0105 Top Ten Talents of Human Race (5/10, please subscribe!)

Liu Xiaoxiao’s hand holding the sound transmission token trembled slightly, and she murmured in complete amazement: “You, when are you two?”

She was in a trance, but she actually had some guesses in her heart.

It is impossible for her sister to know Su Xin. The first time she heard the name Su Xin, she told her that it was when Su Xin was ordered to kill by the imperial palace.

But seeing her sister’s rare shy appearance now, she is not stupid, and she doesn’t know the relationship between Su Xin and Liu Yiling.

It’s just that everything came so suddenly, she seemed a little bit slow.

Obviously I was the first!

“This, it’s going to be a long story.” Su Xin was no longer silent, and was ready to make a speech.

However, Liu Xiaoxiao seemed to have no intention of listening to the process of Su Xin and Liu Yiling getting to know each other. She handed the sound transmission token to Su Xin, and then turned and left.

Su Xin blinked, a little helpless in her heart.

The episode of this grass egg was finally revealed for the time being. After Liu Xiaoxiao left, Liu Yiling’s complexion gradually returned to normal. She and Liu Xiaoxiao were not plastic sisters. The candidate saintess, one is a true disciple of the sect, but it is a good story of the Yaochi Holy Land.

Liu Yiling made up her mind and asked Xiaoxiao to talk about her encounter with Su Xin later.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xin no longer wanted to be serious, so he and Liu Yiling chatted with each other in the courtyard.

It wasn’t until late at night that Su Xin stayed in Liu Yiling’s bedroom, but not in the same bed.

After all, this time is not suitable for doing this. Liu Yiling will never be open to that level. As a woman, she naturally has her own restraint.

Early the next morning, Su Xin wanted to leave the Jade Pool Holy Land, and went outside to turn the many high-level weapons on his body into spirit stones, and then buy medicine pills to hit the Heavenly Phase Realm.

As for the Yaochi event, Su Xin’s actions yesterday had already made a lot of noise in the Yaochi Holy Land, and even had the reputation of being the first arrogant of the human race, but Su Xin Yaochi was not interested in the event.

The Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference is what he is most interested in at the moment.

Because it is all ethnic groups, and it is Tianjiao, what kind of improvement will Su Xin bring from extracting their genes is very worth Su Xin’s expectation.

In Su Xin’s eyes, the Ten Thousand Clan Conference is an ocean of genes, and Su Xin’s paradise!

Is there any event that can bring together the top talents of all ethnic groups in one place?

As soon as Su Xin walked out of Liu Yiling’s bedroom, she encountered a beautiful woman.

I saw her wearing a Yaotai bun, and a small oath with a silver flower pattern on the top of her head. Dressed in a feather-blue evening haze purple lingzi Ruyi cloud pattern shirt, and a pair of phoenix pattern embroidered shoes on her feet.

Her eyebrows are looming, and her eyes are full of anger and affection. She has a pretty nose and no red lips. The whole body reveals a noble and elegant temperament, which makes people feel hurt, ashamed, and dare not blaspheme.

This woman is only in her twenties, but she seems to be the cultivation base of Xiantai Realm.

Su Xin glanced at the girl, and didn’t mean to go forward to chat, thinking she was an acquaintance of Liu Yiling, but looking at her temperament and cultivation, it was estimated that she was the saint of Yaochi Holy Land.

“Fellow Daoist Su, please stay, the little girl Tiancheng is polite.” However, this girl didn’t seem to be looking for Liu Yiling, but Su Xin.

“It turned out to be Saintess Tianxuan, who has long admired her name.” Su Xin cast a suspicious look and asked immediately.

“That’s right, I came here to look for fellow Daoist Su on the order of Shi Yuan’s master.” Tian Xuan’s frowns and smiles have a refined and elegant temperament, and her tone is very soft, which makes people feel disgusted.

As soon as she finished speaking, she handed Su Xin a jade box.

The jade box’s eyes jumped, and the jade box was opened, and the eyes suddenly shrank.

There was a longan elixir lying in the jade box, but with Su Xin’s knowledge, he was able to recognize this elixir.

It turned out to be the Celestial Pill that even the strong sages coveted! If this Pill were to be ranked, there would not be tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones that could not be taken down.

“Fellow Daoist Su should also know about the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference in the near future. Master Zi Yuan wants to take advantage of the gift of Daoist Su and will definitely go to participate in this grand event of all ethnic groups. The medicine pill is a part of Shi Yuan’s heart.” Saintess Tianxuan explained with a smile.

Su Xin replied without refusal: “Since it is the intention of Senior Ziyuan, then Su Xin is more respectful than obeying his order.

…for flowers…0

The character of hypocrisy will never appear in Su Xin.

Seeing that the other party accepted the medicinal pill so straightforwardly, Tianxuan’s daughter was also stunned for a moment or two, and then chuckled: “Young Daoist Su is also a person with a true temperament, but Daoyou Su’s actions yesterday made the slave family prepare for this. It’s soaked in soup.”

After that, she glanced at Su Xin with a pair of phoenix eyes like a cough, seeming to blame Su Xin for letting her preparations for Yuxianglou play the qin come to naught and complaining endlessly.

“If Daoist Tiancheng has nothing else to do, I have something to do, so I will leave now.” Su Xin didn’t want to appreciate this woman’s amorous feelings. Fully prepare to go to the Advanced Heaven Phase Realm.


“Why do you need to be so anxious, fellow Daoist Su, I haven’t finished speaking yet.”

Su Xin:


Tianxuan once again took out a scroll and unfolded it in front of Su Xin. There were nine people’s information on it, and the monk in the space was also among them.

Regarding this space monk, the above is the description: Wanfo Temple is a descendant of the war Buddha lineage that comes out every ten thousand years. In the early days of Sendai, the war Buddha lineage is known for its anti-sky fighting power, which should not be underestimated.

And the other eight people also have similar descriptions, suddenly it is an information scroll about Tianjiao.

“In this era, Tianjiao has come forth in large numbers, and my human race has ten Tianjiao who reached the Immortal Stage before the age of 30. The strongest is Jianchen from Tianjian Pavilion, who is already in the late stage of Xiantai. He can even fight against saints without losing. In addition, apart from these nine people, Ji Wuming from the Ji family has the body of a god king. Although he is half a step from Xiantai, his combat power is also not to be underestimated. Wu Yi is extraordinary, isn’t fellow Daoist Su interested in them?” Tian Xuan said with a smile, ten arrogances who had reached the Immortal Stage.

Among them, there are no Holy Land forces in the Imperial Palace, and there are two more in Tianjian Pavilion, and the last one is naturally her Tianxuan Saintess.

“I’m not interested.” Su Xin waved his hand and left with his hand, leaving Saintess Tianxuan with a stunned expression.

When will Su Xin go to pay homage to his peers?


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