0114 Kicked to the iron plate? The third holy son of the barren clan! (4/10, please subscribe!)

“I lost!” Meng Chi was struggling for a while, and immediately opened his mouth.

Seeing this, Su Xin smiled and said, “Call Dad.”

Dad “!” Meng eats and drinks, she may not know what the word “daddy” means.

Seeing her calling her father so bluntly, Su Xin immediately raised her eyebrows with a subtle expression, but then she released the primordial spirit that was imprisoned in the dream food, and dispersed into the dream space.

In reality, as soon as Meng Chi opened her eyes, she saw that Su Xin’s face was close to her, her soul was damaged, and her face was pale at the moment, so she was so abruptly approached by Su Xin that she immediately backed away in fright.

“Junior Sister Meng!” Meng Clan didn’t understand who lost when they saw Meng Eat’s situation. Their faces were shocked. Junior Sister Meng, who was extremely proficient in Yuanshen, actually lost to a cultivator of the Heavenly Phase Realm?

“Hahaha, didn’t you shout just now? How about it, who lost? Hey? Come on, tell me loudly, who lost?” In contrast, Wang Tong was naturally arrogant and mocked. down.

The group of human race geniuses behind him naturally echoed with excited expressions.

Su Xin approached Meng Chi by pulling out a piece of her hair and extracting her genes.


“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the god-level soul gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?” Su Xin was a little surprised by this extraction. This woman’s genes turned out to be god-level. A very high achievement.

“Skills are not as good as others.” Meng Chi lowered his head, and after saying a word, he took a deep look at Su Xin, and then walked into the Meng family’s palace.

Su Xin waved his hand and changed places!

There are indeed many races who come to participate in the Ten Thousand Races Tianjiao Battle, but they are not really ten thousand. After all, some races are very weak, and it is estimated that they are only representatives to participate, which makes the Ten Thousand Races Tianjiao Conference more noteworthy, but they do not ask for rankings.

The race that Su Xin chose was naturally a strong race.

While walking, Su Xin was secretly merging the god-level genes he got from Meng Chi, and now Su Xin’s own gene level has reached the god level (57%), which is not far from the emperor level.

“Oh, the fusion of genes is successful, awakening innate abilities; through the mirror, the gene level is raised to the god level (77%).

Good luck, not only awakened the new innate ability of the primordial spirit, but also increased the strength of the god-level gene by 20% at one time. Not to mention the great increase in strength, Su Xin also feels that his primordial spirit has grown again. one cent.

He now has a total of three innate abilities in the Primordial Spirit system, one of which is the same; the power of a simple Primordial Spirit attack depends on the strength of Su Xin’s Primordial Spirit.

Soul Locking Seal: It can not only bind the souls of others, but also enslave the souls of others. At the beginning, the remnant of the Xuanwu soul was captured by this trick, and the maid and maid Lin’er, who was cultivating in the Myriad Beasts, was also planted with a soul-locking mark by Su Xin. If Su Xin did not die, she would never have any resistance to Su Xin. heart of.

The last one is this newly awakened one, Jinghua Shuiyue: powerful illusion attack. As for what kind of illusion, it was Su Xin who made it up.

Su Xin blinked, and at this time came to the palace where the desolate people were.

This desolate clan is a big clan. It is said that in ancient times, it had some origins with the human clan, but for some reason, today, the relationship between the two clans is very discordant.

“Huang, Huang people.” Seeing that Su Xin had stopped, Wang Tong suddenly hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” Su Xin asked with a frown.

“All the barren tribes.” Wang Tong hesitated for a while, and before he finished speaking, he saw that the gate of the palace slowly opened, and a group of young monks from the barren tribe came out.

There are men and women, the men are full of masculinity, and the women are the same, heroic.

The desolate people’s style has always been strong, and now they take the initiative to come out, all of them are awe-inspiring, and there is a tendency to fight in groups.

“What? The human race is itchy?” One of the young cultivators of the desolate race came out and looked at Su Xin and the others with a cold tone.

Wang Tong rarely said anything, looked at Su Xin and said silently: “The first place in the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao (cdda) conference in the previous era was the first holy son of the barren clan, and later the emperor Tuotian.

When Su Xin heard this, he was a little dazed. It turned out to be so, but he understood why Wang Tong’s expression was so unnatural.

“Who’s coming?” But Su Xin didn’t care about that, he strode forward and said indifferently.

“Are you Su Xin, who was rumored to be the first human race?” The young man from the barren tribe looked at Su Xin with a fierce look in his eyes.

“That’s right, it’s down.

“Hmph, then I’ll come to meet you!” The desolate youth snorted lightly and was about to step forward, but a big hand suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back.

“His Royal Highness Holy Son?” The youth of the barren tribe looked back and suddenly showed a reverent expression.

“You are not his opponent, so don’t be ashamed.” The man who was pulling the young man of the barren tribe, with a height of two meters, with straight facial features, was standing there invisibly, as if he was the protagonist in the world, which made people unable to help themselves. He focused his eyes on him, and even had the thought of worshipping him.

Su Xin’s eyes light up a little, and there is a character who is “OK”?

“Holy Son? You, which Holy Son are you?” Wang Tong swallowed and asked the Desolate Holy Son.

Presumptuous “, the name of the third holy son is taboo, you are worthy of asking about it?” The desolate youth who was caught suddenly turned to Wang Tong, and the other young men and women of the desolate tribe were glaring at each other, it seemed that the holy son Their status is a bit higher than them, enough for them to be treated as elders.

“Kicked to the iron plate, Senior Brother Su! The barren people are not as complex as our human race. They only have one power of the barren shrine, and the barren shrine has only three holy children, but it does not mean that the top talent of the barren shrine is less than the human race. In the previous era, their third holy son swept the arrogance of the human race, the first and second holy son was the first in the last ten thousand clan arrogance conference, and the other was the eleventh.” Wang Tong With a gloomy expression on his face, the voice transmission immediately started, and his tone was a little flustered.

“Your talent is very strong, but your cultivation base is still too low. But if you insist on discussing with my desolate clan, I can play with you.” The third desolate clan’s holy son turned his eyes and stayed on Su Xin, looking down at him. Su Xin.

Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, “Okay, then you and me to play?”

“It’s really courting death. In this era of the human race, Jian Chen is just a little bit more eye-catching. How dare this kid dare to challenge His Highness the Third Holy Son?”

“What do you mean by playing with you? Can you survive the ten moves of His Royal Highness the Third Holy Son?”

“Hehe, just wait, this kid will change his expression in a while, I can’t wait.

As soon as Su Xin finished speaking, the desolate clan began to speak loudly one by one, as if letting Su Xin and the third desolate clan’s holy son take action was an insult to the latter’s strength.

Su Xin couldn’t help frowning, Ju Ao of the Desolate Clan really annoyed him a bit.

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