The 0118 conference opens, millions of arrogance! 【8/10, please subscribe!)

In the conversation with Saintess Tianxuan, the former did not show any restraint in front of other Tianjiao, and should regard Su Xin as equal to himself.

She has a lot of gossip, such as what a certain clan’s arrogance is lecherous, and what a certain clan’s arrogant disciple has publicly abused elders and so on.

She said that she was so excited that there was no way a saint should have the appearance, but Su Xin’s face was ashen, and she always felt that this woman was hinting at herself.

After some conversation, Su Xin also returned to his room and began to hit the middle stage of the Heavenly Phase Realm.

Half a month later, the Tianjiao Conference finally unfolded as scheduled. Millions of Tianjiao gathered in front of the Fengshen Arena at the Fengshen Emperor Ruins.

The great sages of the human race stood in front of the disciples of the arrogance of the human race, but they were not in charge, which made Su Xin a little strange.

The human race is also one of the big clans. This kind of event can not be held by a certain big clan, it must be a joint effort.


At this moment, the gate of the 100,000-zhang huge palace of the God Emperor Palace slowly opened a gap, and four puppet warriors ten meters tall walked out.

“What’s going on? Didn’t you say that this palace can’t be broken apart even by the power of all races?” Su Xin was shocked when he saw this, and immediately asked the Saintess Tianxuan by voice transmission.

“I.267 I don’t know either, so don’t ask me.” The face of Holy Maiden Tianxuan was a rare red, which made Su Xin doubt the accuracy of the woman’s information.

Wouldn’t it be a hidden character running a train with a mouth full of it?

After the four puppet warriors came out, they stood at the four southeast corners of the Conferred God Arena, and then they stopped moving.

At this time, a figure appeared in the sky in front of Million Tianjiao, an old man in black robes.

“The old man, the Great Sage of the God Race Heiyuan, from today, the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference officially kicks off. Here, about the rules of the Tianjiao Conference, you should listen carefully to the rules of the Tianjiao Conference, and this old man will only say it once.”

It seems that the great sages of other races have already discussed it, and there is nothing strange about the appearance of the great sage of Heiyuan.

“First, those who voluntarily admit defeat at the Tianjiao Conference are not allowed to kill.

Second, they must not use magic weapons of holy soldiers and above.

Third, one must not take any medicinal pills that temporarily enhance their combat power.

Fourth, foreign objects such as puppets, corpses, and beasts of saints and above are not allowed to be used. This is the four-point rule of the Tianjiao Conference. Next, the old man will talk about the process of the Tianjiao Conference. ”

(cdda) The Great Saint Heiyuan said in a capable tone, “The Conferred God Arena will be divided into 108 areas, 10,000 geniuses in each area, and 1,000 of them will be selected for the melee each time, divided into ten times, ten times. After this time, ten people from each area will conduct a broadcast battle, and the top 108 will be divided first. These 108 will enter the final battle.

Tianjiao Conference, as long as you are defeated once, you will be eliminated directly.

Regarding the reward, there is only one reward, and that is the reward for the first place who has never been defeated and won the first place. Other than that, there are no rewards for other rankings. The reward is not disclosed. ”

“As for the choice of one hundred and eight regions, it is up to you all to choose.

This last sentence made the top geniuses of all ethnic groups avoid it, but in fact, the strength of the genius battle under this competition system is too strong, and it will sooner or later meet.

Everyone is arrogant, but after listening to the words of the Kuroshio Great Sage, I understand something in my heart.

The real arrogance will not allow himself to fail.

No matter if this era is the golden age of the younger generation, it has more gold content than any other era, but in the end, only one person can laugh at the end.

Whether it is ten young emperors or a million arrogances, only one can have the last laugh and be invincible.

The arrogance of millions of clans, to be separated is the strongest arrogance!

The first pride of all ethnic groups!

The arrogances of all clans were excited, only Su Xin looked at the four puppets suspiciously, with an ironic expression that didn’t know what to think.

“Su Lang, which area do you choose?” Liu Yiling pulled Su Xin, thinking that the other party was shocked by the huge scene, but she was very confident in Su Xin in her heart.

As for the name Su Lang, Liu Yiling has fully accepted Su Xin, and it is understandable to call him more intimate.

“If you want to choose, choose one.” Su Xin smiled, took Liu Yiling’s little hand and walked to the first area.

At this time, the geniuses of various races also began to choose their own areas, and the ten top geniuses of the human race, including the Saintess Tianxuan, were separated from each other, and each chose a different area.

The news of the ten young emperors should be known to many people. In the areas they choose, very few people choose them at the beginning, but they are not short of iron.

“Area No. 1, this devil wants it.” This is, a young man with bloody eyes jumped up, and every step in the air seemed to have a pair of bloody hands supporting his feet and fell on the No. 1 area. on the ring.

He didn’t radiate all his aura, but no Tianjiao dared to approach the place where he stood.

Su Xin raised his brows. They were in the same area, which meant that if he wanted to stand out, he would have to defeat the Gorefiend’s No. 1 Hiroko when he got the top 108.

Zi Yuan has been paying attention to Su Xin, and when she saw that the first devil of the Gorefiends also chose the first area, she was stunned for a moment, and then she didn’t say anything.

When this kind of selected area, once you step into the broadcasting station, you cannot change it.

“Unfortunately, Su Xin’s combat power is far beyond his own realm. He should have hope of reaching the top 108, but he has encountered the number one devil of the Gorefiends.” Zi Yuan shook his head with a sigh.

She values ​​Su Xin’s talent very much, and has high expectations for the latter, but in fact she knows the gold content of the Tianjiao Conference, and also knows that the top 10,000 people are the top Tianjiao figures of all ethnic groups.

However, Su Xin was not born at the right time. If he came to this Tianjiao Conference in the realm of Sendai,

If Su Xin knew what she was thinking, he would definitely roll his eyes. When he got to Sendai, he would try to turn over the Great Sage, and what kind of Tianjiao pretending to coerce conference?

In a short time, millions of arrogances have chosen their own area.

At this time, the four puppets finally moved again, and I saw countless rays of light flew out from them and landed on the wrists of the geniuses of various races, forming a halo.

The halo was dim, but then the halo of Su Xin’s siblings glowed.

The halo “lights up to fight with thousands of people, and those who don’t light up will get off the ring and wait for the next melee.” It’s not just Su Xin who is puzzled, but other geniuses as well.

However, the next sentence of the Great Sage Heiyuan made people very clear.

However, Su Xin was still very curious about the four puppets.

What materials are they made of, and can they extract genes?

I really want to touch it and take away a part or something..

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