0136 The death of Jianchen, the first one? 【6/10, please subscribe!

The Nine Great Sacred Swords frowned, inexplicably having a bad premonition.

“Xuantian Nine Swords Killing Formation! Break!” Facing the terrifying star explosion, Jian Chen immediately let out a low voice, and his own heaven and earth law appeared on the top of his head.

His heaven and earth law is naturally related to the “sword”, and at this time, the nine thousand-zhang long swords are suspended in their respective positions in the shape of a formation.

The nine swords of Xuantian immediately formed, like a heaven and earth compass to suppress the heaven and earth visions produced by the star king Zuma boxing, and even under the mad rotation of the nine swords, the sword power was monstrous against the sky.

Yesterday! Hard!

The starry sky vision disappeared, and the broadcasting station returned to its previous appearance.

Seeing this scene, Golden God Child did not show any surprise. If the other party didn’t even have the means to break through his starry sky vision, then what a young emperor!

Tweet! Tweet Mi!

At this moment, the Xuantian Nine Swords each made a loud roar and turned into nine mysterious lights to surround the Golden Son of God, and immediately turned violently. The afterimage of golden light will be completely strangled by this terrifying sword formation.

The arrogant people of the human race watched this scene with their eyes fixed, and the space also sighed and said to himself: “Master said that I am not as good as Jian Chen, and it seems that it is true.

After he finished talking to himself, he took a look at Su Xin, just in time to see Su Xin flirting with Hua Xiangrong, and he was surprised.

When he saw Jian Chen’s offensive, he didn’t care at all, and he still thought about it?

How do you know, Su Xin is a Saint Seiya with the eyes of all magic? It’s enough to watch the same move once, and he doesn’t need to keep staring at it. In his heart, it is better to tease Senior Sister Hua when he appreciates Jian Chen’s gorgeous offensive. It’s fun.

Hu ~ Space took a deep breath, and said to himself again: “The master should be far from thinking, in addition to Jian Chen, there is a more terrifying genius from the human race. Su Xin..”

Hahaha “! You think I can’t attack only by attacking, my defense is also invincible! Zuma is indestructible!” When everyone on the ring was sweating for the Golden Son of God, the latter’s arrogant laughter was passed on. Swing away.

I saw that in the endless blade storm, a golden light suddenly burst into the sky, directly breaking the strangulation of the Xuantian Nine Swords in a way that shocked the eyes of others.

“Defeat for me! Defeat, defeat, defeat!” Most of the Golden Race are wild people, and the loud roar in the best battle has already made other races take it for granted.

In the distance, the corner of Heiyuan Great Sage’s eyes jumped violently, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes: “It turns out that Zuma is immortal, this child can actually be cultivated, and it is still in the realm of Xiaocheng!”

Afterwards, he took a long breath and looked at Jian Chen, but shook his head imperceptibly.

Unless Jian Chen can once again break out the trump card to instantly kill the Golden Son of God, the Golden Son of God will be invincible just by virtue of this exaggerated defensive power.

“It should be possible.” Su Xin nodded to himself at the moment, and said something inexplicable to Saintess Tianxuan. When Su Xin spoke, he glanced at each of the other young emperors who were very solemn at the moment.

bang bang bang!

The speed of the Golden Son of God was already extremely fast. In the short process of his approach to Jian Chen, the latter was stirred and killed by the endless sword energy, but he was completely defended by the golden light around the Golden Son of God.

This kind of defense has made other people’s faces change again and again, and even surpassed Su Xin’s Xuanguang Jiujing Shield. The current level of Xuanguang Jiujing Shield is only at the primary level. Destruction is now even more terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen still did not choose to give up under such a big disadvantage, but took a deep breath, and when the other party was about to get close, he hugged the Daluo sword tire in his arms, and his whole body was full of momentum. It shrank suddenly, like a mortal in an instant.

Finally, “Did you still use that trick?” Seeing this, the Nine Swords Great Sage sighed, but his eyes were full of anticipation.

“I transformed myself into a sword, slashing all things in the world… Luo Xiantian’s sword qi!” Jian Chen’s shrinking momentum was on this side, and the whole person turned into a sword light and broke through the body of the golden god in an instant, kneeling on one knee from the god’s back, as if This sword has consumed all his heritage.

The Golden God Child’s eyes widened, and his head looked at his heart mechanically, only to see a huge hole there, bloodless, as if disappearing out of thin air.

“How is this possible, how can that sword be so fast and so strong!” Seeing this scene, all the arrogances of the Golden Race immediately shouted with disbelief.

On the Human Race side, after a brief shock, huge applause erupted immediately.

“Win! Win!”

“Brother Jianchen is doing well, that sword is too strong!”

“My human race has two talents, Senior Brother Jianchen and Senior Su, why are you unhappy?” Before Wang Tong finished speaking, he was kicked away by Su Xin.

“It’s really strong, but Tianjiao is more pressing than the schedule. Can he recover in time with this trick?” The Feiling God Child of the Protoss exclaimed, but there was some doubt in his eyes.

Jian Chen slowly got up and turned towards the rear.

“Ah, ah, ah! No one can kill me!” At this moment, a scene that no one could have imagined happened, and the golden god child suddenly roared wildly.

An endless stream of golden light and golden blood suddenly emerged from the big hole in his heart, and the aura on his body could soar rapidly at this time. He turned around and rushed towards Jian Chen, who looked surprised.

Many Tianjiao saw a golden light flashing and 277 passing by, Jian Chen’s head was smashed by the Golden Son of God, and his headless body fell to the ground.

“Hahaha! Ahahaha! This is the number one among all races, I planted it and I will surely win it!!! Hahaha!” The golden god child stepped on Jian Chen’s corpse and laughed arrogantly.

The huge wound in his heart is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is an immortal body.


The Tianjiao of all races was deadly silent. No one spoke. They were all shocked by this golden god. No one thought that the other party would actually have the body of immortality. The strongest attack so far, but still can’t kill the golden god.

Gold God Son’s words are very arrogant, but no one, even in his heart, does not have much doubt.

That’s right, isn’t this heaven-defying pervert with powerful attack power and an immortal body?

In their hearts, they have already appointed the Golden Son of God as the number one in this Tianjiao Conference, because they can’t imagine which young emperor can break the other’s immortality in the future!

Su Xin looked at Jian Chen’s corpse for a while, and then his face returned to normal.

The other human race arrogances have expressions of extreme grief and fear. On the contrary, the expressions of the demon race and the demon race are very happy. It would be better for Su Xin to fight with this golden god and be beheaded by the opponent!

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