0111 Fourth special ability: Will Battle Spirit (1/10, please subscribe!)


From the Tianyu Clan, a handsome young man from the Tianyu Clan immediately walked out, but his cultivation base was the perfection of the Heavenly Phase Realm, so he should be a role like soy sauce.

He stepped forward and shouted to Su Xin and the others, “When? You humans dare to come to my Tianyu Palace to be savage!?

The Tianyu clan behind him also had angry expressions. Seeing that the so-called Senior Brother Su was only in the early days of the Heavenly Phase Realm, they were even more angry, and a feeling of being looked down upon by the human race came to their hearts.

But each race has its own dignity, that is, the opponent will provoke, if it is a group fight, it will be a group fight, if it is one-on-one, it will be a one-on-one fight.

“Come here, I’ll add a buff to you.” Su Xin shook his fist at the youth of the Tianyu clan and waved.

“Tianyu Clan Yuling!”

The latter gave a low voice, and immediately spread his wings behind him, and said with great contempt and arrogance in his eyes: “You can’t even see my shadow!”


I saw that Yu Ling suddenly seemed to be integrated with the wind and the wind, and he came to Su Xin in an instant, and Qu Xiao became a claw and grabbed at the latter’s neck.

“Slow motion? Come on, follow me in slow motion with my left and right hands!” Su Xin grabbed the neck of Yuling, a young man from the Tianyu clan, and then punched the latter’s head.

“Ahhh!” Yu Ling screamed in pain, and was thrown away by Su Xin, but a feather appeared on his hand.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the king-level Fengyuan gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?”

It’s just the king level, it still doesn’t meet the standard in Su Xin’s heart. At least one holy level gene for each race is required. As for the god level gene, it is estimated that it will not be so easy to obtain, because it is difficult to get it at this kind of Tianjiao conference. At the beginning, you will be able to fight against the top geniuses of all races.

Thinking of this, Su Xin spoke to the Tianyu clansman in front of him again: “Who wants a buff?

“Arrogant! Tianyu Clan Yuwei!” The Tianyu Clan was stunned, and then walked out of a Tianyu Clan Tianjiao again.


But after a while, this Yu Wei was no different from Yu Ling, and shouted with his head hurting and his eyes splitting.

“Tianyu Clan Yuhai!”

Monument, Su Xin gave a punch.


Tianyu “Clan.”


“Tianyu clan.”


On this day, the feather clan seemed not to be good at suppressing their emotions, so they screamed in pain.

The genes that Su Xin extracted at the beginning were all king-level, but fortunately, after smashing a relatively young Tianyu clan boy, he was able to extract holy-level genes.

As soon as the Saint-level Gene was in hand, Su Xin directly left with the excited expressions of the geniuses.

“Senior Brother Su, what do you mean, don’t you keep fighting? It’s cool to see the gang of miscellaneous hairs screaming in pain.” Wang Tong was a little puzzled.

As he spoke, he had already arrived at the Ice Clan next to the Tianyu Clan.

Seeing Su Xin stop, Wang Tong knew that it was time for him to appear, and immediately shouted: “Ice scum from the Ice Clan, get out of Laozi!”

“You humans are really courting death!” Ice people, they are covered with snow-white fluff, and their height is generally one meter taller than the human race. As the name suggests, they have an inherent advantage over the ice element energy.

But in front of Su Xin, they were all things that fell down with one punch.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the king-level ice essence gene was obtained, is it fusion now?

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the king-level ice essence gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?”

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the holy-level ice essence gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?”

After blasting more than a dozen people in a row, Su Xin extracted holy-level genes and left immediately.

At the current stage, he is to collect the saint-level genes of various attributes first. As for the higher-level ones, if there is a chance, he will naturally not let it go. If not, he can only wait until the Tianjiao Conference.

In this way, Su Xin started Wang Tong’s rhetoric – making his own shots – extracting genes – obtaining saint-level genes, and began to provoke the palaces of all major races.

After a long time, there are no less than twenty races that have been kicked by Su Xin. With more than 20 kinds of holy genes, Su Xin’s face is naturally a little happy.

A few hours later, Su Xin came to the palace of the Eldar.

“Senior Brother Su, this Spirit Clan is very special, so it might not be easy to mess with.” Wang Tong did not call out the first time, but instead said to Su Xin with an embarrassed expression.

“There’s nothing to mess with, just spray people!”

“The Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference, most of the conditions for participating are the age limit of under 30 years old, but there are also some special races that determine whether they are eligible to participate in the competition based on their strength. This Spirit Race is one of them. The Spirit Race has no entity, they are They are born from heaven and earth, and the number is very small, or fire spirits, thunder spirits, artifact spirits, etc., some spirits that are equivalent to heaven and earth may exist longer than the great saints…”

“So diverse? Then I’m going to play in the gym even more.” Su Xin’s eyes lit up when he heard it.

Seeing that Su Xin insisted on doing this, Wang Tong did not object to it immediately, so he had to shout and let the Spirit Clan come.

Soon, the door of the Spirit Race Palace slowly opened, but only a spirit came out from it. This spirit did not have any elemental fluctuations. It was not the spirit of the five elements, but rather an artifact spirit.

Artifact spirits are generally the souls born of magic weapons, so they will appear very vicissitudes, and this is the case with this spirit.

“The human race is really a competitive race, and this has not changed.” This artifact spirit has the appearance of a young man, neither joy nor sorrow, but he sighed leisurely.

His realm is Xiantai realm!

Wang Tong and the other arrogances of the human race were suddenly terrified and kicked the iron plate, a Sendai-level artifact?

How to extract genes without real talent?

At this moment, Su Xin didn’t care about the other party’s state, but muttered something suspicious in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, he strode up in front of the artifact spirit, stretched out his hand and said, “Human Su Xin, shake your hand.”

The spirit of the weapon was stunned, but he still shook hands with Su Xin.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the special gene will gene was obtained, is it fusion now?

Unexpectedly, this race without a spiritual body can directly extract genes by touching one or two, and the other party has no way of detecting it. 3.0

And it’s a special gene!

Su Xin suddenly became a little excited, making Wu An Gun seem very puzzled.

“Fusion special gene!”

“Ding, the fusion is successful, awakening talent ability: Will Battle Spirit (primary). This special talent ability is semi-passive and semi-attack type, which can passively enhance the host’s will, and can also turn the host’s will into a fighting spirit, with will Spirit battle. Remind the host that the will battle spirit and murderous condensate are highly compatible.”


Su Xin clenched his fists, turned around and left.

He is also fighting a chicken feather, and unnecessary fighting is not good for him. Now that he has obtained a special ability, Su Xin naturally wants to fully understand its effect.

“What a strange junior of the human race,” Qi Ling Wu Wang Lian shook his head, and immediately closed the door of the Spirit Race Palace.

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