0116 Look up at me! From Guo Jingming’s perspective! [6/10, please subscribe!)

There are more and more geniuses of other races, all of them are watching the two battle with surprise.

After receiving Su Xin’s punch, the huge shadowy figure behind the demon immediately folded his hands together, and immediately endless black demonic energy emerged from his palm.

There was a sudden roar between the heavens and the earth, and the arrogances of other races suddenly changed their expressions. They all felt an invisible pressure, like a mountain floating above their heads, making them unable to help but to bow down and worship them. Come.

“This is Tuotian Mogong, I am not affected by a trace of momentum, but I already feel a little powerless!

“That’s right, this magic power is too heaven-defying. Even we who are on the edge can’t help but feel embarrassed. The pressure that the human race Su Xin in the center is under at this moment is indescribable!

No “! That human race Su Xin’s expression was the same as before, and there was no change, he seemed to be very relaxed?”

The more and more the arrogant people of all races gathered, they naturally started talking with each other.

They were shocked by the demon’s monstrous power, but gradually discovered that under the suppression of the former’s terrifying momentum, Su Xin, who was the first to bear the brunt, seemed to be walking in a garden with a calm expression.

This is so unreasonable! Human Su Xin is only in the early days of the Celestial Phase Realm!

The desolate clan also fell silent, and they seemed to realize that they underestimated Su Xin by a distance.

When Su Xin was fighting against the Demon God, he did not take the initiative, but kept his eyes fixed on the giant shadow of the opponent. The Eye of All Laws was quickly analyzing the supernatural powers of Emperor Tuotian.

“The Demon Prison Kills the World! Human Su Xin, you are the first arrogant of the human race, and you are worthy of my efforts!” The demon roared, not daring to look down on Su Xin.

After knowing Su Xin’s power a hundred times more, if he still looks down on Su Xin because of his realm, then he is a real idiot.

As a character of Tianjiao, I don’t understand the truth that realm does not represent combat power. It’s just that Tianxiang realm has such combat power and power, and it is a bit difficult to understand when it happens to others.


After the demon roared, the endless demonic energy in the huge demonic shadow’s hand suddenly burst out in a frenzied manner, covering the sky and the sun in an instant, sealing off the entire sky and earth, forming a demonic death. The barrier sealed Su Xin in it.

“The analysis of the great emperor’s magical powers will not be done in a while, and we will have to wait a bit longer.” Seeing this, Su Xin still had no plans to take action, but he would not stand and let the opponent attack, so Xuanguang Jiujing Shield cast out to protect All over the body, he was immersed in the process of analyzing the divine powers of the emperor, and he was not at all worried that his defense would be broken by the opponent.

The descendant of the Great Emperor is not the Great Emperor, the Great Emperor’s supernatural powers are powerful in nature, but it does not mean that others will be able to exert the style of the Great Emperor.

This Demon Prison Suppression and Killing World is not bad. Su Xin is not only interested in the power of the Heavenly Demon Art, but whether it fits well with his own innate abilities.

At least Su Xin in this Demon Prison Killing World has a lot of remodeling.

As soon as this kills the world, the arrogant outsiders can’t see the situation inside at all.

The demon is holding his arms again, and the endless demonic energy in this killing world turns into one after another wild beasts roaring in full bloom, and some turn into ferocious black dragons, all of which are very terrifying. Su Xin attacked and left.

“If you can defend against my demon’s attack, what if I admit defeat!” The demon let out a low roar, and the barren beasts condensed by hundreds of demonic energy had already arrived in front of Su Xin. The giant fist with terrifying power came towards the Xuanguang Jiujing Shield in front of Su Xin.

Kick, Kick, Kick!

The violent clanging sound came out fiercely in the killing world, causing the expressions of Tianjiao of various races outside to be in a trance.

“With such a big momentum, how fiercely did those two fight?

“They should have used all their strength. I didn’t expect that the Holy Son of the Desolate Clan, who won the Great Emperor Tuotian, would have to use all his strength to deal with Su Xin. This further shows the extraordinaryness of the human race Su Xin. If the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference is delayed for a few more years. ,

“How can there be so many if, in my opinion, the human race Su Xin’s talent can indeed be regarded as the first in the human race, but in terms of combat power, it should be that Jian Chen is stronger. I have heard recently that Jian Chen’s great talent Luo Jian tire.

They couldn’t see the situation in the killing world, but the real situation was that they shouted like crazy: “Why! Why can’t I even break his defense?

bang bang bang!

The demon attacked again and again, and it was already showing a desperate attitude, but the defense of the Xuanguang Jiujing Crystal Shield was too heaven-defying. Not helpful.

If you want to break Su Xin’s Xuanguang Jiujing Shield, you must have an attack power that exceeds the shield’s defense, otherwise the number of attacks will be the same no matter how many times you accumulate them.

No matter how hard his head was, he couldn’t break Su Xin’s Nine Crystal Shield of Profound Light.

Su Xin was analysing the magic powers of the great emperor, and he didn’t even bother to pay attention to the other party.

Tianjiao of various races outside guessed that Su Xin was trying his best to deal with the attack of the devil, how could he think that Su Xin’s defense made the devil doubt his life.

The trend of the devil’s mad attack gradually stopped, as if resigning his fate.

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Xin’s mouth, and he withdrew the Xuanguang Jiujing Shield and said, “Tootian’s magic skills are good, but you are very poor.”


This sentence was like a thunderbolt that hit the devil in an instant. He was stunned, and he was very poor? He was the most suitable for the inheritance of Emperor Tuotian among the barren clan, and in Su Xin’s eyes… very bad?

“You fart!” He roared, as if he didn’t want to admit the reality.

Seeing this innocent look on Su Xin’s face, he didn’t mean to kill someone, he just said a fact.

Seeing the waste strike again, Su Xin glanced at the pitch-black killing world around him, and immediately his whole body changed, completely turning into a dragon with eight ferocious dragon heads.

“This! This is… The Demon God was so frightened by Su Xin’s change that he immediately became a little demented.

When he was stunned, the Eight Discord Demon Dragon directly slammed into the opponent’s body, and at the same time, the earth under the Demon God’s feet was directly split, and there was a tendency to directly form an abyss.

The world of Demon Prison Suppression was shattered by Su Xin’s collision. This was Su Xin’s move to combine true spiritual transformation with supernatural powers. It was so powerful that if he wanted to, he could turn the demon into a fan in an instant.

The killing world was shattered, Su Xin had recovered his body, and his feet were on the devil’s head.

Raise your head, “Look up at me!” Su Xin roared at the demon under his feet under the shocking gaze of the geniuses of all ethnic groups.

However, the latter was already in a coma and was seriously injured, lost consciousness, and lay motionless on the ground like a dead man.

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