0134 The Final Seven (4/10, please subscribe!)

Fei’er, “How do you feel?” Just after the battle with Wuwang Gun was over, the Demon Race Chongxiao Great Sage was talking to Long Fei’er, and his eyes were looking at Su Xin from time to time, and there was a lot in the depths of his eyes. The color of anger.

Long Fei’er is worthy of being the arrogance of the young emperor. Losing Yuanyin, the Great Sage Chongxiao couldn’t see it for a while. You must know that Ziyuan could see at a glance that Liu Yiling’s imperial palace and his party had lost Yuanyin.

Maybe Su Xin made the right decision not to kill her. It’s a pity that this kind of arrogance kills her, so it’s better to keep it by your side and become Su Xin’s second mount.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that his strength is too strong and it hurts me.” Long Feier replied with a cold expression.

However, she hated Su Xin very much, and even gritted her teeth against the opponent’s methods, using powerful illusions to fascinate herself, allowing herself to cooperate with his yin and yang, and voluntarily surrender her inner yin, how could Long Feier be such a treacherous means Forbearance, but it has already happened.

“It’s okay to fail once, after this time…” The Great Sage rushed to comfort Long Feier immediately, but the latter was planning what he said, “I’m a little tired, so I’ll go back to heal my injuries first.

“Well, good.” The Great Sage Chongxiao didn’t say more, he knew that Long Feier’s strong character didn’t need him to be comforted too much.

Soon, the last match of the first day began.

The arrogance of the two sides is evenly matched, and the two arrogances fought for several hours before one of them defeated the other with a slight victory and became the top fifty-four.

The first day came to an end, and there were many battles worth discussing, mainly Su Xin and Long Feier, followed by the twists and turns between Prince Styx and Space.

The Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference may only be held once in an era. This kind of event is invaluable. If these Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference miss it, it is very likely that they will never be able to witness the style of the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference.

After all, the entire continent is vast and boundless, and even Tianjiao who likes to travel will not be able to see the Tianjiao of each race in his life.

Therefore, even if they have been defeated, the Ten Thousand Clan Talents Conference is still very enthusiastic about the nature of the conference.

Su Xin defeated a young emperor again, which further showed how unfathomable his combat power was. Some people even boldly predicted that Su Xin’s real trump card was not really displayed at all.

It was a guess that was both bold and unbelievable, but he was right.

Compared with other young emperors, Su Xin’s strength continues to grow. Now he and Long Feier have intercourse with yin and yang. In fact, this is beneficial to both parties. However, Su Xin was dominant at that time, and his benefits were of course greater than Long Feier also brought his realm to the half-step Sendai, and he was just one step away from the fairyland.

After going back, Su Xin started sorting out the supernatural power moves copied today in his room, especially the space monk’s thousand-handed fighting Buddha, which made Su Xin very happy, with great improvement and remodeling. sex.

Of course, he tried non-stop to try the fusion of talent ability and Thousand Hands Battle Buddha.

The next day, Su Xin still came to the Fengshen Arena.

There were very few bright spots in this day’s competition. Among them, the goddess of the gods, Fei Ling, appeared, but the opponent simply conceded defeat, so it was impossible to see the depth of the opponent.

It was followed by the third day, the fourth day, and the sixth day, and the top fifty-four were screened out.

The human race is naturally still Jian Chen and Su Xin. The demon race and the demon race are completely destroyed, and the arrogance of the clan has also withdrawn from the stage of the Ten Thousand Race Tianjiao Conference, but there is still the trial of the Emperor’s Palace. Before the Tianjiao Conference is over, no race will leave the Fengshen Ruins in advance.

Some people have begun to make bold predictions, saying that the most likely to win the first throne at this Tianjiao Conference will be between Su Xin, the Golden Son of God, the Feiling God, and the Feiling Goddess. Of course, there are also doubts about this. attitude, so it is inevitable to have a quarrel.

Three days later, it was fifty-four points twenty-seven, and Su Xin was fighting against a genius from the Protoss who was second only to the Son of God.

However, the other party was very straightforward and conceded defeat, which made Su Xin a little surprised, but didn’t say anything.

At this stage, other young emperors had never met, and easily entered the top twenty-seven.

Twenty-seven points in the top fourteen, Su Xin happened to be in the bye position, so he entered the top fourteen without a fight.

Among the fourteen, the characters of the young emperor are Su Xin, Jian Chen, Feiling God and Goddess, Golden Clan God, First Holy Child of Desolate Clan, Three-eyed Boy, Prince Styx, Meng Clan Meng Wuyi.

…for flowers…0

Except for the hapless Gorefiend Bo Xun and the demon Long Fei’er who met Su Xin, the other young emperors did not meet together.

But the top seven are divided into the top fourteen, and there must be a fight between the young emperors.

However, Su Xin seems to have encountered two young emperors in a row. This time, the opponent is still the top 14 Protoss Tianjiao. Naturally, it is easy to solve each other and start with god-level genes.

At this level, it is estimated that they are all at the level of god-level genes.

However, what the Tianjiao of all tribes could not have imagined was that the Feiling Goddess actually met with the Feiling Goddess. This Tianjiao Conference was to randomly select opponents, and did not look at the previous opponents to avoid the competition between the two powerhouses.

Therefore, it seems very normal for Tianjiao of the same clan to meet together, and there have been many before.

But the geniuses of the same clan must have had discussions with each other, and now the Feiling Goddess and Feiling Goddess are disappointing and did not choose to fight, but Feiling Goddess chose to admit defeat, and Feiling Goddess entered the next round.

However, the arrogance of the ten thousand clans is still a feast for the eyes, because the Prince Minghe and the first holy son of the barren clan met together, and Jian Chen and Mengyi met together.

The battle of the young emperor was very fierce, and the final outcome was that the first son of the barren tribe won, and Jian Chen won.

So far, the top seven are divided.

Jian Chen, Su Xin, Feiling God, Golden God, Three-eyed Boy, and two other arrogances, one is the second arrogant from the Nether clan, and the other is the strongest arrogant from the stone clan.

There are eleven young emperors and Su Xin, but it is impossible to beat them all, and there will always be encounters before.

At this moment, Su Xin’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Soon, it came to the penultimate day of the ring battle. After the seven people were divided into four people, they were divided into two people, and then the first place!

On this day, the first match is the Human Race Jianchen vs. the Golden Son of God!

Both are powerful and outrageous characters, one represents the ultimate sword, the other is the ultimate fist.

Eternal battle!

On this day, everyone was in the spotlight. Perhaps because the atmosphere became more enthusiastic the further back, the battle between Jian Chen and the Golden Son of God was even more eye-catching than before!


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