showed a surprised expression, but no one objected. .

“Fei Ling, come up.”

“Qingmu, you can go too.” The three-eyed clan’s great sage also said to the three-eyed boy.

The two looked ugly, but they still entered the ring.

Su Xin’s expression became a little more subtle. Why did he suddenly change the rules? Although he didn’t mean to let the three young emperors besiege him, his words came first. Isn’t this sudden change of rules just pushing him?

Could it be that the puppet of the quasi-emperor realm from the Emperor Fengshen Palace that the Great Sage Xuanyin said would give the first prize? Su Xin could only think about this.

If it weren’t for the Emperor Zhun, who would make the great sages of all races dare not let go of their farts?

“There are no rules, the four of you can choose to fight freely, fight against each other, or even fight three against each other! Now, the melee begins!” Heiyuan said again, looking at Su Xin as he spoke, What does it mean? Su Xin is too lazy to guess.

“Melee is a melee, but you two don’t shoot first, let me kill him first!” The Golden God took a deep breath, and immediately his whole body was full of golden aura, like a suddenly awakened beast roaring towards Su Xin.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Golden God Child roared wantonly, his right fist containing infinite divine power bombarded away, and his figure was already close to Su Xin!

The human race couldn’t help but feel nervous when they saw this scene, while the other two young emperors really didn’t intend to take action at the moment, they just watched this scene coldly.

Proud! Roar!

I saw eight wild dragon roars spread from the sky and the earth, Su Xin’s whole body was rolling with blood, and the eight-chassis demon dragon suddenly appeared out of nowhere from behind Su Xin, and immediately slammed into the golden goddess.

The latter’s eyes shrank violently, and then he was knocked directly and flew towards the rear.

“What! The Eight Desolate Blood Dragon Dao? No, my clan’s Eight Desolate Blood Dragon Dao is far less powerful!” The Great Sage of the Blood Demon Tribe was shocked when he saw this, but then he became suspicious. go.

The eight-headed demon dragon was originally improved by Su Xin based on the Eight Desolate Blood Dragon Dao, how can the power be comparable to the latter? One of the tricks.

“Star King Zuma Fist!” The golden god child who flew out was not injured, and after stabilizing his body, he threw a punch at Su Xin again, and the starry sky vision immediately appeared in the world.

“In front of Laozi, you are also worthy of me to play with stars!? If you say you are trash, I will bring this hat to Laozi!” Su Xin started drinking, and a starry vision also appeared behind him.

It’s just that his starry sky vision directly covered the opponent’s vision as soon as it appeared, and every punch of Su Xin fell, it was a terrifying scene of stars exploding.

This is the real Star Indestructible Fist, the stars are indestructible, every punch is a star explosion, not the Golden Son of God who can only punch the stars with one punch.

Every punch of Su Xin can be turned into a star!

Kick, Kick, Kick!

The power of the real Star Indestructible Fist is unparalleled in the world, and it also consumes a huge amount of energy for the user.

Golden God Son’s angry expression is no longer, some are just shocked, shocked, shocked again! Endless stars exploded around him, and he exploded with golden light. If it wasn’t for Zuma’s immortality, I am afraid that Su Xin’s explosion this time would have directly Kill him completely.

“And you two!”

Su Xin turned his eyes and stared at Feiling God Son and Three-eyed Boy, his fists turned into stars and took the initiative to blast away.

If you don’t want to fight three times, you will die for Laozi if you don’t fight!

Everyone in the audience, including the great sage, was completely stunned when Su Xin fully revealed his true strength.

Saintess Tianxuan even muttered to herself: “Is that what he meant by his words…

Everyone clearly thought that Su Xin’s previous performance was very strong, but at this moment, I don’t know why the same thought appeared at the same time.

Is he finally serious?

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