The cold memory extractor shuddered when it was inserted into the slime's head.

The green jelly-like body was rippled.

The genius of the slime clan was thinking about this at this moment.

Can the organization behind these people really be stronger than the pirate team?

But they said that they would give themselves a level 5 gene unlocking potion!

Even the level 2 gene warriors can drive such advanced mechas.

They must be a very rich race!

"Please, don't think too much. What I need to extract is information about the pirate group."

BT-010's voice sounded above the slime's head.

Slime raised his eyes and saw the huge mecha, looking down at him.

"Oh, okay."

Slime answered respectfully.

The oil thief whispered: "This slime really knows the times!"

"Only those who know the times can live longer. This slime family is also quite pitiful. Why does the Interstellar Alliance still discriminate against races?" Makabaka muttered.

Xingchen has put his two Tang swords back to his waist and is watching BT-010 collect information with his arms crossed.

"This technology is really awesome. It can really call out the image information stored in brain cells?"

Secret begging came over.

BT-010 replied: "Technological progress is in all aspects. After the Zerg threat was gone, the Interstellar Alliance no longer obsessed with the evolution of weapons."

While collecting information about the Squid Pirates, BT-010 recalled the things he discovered after he was created and connected his brain-computer to the Star Network.

After the human race's power was greatly reduced, the powerful races among the myriad races all got a share.

Among them are all aspects of technology.

The human race is not the most enjoyable race among all the races, but they are the most technologically advanced race among all the races, and they will not limit their technology to weapons.

So after the war between the human race and the Zerg, the Interstellar Alliance suddenly had a lot of various technologies.

Including the memory extraction technology they are using now.

As the former head of state who had seen it in the Star Network Intranet said.

The most powerful thing about the human race is their brain.

Such a race is very scary.

Fortunately, they are not immortal.

What's better is that they always think they have an obligation to sacrifice for their descendants.

For the future of the human race, they fight the Zerg.

Sometimes BT-010 can't understand why the myriad races will share the resources of the human race after receiving the favor of the human race.

Now seeing this slime, BT-010 understands a little bit.

The human race always sympathizes with the weaker races.

But these weak races will only bow down when the human race is strong.

When they become strong, they will plunder.

BT-010 planned to help Xingchen get rid of the slime after extracting the memory.

At this moment, the little mermaid woke up in Clarkla's arms.

He opened his eyes and saw four huge mechas standing beside him.

He was held by Clarkla, and not far away, his enemy, the slime pirate, had his head pulled off and connected to the mecha.

He was excited, "I'm going to kill you!"

Clarkla helped and picked up the mermaid child.

"Don't make trouble."

The movement of the little mermaid also attracted the attention of several other players.

Begging in secret: "Wow, brother, you kidnapped a child?"

Makabaka: "Is this the mermaid kid you met before?"

Oil Thief: "Tsk tsk tsk, I'm telling you, when you play games, if you don't shoot the weak, are you waiting for him to cheat you?"

As a veteran player, when she saw the information brought back by other players, Oil Thief knew that this kid was definitely a spy.

Hearing what Oil Thief said.

The little mermaid trembled all over, and looked at Oil Thief with fear in his eyes.

He shrank behind Clarkla, and couldn't help looking at the slime not far away with resentment.

Clarkla rubbed the little mermaid's head: "There's nothing I can do. This child is also very pitiful. Anyway, it's an exploration game. It's good for me to take him home and raise him. He has no other relatives."

"Good uncle, can you help me kill it?" The little mermaid hugged Clarkla's legs and pointed at the slime not far away.

Just now, those pirates were also ready to attack the good uncle.

He will definitely help me kill those pirates.


The little mermaid's eyes were full of tears, and she looked at Clarkla, who looked so pitiful.

Xingchen cast a look.

Clarkla opened his mouth, and then closed it again.

"Emmmm, you should do it yourself for revenge. That guy has been spotted by our boss."

The little mermaid was stunned.

He looked at the players around him blankly.

Aren't they friends of the good uncle?

"If you have the ability, you can take revenge yourself."

Clarkla instigated: "Do you want to become a gene warrior too?"

"I will take you back to the planet where I live. You will help me work at that time. I will get you the gene unlocking potion. When your level is higher than his, you can kill him!"


Directly recruit a child laborer.

"Can I do it too?" The little mermaid didn't understand why the good uncle would rather provide him with gene potions than help him kill the slime.

Xingchen retracted his gaze.

She liked this slime very much, since he was already hugging his thigh and begging for mercy.

Then she would take it home and raise it as a pet.

She could also help dig and earn some gold coins.

"If you don't interfere in the affairs between pets, I won't interfere, understand?" Xingchen said.

The oil thief hissed, "Damn, Xingchen actually talked so much today!"

Begging in secret: "It seems that he really likes this slime."

"It's not just liking, didn't you hear Xingchen say it's a pet?" The oil thief said, "Xingchen is planning to take that guy back to the base to raise it like Kuala Lala."

"Damn it, this Xingchen is smart, I also want to catch a pet, if he goes back to help me mine, I can spare time to cut trees, so I can get two shares of money!"

Kala Lala: "Boss is tough, but boss, what's the point of raising this guy? If you take it back, what if it's at a higher level and it turns around to cause damage?"

"To raise it, you have to defeat it first." Xingchen said coldly, glancing at the shivering slime, "If it backfires, it's my fault."

The players chattered.

They didn't notice the shock in BT-010's eyes at all.

Pets, you have to defeat them before raising them?

If it backfires, it's her fault?

Humans, have you always thought this way?

They didn't care at all that the Myriad Races robbed their technological products.

Even the master didn't complain to them that those things were taken away by the Myriad Races.

On the contrary, he said before that the Myriad Races were really useless over the years, and their technological progress was as slow as a snail.

They really didn't care about the resources that were taken away.

Instead, they disliked that they were progressing too slowly.

So it turned out.

It's all because...

Have humans never considered other races in the myriad races as races of equal status?

The more BT-010 thought about it, the more he felt that it was right.

After all.

Even the so-called strongest single Protoss used technology after that war.

You know, in the past, except for the technology of gene unlocking, those immortal species were completely disdainful of these external means.

[Download completed]

A prompt sounded.

BT-010 retracted his thoughts and packaged all the data and sent it to the database of the snowing.

"Dark Begging Team, I have received the information you sent."

The voice of the snowing appeared in the ears of the players.

"The warship is moving forward. The Lord has set off in advance in Moyun. You only need to wait for a few minutes and the Lord will arrive."

"After the Lord arrives, you will follow the Lord to the enemy's interior. After the Lord takes action, go to the coordinates I gave you and rescue BT-007."

Secretly begging: "Received!"

Xingchen: "Received!"

Oil-stealing woman: "Received!"

Macabaca: "Received!"

Klakla: "Commander-in-chief, what should I do?"

"BT-009 was sent back to the base for maintenance and cannot return normally. You just wait here. After the main force arrives, you can find a pilot warship to go on."

Klakla: "Yes!"

It just so happened that he was watching the little mermaid in the same place.

The child was still looking at the slime not far away viciously.

Klakla could understand the little mermaid's thoughts.

After all, his sister was eaten and he was deceived again.

It is right to hate these enemies.

But Kelakla would not help him to avenge in a fit of anger.

This is a game.

He couldn't possibly offend the Star Boss for a rescued mermaid child.

Even if it wasn't a game.

In Kelala's opinion, the child was pitiful, but at least he survived.

As for the sister who was eaten, is there any difference between that and other fish that were eaten in the sea?

BT-010 glanced at Kelala.

When the players watched the live video posted by Kelala at that time, the mechas linked to them could also see it.

Originally, he thought Kelala would sympathize with him because he was saved by this little mermaid.

Unexpectedly, although Kelala rescued the little mermaid from the pirates, he had no intention of helping him to avenge.

For so many years, the mechas have only seen Wei Yuan, a human.

So they have always been curious about what the master's people would look like.

Now after contact, the mechas are even more confused.

Sympathy is overflowing, but it seems that there is not so much sympathy.

And it is also very bad taste.

Being able to lick the master while being able to talk to the master on an equal footing.

When faced with a little threat, they immediately give in, but when faced with a life-threatening situation, they will just go and die.

Too complicated.

Too complicated!

Humans are really not that easy to study, they are really too complicated.

BT-010 shook his head and retracted the data interface.

"Iron Pilot, what are you going to do with your pet?"

Xingchen glanced at the slime who had retracted his head and then crawled on the ground.

"When the lord comes later, I will give you the level 5 gene unlocking potion."

"But you have to do a favor first and be a guide."

Slime looked at Xingchen blankly.

What is a guide?

"Oil thief, explain to him." Xingchen pointed at the oil thief.

The oil thief rolled her eyes.

This Xingchen is getting more and more pretentious in the game, this boss style...

Damn it.

Do I really want to be a lackey?

The oil thief cursed secretly, and then walked to Xingchen's side like a lackey: "The guide is, you go over and tell your friends that you caught a few of us, and then take us into your inner circle openly, understand?"

Slime's brain was not very bright.

The long paragraph of the oil thief made him confused.

"How can I catch you!"

The oil-stealing woman rubbed her chin back and forth with her hands: "Good fellow, I was worried that you would betray me before, but now it seems that your IQ is not enough!"

"Listen, you just say what I tell you to say later." The oil-stealing woman got a rope over.

The players had just made arrangements.

A gust of wind blew, and the extremely handsome Mo Yun fell from the sky.

Mo Yun's speed was extremely fast.

He didn't even leave a trace in the air, and appeared next to the players.

"Fuck, so handsome!"

"I saw Brother Yuan driving a mecha again, it was really cool."

"Can I see Brother Yuan take action today? So excited."

Countless voices came from Xingchen's headsets.

Although it was a public microphone for tens of thousands of people, it was not noisy at all when everyone was talking.

Mo Yun's cockpit was half open, and Wei Yuan half of his body was exposed.

Wei Yuan said: "Get ready to go."

The oil-stealing woman raised her hand.

"Wait a minute, Brother Yuan, we have traitors here, we have traitors here!" Wei Yuan was stunned for a moment. He asked a big question in his heart: "Ah?" What is this guy going to do? What traitor? Wei Yuan looked down and saw the oil thief excitedly telling his plan. "Brother Yuan, let's let this slime take us into the enemy's interior. I have discovered that these pirates probably can't recruit any decent people. They recruit some gene warriors with poor brains as cannon fodder." "After we follow the slime into the enemy's interior, we will make a feint to the east and attack the west, jump left and right, and turn the world upside down!" Macabaka: "Have you read the idiom book?" "Go away, doesn't it make you look more cultured to say this?" The oil thief laughed, showing a mouthful of big white teeth. "It seems, it's okay." Wei Yuan nodded. For him, it actually makes no difference. Just rush over, and after a massive bombardment, those high-level gene warriors will have to come out to fight. But if that's the case, it certainly wouldn't be as fun as the oil-stealing woman said.

Wei Yuan didn't notice.

The original source of infection of the fun people was right in front of him, and at this time, it had already begun to contaminate him.

"Okay, let's go!"

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